I totally didn`t mean to wait this long to post.....(sorry to those not on facebook)but after delivery, finally getting settled at home and then the colic, thrush, being sick.....well you get the point.
Here are a few pics of Ella Ann from birth til now and her stats...
10-21-09 10:36 am 7lbs 6ozs 20in
I went to my doc. appt on the 20th and my bp was high so she checked me and I was already dialated to 3cm... so she sent me down to be admitted. Had contractions all night but didn`t get past 4cm. So the next morning the doc. broke my water at about 7:30ish... and well I had her just a few short hours later. Oh... did I mention that I did it without pain meds!!!!! yay me! lol
She is now up to 13lbs 5ozs and 23 1/4 in. as of yesterday!
First of all congrats on another beautiful little girl. I love her name as well. And wow and ouch on not using pain meds! You are a much, much tougher preggo than I ever was!!!
She is absolutely precious! I'm sorry you're dealing with colic (and everything else!!). Is the colic easing up any?
Thanks everyone.
Colic is 1 milliooooooooon times better since we put her on Nutramigen! We were dealing with thrush (bad bad thrush...thought my nips were going to fall off) sooo she is on that 100% now but we are almost done with that nasty stuff.....so......I plan on eliminating dairy and start working on my supply to hopefully be able to at least bf 50%.