by the way, i totally used the sleep sack for a LONG time with both kids. i really dont remember exactly when they used blankets - i had forgotten about the sleepsack stage (how ADORABLE do babies look in sleepsacks? i cant take it!)
maybe i will buy a sleep sack a size up for keegan then. he has been my only one to sleep in a sleep sack and he loves it about as much as he loved his woombie while swaddling.
i'd stretch the stage out as long as possible - i swear i MELT when i see a baby in a sleepsack. my kids had a blue one (they were out of pink i remember, but i preferred the blue anyway) and i can just remember them looking SO CUTE - we had so few blue articles of clothing in this house, so the image is a real stand-out in my memory. i love how teh arms look in the snug sleeper under there - i think i'm about to get preg just thinking about it.
by the way, i totally used the sleep sack for a LONG time with both kids. i really dont remember exactly when they used blankets - i had forgotten about the sleepsack stage (how ADORABLE do babies look in sleepsacks? i cant take it!)
maybe i will buy a sleep sack a size up for keegan then. he has been my only one to sleep in a sleep sack and he loves it about as much as he loved his woombie while swaddling.
i'd stretch the stage out as long as possible - i swear i MELT when i see a baby in a sleepsack. my kids had a blue one (they were out of pink i remember, but i preferred the blue anyway) and i can just remember them looking SO CUTE - we had so few blue articles of clothing in this house, so the image is a real stand-out in my memory. i love how teh arms look in the snug sleeper under there - i think i'm about to get preg just thinking about it.
you totally should have another. my baby #3 was W.A.Y. easier than my #2. just sayin...
Oh yeah - another thing - when I did use a blanket and they were on the younger side I always used a crocheted one that had pretty big holes in it so I felt like it was safer even if it did get up on their faces. :dunno:
I swaddled both of mine until around 6 months, and then we used a light blanket. Aubrey more so used hers to love on, and Austin ended up doing the same. For the most part what I put them in to sleep (footed PJs) was enough to keep them cozy at night. But for me a blanket was ok once they could roll over and lift their heads up to move out of the way (5 mos or so.)