Diego was selected as a finalist to be the face of a juice drink call Space gang.The 10 pictures that have the most votes will go on to an audition.Please vote for him!!!go to: www.spacegang.comParticipant #14 (he is swimming)Thanks!!
Alicia wrote:I voted. That's a great picture. How often can we vote? Is it once a day?
I voted. That's a great picture. How often can we vote? Is it once a day?
no. you can vote as many times as you want. the voting closes on saturday.
3s_a_crowd wrote:i couldnt find it is there a direct link.
i couldnt find it is there a direct link.
Cuppycake wrote:Done! (I think, lmao!)
Done! (I think, lmao!)
if it says "gracias" you are done... lmao!