So far this morning, 2010 is not off to a great start.
I keep spilling things, and in very dramatic fashion. Container of cinnamon sugar-on the floor. Shook the coffee creamer violently-top wasn't on it. Went to pour hot water in a cup for tea-missed the cup.
So I'm sitting here, with a burned hand and a shirt that stinks like hazelnut, wondering what my deal is.
I blame it on the Tanqueray from last night!
I know you may not think it is funny, but reading it gave me a chuckle.
I hate when things start off like that. My sister did that on Christmas morning. She went to shake the O.J. and the cap was not on all the way. It went all over her, my Mom's curtains, etc. IT was funny for us, but not her.
No worries, lol. I ended up just walking away, and half wiped up the creamer.
DH walked in, and there was cinnamon everywhere, and the cats and dog were going nuts licking the floor.
I still haven't changed my shirt, so ya, it's a pretty funny situation .
I wish for health for all of us. We are not doing so well in that department right now. Beyond that, for me personally I would like to be more efficient with my time management and organized. I am hoping by doing those things, some others will just naturally follow (like all these little projects I want to do, especially sewing again).
I also am wishing that my ds figures out what it is he wants to do and if he decides to go teach english somewhere in asia that it is only for a year and doesn't decide to live over there permanently. This whole set them free and let them spread their wings thing is not as easy as one would think. He's 22, but he is still my child. :sigh:
More than anything, I feel very blessed to have my family, a good marriage, friends, and am able to live comfortably for the most part. I hope I never lose sight of that.
I wish for health for all of us. We are not doing so well in that department right now. Beyond that, for me personally I would like to be more efficient with my time management and organized. I am hoping by doing those things, some others will just naturally follow (like all these little projects I want to do, especially sewing again).
I also am wishing that my ds figures out what it is he wants to do and if he decides to go teach english somewhere in asia that it is only for a year and doesn't decide to live over there permanently. This whole set them free and let them spread their wings thing is not as easy as one would think. He's 22, but he is still my child. :sigh:
More than anything, I feel very blessed to have my family, a good marriage, friends, and am able to live comfortably for the most part. I hope I never lose sight of that.
Libby, one of my RAs did this a year ago. He upped for a second year, but plans to return when the job market improves here. I know everyone is different, but he was one of the most immature people graduating college. He has grown, matured, and is so amazing to talk with now. He is in South Korea right now, and seems to love his adventure and the people he has met along the way.
I wish for health for all of us. We are not doing so well in that department right now. Beyond that, for me personally I would like to be more efficient with my time management and organized. I am hoping by doing those things, some others will just naturally follow (like all these little projects I want to do, especially sewing again).
I also am wishing that my ds figures out what it is he wants to do and if he decides to go teach english somewhere in asia that it is only for a year and doesn't decide to live over there permanently. This whole set them free and let them spread their wings thing is not as easy as one would think. He's 22, but he is still my child. :sigh:
More than anything, I feel very blessed to have my family, a good marriage, friends, and am able to live comfortably for the most part. I hope I never lose sight of that.
Libby, one of my RAs did this a year ago. He upped for a second year, but plans to return when the job market improves here. I know everyone is different, but he was one of the most immature people graduating college. He has grown, matured, and is so amazing to talk with now. He is in South Korea right now, and seems to love his adventure and the people he has met along the way.
This is so good to hear, especially since South Korea is his first choice. Although I think Rick has a good head on his shoulders, I don't think he has quite figured out what his passion work wise is. I actually think it might be good for him to do the program, but I am his mom and still worry.
A bit late to the daily today, as I'm just getting in from my sister's, lol. Oops.
Anyways, it should come as NO surprise that for 2010, the biggie is that I am hoping to God I get pregnant and have a happy, healthy baby this year. Also equally as nice... I'm hoping Joe gets a job where he is happy and appreciated, and making the money he deserves. Then I'd like to start making the appropriate steps to think about buying a new house.
That's a tall order for this year but this is probably the first time that I've felt really refreshed about the new leaf the new year is bringing.
i wish to deliver a healthy little baby later in the summer and that my husband may finally achieve getting the job he so wants and desires.
i wish all my friends and family happiness in all of their endeavors as well.
Sara, OMG, are you prego!??? I can't believe I didn't know that! I've been a little out of the loop lately, but just sent my payment to Damon to upgrade to premium membership - maybe you posted an announcement in one of the private forums or something? WOW, that is AWESOME! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!
In 2010 I'd like.... 1. to find my voice. 2. to learn to like someone I'd otherwise never think I'd like 3. to learn to like me the way that I look and be happy with it 4. to appreciate, appreciate, appreciate what I do have 5. Privacy 6. to learn to ask for help 7. For DH to just be able to find a job so that he'd actually have one to complain about.
i wish to deliver a healthy little baby later in the summer and that my husband may finally achieve getting the job he so wants and desires.
i wish all my friends and family happiness in all of their endeavors as well.
Sara, OMG, are you prego!??? I can't believe I didn't know that! I've been a little out of the loop lately, but just sent my payment to Damon to upgrade to premium membership - maybe you posted an announcement in one of the private forums or something? WOW, that is AWESOME! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!