Well my week usually looks something like this....(I usually don't engage the kids to play with me unless I'm asked.)
Mondays--Up and get breakfast. Drive Braydon to school. Home again to get some house work done while Carter and Kaylin just play, play, play or watch a little tv. We eat lunch then take Kaylin to school. Home for Carter's nap then wake him up to pick up Braydon and Kaylin from school. After school the kids just play independently or with each other or neighbors until dinner.
Tuesdays--Breakfast and get Braydon out the door. I work out at 9. My SIL has been taking the little kids this at 11:30 so I can run errands and do the cold calling for our business. I have to be home by 4 to meet Braydon and then we go and pick up the others.
Wednesdays--Up and get breakfast. Drive Braydon to school. Go home for 30 minutes before we head to the gym. Then home for about an hour of playtime before lunch. Then Kaylin to school. Carter takes a nap. Wake him to pick up B & K from school. We have an hour until Braydon has to be at Faith Formation, so typically it's play/tv time.
Thursdays--Breakfast and get Braydon out the door. I work out at 9. Then the kids and I run errands until my nieces come at 11:30. My oldest niece is about Kaylin's age so I hardly see them all day. Avery is just 6 months so I try and get her and Carter to sleep and do some laundry.
Fridays--Up and breakfast. Drive Braydon to school and go straight to the gym. Then we either go home and babysit for the Moms who volunteer at school, or I drop off K and C and go volunteer at school. This takes 2 hours. Then it's lunch and nap time for Carter. Kaylin usually plays with one of the neighbor girls in the afternoon.
Mark gets home some time between 4:30-6. We eat dinner at 6:30. Then it's either play with Daddy, family board games, or bath time. Then stories and bed!!
I don't do a lot of academic things with the kids. I have workbooks and an art cabinet that are used on an almost daily basis. We do play a lot of quiz/question games while we're in the car. They honestly learn more from watching Leap Frog videos than I could ever imagine. I'm happy to play games, trains or catch when I'm asked, but I think it's a blessing for the kids and for me that they can play independently.