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Date: Jan 8, 2010
finally friday chat

Good morning!

What's on your schedule for today?



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Date: Jan 8, 2010

I did a bunch of huge projects yesterday - cleaning out (and scrubbing down) the fridge, reorganizing the pantry (which was a HUGE mess) and emptying out a desk, and taking it from our dining room to Hannah's room.

Today, eventhough I'm majorly lacking in energy (and have already went through a ton of coffee) I need to deal with the aftermath of those projects. Yes, the 3 of them were horrid messes, but they were contained. Now the rest of my house is trashed, and Joe's family is supposed to be coming over to bring us a bar that has been in the family for forever. His gpa built it out of the wood from his gpa's barn, so the wood is like 100 years old, and his gpa built it 40ish years ago. It's where I hid when I went to Joe's grandparents for the first time and got so nervous that I thought I was going to puke, and Joe and his cousins used to sit down in the basement and make each mixed drinks (out of different sodas, no alcohol, lol) when they were little. Anyways, I'm really excited to get it, but it's been a HUGE pita trying to figure out where it's going to go (and as it stands now, I'm not even sure that it's going to fit where we are carving out space.)

-- Edited by Cuppycake on Friday 8th of January 2010 08:39:02 AM



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Date: Jan 8, 2010

Good job Leah!

My only triumph for yesterday was getting new hooks in the closet so 1. Carter has a place for his coats and 2. Coats hung up will actually stay that way.

Today I brought Braydon to school in my pj's. Go me!! So now I need to get us girls ready to go and bring in my old computer to get it fixed so the kids will leave mine alone! I'm going to pick up my nieces on my way home. Then I should try and get some laundry done. There are mountains once again. Ugh!



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Date: Jan 8, 2010

good morning. I am waiting for the doctor's office to open so i can get the boys in. Gavin has croup (I know, big surprise) and Owen has a cold. But I just want to check his ears because he tends to get EI when he gets sick.

My sister is staying with them this morning while I go to work but I will have the afternoon off to take them in. Fun times. :)



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Date: Jan 8, 2010

Good morning, friends.

Josie started her first full day of Rompers today. She's such a big girl. She adjusts so well to these things. The other kids are a bit put off and Jo's ready to roll. She's ready to start bossing a whole new set of friends around.



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Date: Jan 8, 2010

today I hope to feel better. I feel like crap. Its probably because I havent been eating right now that dh works nights. All I do is eat junk and make the kids sandwiches.

I have to go grocery shopping cuz Im out of milk and running out of diapers. 2 in the same size have us going through them often.

And Im making dh do our taxes today. Other than that I hope to do nothing



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Date: Jan 8, 2010

Good morning!

It is still a snow covered prairie land out there.  I thought maybe we would have a snow day, but should have known better since E was still sleeping when we were all ready late getting up.  She is about a half hour late getting to school today, but at least she went.  She wanted to go and she is much happier that way.

If it clears up enough, I may venture out later today.  I also need to get some things around for our quick trip to Cincinnati this weekend.  All of these things will help me greatly in avoiding the cleaning I don't want to do here. lmao.gif

Leah, you are the organizing queen.  I find it is so easy to organize other people's things, but when it comes to my own it's a different story.

Sonya clap.gif for Jo!  She is such a great little girl. heart.gif

Tracy I hope you are feeling better.

Juni, I hope your boys are on the mend and no ear infections.

Stacey I feel for you on the laundry.  I have a basket with things in it that need some sort of special thing done to them.  I keep saying I will do it when I am caught up on laundry.  At this rate, Elizabeth will have had children before I get to it. giggle.gif

-- Edited by happylib on Friday 8th of January 2010 09:33:24 AM

-- Edited by happylib on Friday 8th of January 2010 09:33:50 AM


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Date: Jan 8, 2010

I have to finish cleaning my bathroom that I've been putting off all week. I also have to grade papers and bake a cake for a funeral tomorrow. All in all, not the nice relaxing Friday that I'd like. Sigh.



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Date: Jan 8, 2010

Juni, I hope the boys are feeling better soon.

Stacey, if I had a quarter everytime I took Hannah into school in her pjs, I'd have enough money for really fancy pj's to keep taking her to school in, lmao.

Tracy, I hope you feel better soon!

Sonya, Josie cracks me up. I read what you said about her having a new bunch to boss around, and immediately looked at her last picture in your sig. They went perfectly together, lol. Love, love, love her.

Libby, please, please, please be careful this weekend. I'm sure Cincy's a little more on it than we are, but it's crazy over here on anything that isn't a major road.

Only a moron would have said I did too many projects yesterday and need to clean them up, and instead would go pull out everything from one of the kitchen cabinets and reorganize it. You know, because I don't have enough shiz out everywhere. Argh.



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Date: Jan 8, 2010


We actually have a pretty full day planned. This morning I have been working on finding a guy to come plow for us. We found someone who came Christmas Eve night, but I lost his number and can't find it anywhere. So it's back to square one.

We are also working on cleaning the house (George volunteered to do floors-he's clever, since he knows I will have to finish everything else before he can do them, and seeing as how we are leaving at noon and I'm currently sitting on the computer, it prolly won't happen).

We have an appt at 1 at the fitness center at his work to meet with a trainer for our orientation. I will be meeting with him once a week for the foreseeable future-should be fun! One top of meeting with a dietician each week, I will be spending a lot of time over at my hubby's place of employment, lol!



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Date: Jan 8, 2010

3s_a_crowd wrote:

today I hope to feel better. I feel like crap. Its probably because I havent been eating right now that dh works nights. All I do is eat junk and make the kids sandwiches.

I have to go grocery shopping cuz Im out of milk and running out of diapers. 2 in the same size have us going through them often.

And Im making dh do our taxes today. Other than that I hope to do nothing

Sorry you feel craptastic-hope you feel better soon!

Oooh, tax time! I am anxiously awaiting all of our papers so we can get ours filed. I love putting that behind me every year.




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Date: Jan 8, 2010

Cuppycake wrote:

I did a bunch of huge projects yesterday - cleaning out (and scrubbing down) the fridge, reorganizing the pantry (which was a HUGE mess) and emptying out a desk, and taking it from our dining room to Hannah's room.

Today, eventhough I'm majorly lacking in energy (and have already went through a ton of coffee) I need to deal with the aftermath of those projects. Yes, the 3 of them were horrid messes, but they were contained. Now the rest of my house is trashed, and Joe's family is supposed to be coming over to bring us a bar that has been in the family for forever. His gpa built it out of the wood from his gpa's barn, so the wood is like 100 years old, and his gpa built it 40ish years ago. It's where I hid when I went to Joe's grandparents for the first time and got so nervous that I thought I was going to puke, and Joe and his cousins used to sit down in the basement and make each mixed drinks (out of different sodas, no alcohol, lol) when they were little. Anyways, I'm really excited to get it, but it's been a HUGE pita trying to figure out where it's going to go (and as it stands now, I'm not even sure that it's going to fit where we are carving out space.)

-- Edited by Cuppycake on Friday 8th of January 2010 08:39:02 AM

I love days like that, where I'm super productive and organize things.

I also HATE the following days, when I'm left with the aftermath.

Good luck!



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Date: Jan 8, 2010

morning everyone

today i've been to the walgreens clinic to get meds for my damn cold sore, which i'm praying will work ASAP

now i'm at work, but my tummy is turning and i'm afraid i may have the stomach bug that marc just got over

planning to go home at lunch and nap and see if that helps things

if i'm feeling well i hope to go for a run tonight, and then work on making a few things on the cricut for my nephews bday party on sunday


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Date: Jan 8, 2010

Juni wrote:

good morning. I am waiting for the doctor's office to open so i can get the boys in. Gavin has croup (I know, big surprise) and Owen has a cold. But I just want to check his ears because he tends to get EI when he gets sick.

My sister is staying with them this morning while I go to work but I will have the afternoon off to take them in. Fun times. :)

 oh man, poor Gavin and poor mommy

he just can't catch a croupy break



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Date: Jan 8, 2010

Sonya wrote:

Good morning, friends.

Josie started her first full day of Rompers today. She's such a big girl. She adjusts so well to these things. The other kids are a bit put off and Jo's ready to roll. She's ready to start bossing a whole new set of friends around.

 LOL, go girl!



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Date: Jan 8, 2010

Juni wrote:

good morning. I am waiting for the doctor's office to open so i can get the boys in. Gavin has croup (I know, big surprise) and Owen has a cold. But I just want to check his ears because he tends to get EI when he gets sick.

My sister is staying with them this morning while I go to work but I will have the afternoon off to take them in. Fun times. :)

 Ugh, that stinks! Do they have any idea as to why he's so predisposed to getting that? Poor baby (and mommy).



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Date: Jan 8, 2010

Morning everyone.

Just dropping in for a short sec to say hi.

Back is out and I am grumpy in pain. I am at work, but leaving shortly and then going to get some muscle relaxers. I can no longer take it. I am caving in. I also have a chiro apt, but not telling her that I am going to drugs, shhh.

Finally got some snow here, but not a lot. Maybe 5 inches at best and schools are on. I want a big snow storm. I am sure it will happen on a weekend.

Nothing majored going on this weekend. I doubt I will be doing much. Allie cannot wait to go sledding, but Daddy is going to have to do that with her. I want to get Mia out too. She has never been in snow to play. She will be a trip to watch.



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Date: Jan 8, 2010

CoffeeQueen wrote:

Morning everyone.

Just dropping in for a short sec to say hi.

Back is out and I am grumpy in pain. I am at work, but leaving shortly and then going to get some muscle relaxers. I can no longer take it. I am caving in. I also have a chiro apt, but not telling her that I am going to drugs, shhh.

Finally got some snow here, but not a lot. Maybe 5 inches at best and schools are on. I want a big snow storm. I am sure it will happen on a weekend.

Nothing majored going on this weekend. I doubt I will be doing much. Allie cannot wait to go sledding, but Daddy is going to have to do that with her. I want to get Mia out too. She has never been in snow to play. She will be a trip to watch.

Ugh, that sucks.

Question: are you sure the problem is a pinched nerve? I have had my back seize up, where any movement makes the muscle spasm. It's a super sharp, constant, take-your-breath-away pain.

My dr told me the only real way to relieve that is through muscle relaxers, which stops the spasm. So don't feel bad! It will REALLY help (though mine knocked me the heck out!)

I really hope you get some relief soon!




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Date: Jan 8, 2010

nothing planned other than to stay warm. i did take apart my dyson and cleaned it the filter nearly disengrated, guess it is time for a new one.

leah - ygg with all those big projects lately

tracy - hope you get eating a bit better and that helps with the way you are feeling.

sonya - go josie! what a big girl

juni - ugh, you cannot catch a break with that darn croup

d - hope the meds clear up your sore.

melissa - are you going to go to the doc for your back? sounds awful!

i know i forgot some things..sorry.

bryce had another snow day so he is home.

the cravings this pregnancy are insane, i see something i instantly want it. a good thing for my figure usually i do not get it but man does it sound good.

peanut butter coldstone ice cream is the one i cannot get out of my head. i know my body is thanking me for not being able to have it daily..lmao



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Date: Jan 8, 2010

Today i'm the lone ranger.

Kent started feeling bad at work last night. No vomiting or stomach symptoms, more massive body aches and chills. Sigh. Hannah is back asleep in her bed so i'm not sure how she is feeling. Kent said she ate a waffle this morning but then said her tummy hurt so we shall see. She has not thrown up since she did at school yesterday. No diarrhea for anyone, it's kind of a variating bug. Bryson seems better. Waffle and jello for breakfast and lots of water. I'm just waiting for my turn :( Hoping it waits for Kent to get better LOL!

So today will be taking care of all of them, continuing to chlorox wipe all surfaces and just laying low.


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