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Date: Jan 4, 2010
RE: Monday Chat

I am still sick...and this started before christmas :Ugh I missed new years anniversary w/ don and we were both sick. I am hoping that we can make up for it by our wedding anniversary in March :fingerscrossed



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Date: Jan 4, 2010

kris wrote:

so glad to see the levels up sara!

and you guys almost have me convinced to try Aldi.  I have a fear of that store for some reason.  I have an overall fear of generic products as a whole -  I will get some WalMart brand (like their salsa which is awesome) but as a rule I never buy generic.  I think I have a phobia or something!

thanks girls and amber i will be waiting for it to hit


seriously kris, try it you have nothing to lose aldi had a guarantee and you can return it if you do not like it.

of course i buy generic in anything i can get my hands on.  very few things have i tried i do not like and if i do not i go back to name brand.

my exceptions are...

jif peanut butter
heinz ketchup
regular honey nut cheerios..i did try aldi's they were good just had a different texture than the general mills ones, every other cereal i will eat aldi brand or malt o meal though.
charmin toilet paper (though i could be convinced to try something else here)




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Date: Jan 4, 2010

Picture-Perfect wrote:

kris wrote:


Picture-Perfect wrote:

I have a little headache. I think it's stress. I just realized i'm a little short for rent. Yes it's probably my fault but that doesn't help me get the rest together in 2 days LOL. Oh well it will work out it always does. I have got to, got to, got to make a budget like now and STICK to it!

I'm so glad tomorrow is my Friday. I'm kind of sick of work, these days have dragged by more so then usual it seems.

I'm sorry Amber cry


Thanks Kris. It's just been rough since the kids got so sick at the end of October, I put WAY more out then I have in a long time for the copays and medicine costs with all their sicknesses. They are just now finally completely healthy at least for the moment. It was one thing after another with both of them and it probably cost me close to $600 outside of insurance. Things should hopefully settle down this month.


oh gosh, amber....that is alot of copays!  :prayers that everyone stays healthy!!




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Date: Jan 4, 2010

Picture-Perfect wrote:

I have a little headache. I think it's stress. I just realized i'm a little short for rent. Yes it's probably my fault but that doesn't help me get the rest together in 2 days LOL. Oh well it will work out it always does. I have got to, got to, got to make a budget like now and STICK to it!

I'm so glad tomorrow is my Friday. I'm kind of sick of work, these days have dragged by more so then usual it seems.

*hugs* Amber



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Date: Jan 4, 2010

Sara wrote:


Toni wrote:


Sara wrote:

i had to go have bloodwork done to check my progesterone level and how it is doing.

i am going crazy waiting for them to call back. last week they called by 130 it is 230 today and still nothing. of course it was crazy busy in there this morning...

Any word back yet? How are you feeling overall? I'm so excited by all of the babies coming our way this year!


just came to post.  my level is 20.3  they like it above 15 and last monday it was 14.1 so it is doing good.


of course now i am playing the with keegan it was 14.5 and then when retested a week later up to 25.9. i was kind of hoping for the same amount of jump but i do know my level is good.

i am doing good. exhausted and have been taking lots of naps. john actually was laughing at me the other day because all i do is yawn and lay around like a


Yay for good healthy numbers!!! That's a great jump!



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Date: Jan 4, 2010

Lizzy wrote:

I am still sick...and this started before christmas :Ugh I missed new years anniversary w/ don and we were both sick. I am hoping that we can make up for it by our wedding anniversary in March :fingerscrossed

yikes! are you on any medicine?

hope you get to feeling better.



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Date: Jan 4, 2010

kris....I am so impressed with you making a price list! that is awesome to do...I really need to get more organized with the couponing and a price list is something I should do but am too lazy :bag



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Date: Jan 4, 2010

Sara wrote:

Lizzy wrote:

I am still sick...and this started before christmas :Ugh I missed new years anniversary w/ don and we were both sick. I am hoping that we can make up for it by our wedding anniversary in March :fingerscrossed

yikes! are you on any medicine?

hope you get to feeling better.

no...I never went to the doctor.  my throat was really sore but now it is much much better but I am still congested.  I am pretty sure I am over the worst of it though.  The "funniest" part was my appetite...I was soooo hungry that it felt like I was pregnant.  Thankfully, my appetite is back to normal now!




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Date: Jan 4, 2010

Sara wrote:


kris wrote:

so glad to see the levels up sara!

and you guys almost have me convinced to try Aldi.  I have a fear of that store for some reason.  I have an overall fear of generic products as a whole -  I will get some WalMart brand (like their salsa which is awesome) but as a rule I never buy generic.  I think I have a phobia or something!

thanks girls and amber i will be waiting for it to hit


seriously kris, try it you have nothing to lose aldi had a guarantee and you can return it if you do not like it.

of course i buy generic in anything i can get my hands on.  very few things have i tried i do not like and if i do not i go back to name brand.

my exceptions are...

jif peanut butter
heinz ketchup
regular honey nut cheerios..i did try aldi's they were good just had a different texture than the general mills ones, every other cereal i will eat aldi brand or malt o meal though.
charmin toilet paper (though i could be convinced to try something else here)



I'm going next week.

heinz is a big deal for me - I will not eat any other brand unless forced!  and we are ketchup hounds in this house!




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Date: Jan 4, 2010

oh and I'm still finding Catcher in the Rye freaking hysterical.

Is there something wrong with me?

I'm on Chapter 8.  He just told that lady on the train he was the janitor and that her son was shy, etc.  He told her he got hit by a snowball and I almost peed my effing pants.  My DH thinks I'm crazy!

But I am still not sure where this book is going.



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Date: Jan 4, 2010

Sara, that's good news!! Still praying for you girl!



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Date: Jan 4, 2010

Picture-Perfect wrote:

kris wrote:


Picture-Perfect wrote:

I have a little headache. I think it's stress. I just realized i'm a little short for rent. Yes it's probably my fault but that doesn't help me get the rest together in 2 days LOL. Oh well it will work out it always does. I have got to, got to, got to make a budget like now and STICK to it!

I'm so glad tomorrow is my Friday. I'm kind of sick of work, these days have dragged by more so then usual it seems.

I'm sorry Amber cry


Thanks Kris. It's just been rough since the kids got so sick at the end of October, I put WAY more out then I have in a long time for the copays and medicine costs with all their sicknesses. They are just now finally completely healthy at least for the moment. It was one thing after another with both of them and it probably cost me close to $600 outside of insurance. Things should hopefully settle down this month.


I'm sorry, that is just the worst feeling. I hope something works out, and you don't end up short.

Hope you are all feeling better soon!




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Date: Jan 4, 2010

Picture-Perfect wrote:

kris wrote:


Picture-Perfect wrote:

Kris how's the fam? I hope that awful sickness has left your house!

everyone seems better.

DS1 never got sick.

My stomach still feels a bit queasy and Jake hasn't been eating much saying his stomach hurts but he hasn't gotten sick since Saturday.  It was only vomitting - no fever or any other symptom.  I'm glad it's gone!!!

thanks for asking heart.gif

I am so glad! That is the worst sickness. Bummer that it's still lingering a bit but hopefully it will be all gone soon! Lucky DS1! I'm never that lucky LOL!


We had the exact same thing here last week. It hit poor Juliette during her Christmas show; she ended up throwing up during the performance (though what a champ; she held the barf until we could get her to the bathroom!)

One good thing about it; it reminded me how sick I felt while I was preggo, and definitely reinforced that I don't have the time/money/energy for another baby right now!




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Posts: 676
Date: Jan 4, 2010

Sara wrote:

kris wrote:

so glad to see the levels up sara!

and you guys almost have me convinced to try Aldi.  I have a fear of that store for some reason.  I have an overall fear of generic products as a whole -  I will get some WalMart brand (like their salsa which is awesome) but as a rule I never buy generic.  I think I have a phobia or something!

seriously kris, try it you have nothing to lose aldi had a guarantee and you can return it if you do not like it.

of course i buy generic in anything i can get my hands on.  very few things have i tried i do not like and if i do not i go back to name brand.

my exceptions are...

jif peanut butter
heinz ketchup
regular honey nut cheerios..i did try aldi's they were good just had a different texture than the general mills ones, every other cereal i will eat aldi brand or malt o meal though.
charmin toilet paper (though i could be convinced to try something else here)


Oooh, have you seen their new TP? I think they compare it to Charmin. We bought some last week, and I'm totally hooked!

And btw, most of the items they carry are actually name brand products repackaged in different packaging. In Wisc, the milk is processed in the same location as Dean, and I know that Kraft is a big supplier. They save money by not advertising, and they don't have characters and frills like that.

I actually prefer Aldi food to pretty much any generic. That's why it's cheaper for me to shop there; I don't buy generic at Walmart. It's just so lovely, looking at a receipt that has so many things for under $1, and almost nothing above $2.

Oh, I don't really like their chili beans, either. Random, I know!




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Date: Jan 4, 2010

Toni wrote:

Sara wrote:


kris wrote:

so glad to see the levels up sara!

and you guys almost have me convinced to try Aldi.  I have a fear of that store for some reason.  I have an overall fear of generic products as a whole -  I will get some WalMart brand (like their salsa which is awesome) but as a rule I never buy generic.  I think I have a phobia or something!

seriously kris, try it you have nothing to lose aldi had a guarantee and you can return it if you do not like it.

of course i buy generic in anything i can get my hands on.  very few things have i tried i do not like and if i do not i go back to name brand.

my exceptions are...

jif peanut butter
heinz ketchup
regular honey nut cheerios..i did try aldi's they were good just had a different texture than the general mills ones, every other cereal i will eat aldi brand or malt o meal though.
charmin toilet paper (though i could be convinced to try something else here)


Oooh, have you seen their new TP? I think they compare it to Charmin. We bought some last week, and I'm totally hooked!

And btw, most of the items they carry are actually name brand products repackaged in different packaging. In Wisc, the milk is processed in the same location as Dean, and I know that Kraft is a big supplier. They save money by not advertising, and they don't have characters and frills like that.

I actually prefer Aldi food to pretty much any generic. That's why it's cheaper for me to shop there; I don't buy generic at Walmart. It's just so lovely, looking at a receipt that has so many things for under $1, and almost nothing above $2.

Oh, I don't really like their chili beans, either. Random, I know!


will have to try the toilet paper.

i have not bought their chili beans. i have bought their red beans and put it in my taco soup before and it was fine.



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Date: Jan 4, 2010

I do 99.9% of my food shopping(not including angel food) at walmart. Kroger and Save a Lot are my only other food choices close by. I only go to Kroger if I need something Walmart doesn't have(oat flour, use to get goat's milk there). I don't coupon at all.

ETA I meant to qoute Kris.

-- Edited by Alicia on Monday 4th of January 2010 05:03:24 PM



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Posts: 662
Date: Jan 4, 2010

kris wrote:

so glad to see the levels up sara!

and you guys almost have me convinced to try Aldi.  I have a fear of that store for some reason.  I have an overall fear of generic products as a whole -  I will get some WalMart brand (like their salsa which is awesome) but as a rule I never buy generic.  I think I have a phobia or something!

We love Walmart's salsa too!  I'm going to try and make Aldi my go to store this year.  Now all I need to do is make sure I have a quarter on me for the carts and remember to bring my own bags.



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Posts: 6179
Date: Jan 4, 2010

Toni wrote:


Picture-Perfect wrote:


kris wrote:


Picture-Perfect wrote:

Kris how's the fam? I hope that awful sickness has left your house!

everyone seems better.

DS1 never got sick.

My stomach still feels a bit queasy and Jake hasn't been eating much saying his stomach hurts but he hasn't gotten sick since Saturday.  It was only vomitting - no fever or any other symptom.  I'm glad it's gone!!!

thanks for asking heart.gif

I am so glad! That is the worst sickness. Bummer that it's still lingering a bit but hopefully it will be all gone soon! Lucky DS1! I'm never that lucky LOL!


We had the exact same thing here last week. It hit poor Juliette during her Christmas show; she ended up throwing up during the performance (though what a champ; she held the barf until we could get her to the bathroom!)

One good thing about it; it reminded me how sick I felt while I was preggo, and definitely reinforced that I don't have the time/money/energy for another baby right now!



that is EXACTLY what it was like.

effing miserable.

So glad I will not experience pregnancy again due solely to that!!!!

I could never live 24 solid weeks puking 5x per day again.  ever.




Status: Offline
Posts: 676
Date: Jan 4, 2010

kris wrote:



that is EXACTLY what it was like.

effing miserable.

So glad I will not experience pregnancy again due solely to that!!!!

I could never live 24 solid weeks puking 5x per day again.  ever.


It's so funny; when DH was sick, he actually said to me at one point "I think this is what is must feel like to be dying. I really feel like I could die from this."

Holy drama queen; I was thinking, bitch, you weren't that damn sympathetic when I had that for 3 SOLID MONTHS! And he milked it waaaaaay longer than anyone else.

Crazy men.


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