My presents are not wrapped. Christmas this year is going to be a little different. My brother gets to come home for two days, so that will be good, but we also have the funeral of my aunt's boyfriend Christmas Eve morning. We always do Christmas eve at her house that night, so obviously we won't do that this year. I'm not sure what we're going to do that night.
What makes it so sad to me is that this is the aunt who lost her only son, you know Brandon, who I was so close to, and her and Roger (her b/f) had an on again off again relationship all this time, and they happened to be on the "off" time now. So she's got all this unfinished business
Good Morning! Jen, sorry for such a hard start to your Christmas.
Last night I wrapped the presents from the Big Guy, but still have to wrap all the rest of the presents for the kids and my parents.
I decided last minute to make Best Cousins shirts for Kaylin and Abby. I bought the Office Max transfers and they were CRAP! (I've done lots of others will good success.) So now I have two ruined shirts and time to go and get my money back is in short supply. Grrr!!!
I had big plans to make personalized wine glasses for my aunts, but I have totally run out of time for that. Maybe next year!!
Tonight I think I'd just like to pop some popcorn and watch The Polar Express. We'll see!
i still have to wrap everything. (blah) and do some laundry for my inlaws (bedding). i also have no idea what i'm cooking on christmas day so i have to figure that out and shop for it.
today i'm taking mikey for an OT evaluation - i'm hoping to get some help with his out of control behaviors. he has problems receiving sensory input so everything he does is GIANT - loud voice, rough touches, stomping etc .... since we're moving into a town house in 2-ish weeks i'm starting to freak out about noise and the move since i haven't really even started packing yet
jenn - so sorry about your aunt's bf. :( but yay for your bro - i hope he is making great progress with his recovery.
as for me - apparently i am "done" - went to the docs and the babys head is really really low - she wants me laying and resting as much as possible for the next 3 weeks till i hit 38 weeks. *sigh*
The only thing josie asked for for christmas was a fancy nancy doll. i couldn't find one locally so I ordered it from barnes and noble. it shipped on Dec 6.
I'm frantic. Santa told her in her message that she would get a fancy nancy doll.
for me i have 4-5 gifts to wrap. And I have to go shopping. Just bread milk etc.
Today is my birthday!!! 24. Even though dh is still at work and will come home sleep all day and go back to work tonight it seems like it will be a good one. He stopped in at 4am to bring me an omlet from a local breakfast place (it was the only time he had to come home). And Kaylen woke up singing me happy birthday. She is behaving v. well for my birthday too which is great.
Good morning. It snowed here last night so I got a better than average night's sleep and feel somewhat rested this morning for a change.
I have everything wrapped. Dh does not. All he had to wrap were my gifts. He's had them bought and here since Dec. 1 and still hasn't wrapped them. It irritates me but it's not surprising. Last year he made me wait to come down on Christmas morning so he and the kids could finish wrapping my presents. I kind of expect the same thing this year. Sigh.