Ack! So, since Rhys was born, I have had the worst acne. All on my chin area. Im super stressed from work, Rhys is still not sleeping great (but it is getting better!) so I know those contribute, but Im wondering what else to try. I have also been on a Mirena since after Rhys (as opposed to BCP which I had been on since I was 17 before). Should I go back to BCP? I never really struggled with acne as a teen/young adult, except for here and there. Im at a loss. Any ideas or suggestions for how to deal? I guess I should go to a derm, but, Im also wondering if I should go to my PCP first?
BCP will clear it up within the first cycle for sure. you have to decide though if you really want to be on the pill. a derm will prob prescribe antibiotics. i've been on that for acne, and it works, but sometimes you have to go through several to find a good fit, whereas with BCP, the prob was knocked out in no time flat. i'm off the pill this month after a 6 mo. stint of being back on, and i'm FULLY expecting breakouts - UG.
It isn't a total solution at all, but I have always been prone to breakouts and I find if I really up my water intake it helps my skin too. I can always tell when I am slipping in this area because it shows in my skin.