When Glen got home with it, he told me that the heat wasn't working (and it was fine when we took the van to the shop) so he took it right back.
Thank goodness that turned out to be just an air bubble that went away after revving a couple times.
I hate having to drop that kind of money but at least it was still under the CarMax warranty so we paid $2600 less than we would have. And the warranty cost less than $2600 so we got our money out of that.
I was completely spoiled for those 9 days because I had my dad's brand-new Ford Taurus.
We watch the Polar Express a million times all year round. I love the Night before Christmas (again with the little mice. I mentioned that last chat thread, lol). We watched Frosty last night as well. Travis bought me a couple DVDs that have multiple holiday specials on them a few years back, so we don't have to worry about catching them on television anymore (we don't have a dvr)
we had a family christmas party last night (my dad's brothers and families). It was really nice. Most of them hadn't ever really met Josie in real life so that was good. Charlie had a ball with two other boys.
It was really nice. We used to do it on Christmas day and then we moved it to Boxing day but it got so crazy. It was much better before Christmas.
i really need to start taking my b12 more regularly. Josie made me lose my mind during the night.
i have no patience for a crying child whining during the night about her covers instead of using her (considerable) words. hand me the mother of the year award.
Today I need to go buy white tights. Tonight is our department holiday party and my staff is dressing up. I am Mulan. I should say interpretive Mulan because I could only do so much at the thrift shop.
I can't wait for this week to be done. Students are done finals on Friday then most leave. Yessssssss!
Today I need to go buy white tights. Tonight is our department holiday party and my staff is dressing up. I am Mulan. I should say interpretive Mulan because I could only do so much at the thrift shop.
I can't wait for this week to be done. Students are done finals on Friday then most leave. Yessssssss!
Please post a pic of yourself as Mulan. I'd love to see that.
we had a family christmas party last night (my dad's brothers and families). It was really nice. Most of them hadn't ever really met Josie in real life so that was good. Charlie had a ball with two other boys.
It was really nice. We used to do it on Christmas day and then we moved it to Boxing day but it got so crazy. It was much better before Christmas.
I like spreading out stuff like that.
Last year, we did 3 Christmases in one day.
Mark slept through the 3rd one--the one at my parents' in the evening.
So my parents are having their Christmas celebration the Tuesday before Christmas this year.
We are watching right now Mickey's Twice Upon a Christmas.
We will see Dora Christmas, Snow Buddies and not sure what else.
Anything going to be on TV? I have not even looked.
Today is busy. We had church and now Allie is resting up for Gingerbread house making at Nana's and then we are off to the Polar Express tonight with just Allie and my Mom. Then we are headed out to dinner. It should be fun.
Last night we walked around our outdoor mall. They go crazy with outdoor lights, have a fireplace outdoors and the girls just loved it. We had cookies and hot cocoa. It was a nice night.
I love this time of year.
It is hard to believe Christmas is right around the corner.
i really need to start taking my b12 more regularly. Josie made me lose my mind during the night.
i have no patience for a crying child whining during the night about her covers instead of using her (considerable) words. hand me the mother of the year award.
does b12 help with your temper? Because if so, I need some of that myself, lol
i really need to start taking my b12 more regularly. Josie made me lose my mind during the night.
i have no patience for a crying child whining during the night about her covers instead of using her (considerable) words. hand me the mother of the year award.
does b12 help with your temper? Because if so, I need some of that myself, lol
I was wondering the same thing, Jennifer!
I was also wondering if maybe taking it would make my kids behave better. ;D
i really need to start taking my b12 more regularly. Josie made me lose my mind during the night.
i have no patience for a crying child whining during the night about her covers instead of using her (considerable) words. hand me the mother of the year award.
does b12 help with your temper? Because if so, I need some of that myself, lol
I was wondering the same thing, Jennifer!
I was also wondering if maybe taking it would make my kids behave better. ;D
i really need to start taking my b12 more regularly. Josie made me lose my mind during the night.
i have no patience for a crying child whining during the night about her covers instead of using her (considerable) words. hand me the mother of the year award.
does b12 help with your temper? Because if so, I need some of that myself, lol
it's supposed to help with irritability and with memory loss - two things i am really suffering from. It seems to work (or it's like a placebo) either way, it helps.
And no, robin, it doesn't make my kids behave better but it does make me behave better! Lol