So, we decided to get Rhys a train table for xmas. Its a bit early, but I think he will soon love it. Im just stuck on which trains to get. Frankly, all the different Thomas options seem overwhelming. I cant keep them straight, wood, plastic, takelaong, etc. Im afraid to drop $$$$ for trains and track that arent compatible. Then, there is geotrax, which seem like they might be more Rhys' speed so to speak. Are they battery operated? Which did your kids prefer? Is it too earlyt for trains? I look back to the presents we got K at 18 months and it was little people farms and a xylaphone and stuff that I dont think Rhys would be interested in at all.
Im having a hard time with presents for him this year. Kiera on the other hand I keep finding so much for.
we're also getting jack a train table (the sale one from target) and i got the target train set too. it's compat. with the wooden thomas stuff, i've asked my in-laws for wooden thomas trains for jack, so i'm hoping not to have to drop the $$$ on those. i chose them b/c i know we can resell them or even hand them down one day.
if jack likes trains for 1/2 as long as cole has liked CARS, they'll be worth the investment in my eyes.
also, the geotrax stuff is pretty big, so it may not fit on a train table.
We have every train known to man. We started with the train table and wooden tracks. Buy the generic tracks so you can save your money for the Thomas wooden engines. Braydon is 6 and still loves his.
He also has quite a few take alongs which are nice because they are so much cheaper!! We don't have tracks for these ones.
He also has quite a few of the battery operated trains as well. We do have tracks for these ones, but since we started they have upgraded to a track that is more geo-trax like and even have Thomas trains that are controlled by a remote like the Geotrax.
We have 3 giant bins of Geotrax and they really are great. They do take batteries, but they last for a decent amount of time. The newest trains even go in reverse.
We also have HO Scale electric trains. Oh my!!!
You really can't go wrong with any of your choices. If he knows the Thomas characters then I'd pick a set and go with those. If you go with the battery operated Thomas ones, then you're pretty much getting the best of both Thomas and Geotrax (though I think there are a few more hill options with geotrax.)
we're also getting jack a train table (the sale one from target) and i got the target train set too. it's compat. with the wooden thomas stuff, i've asked my in-laws for wooden thomas trains for jack, so i'm hoping not to have to drop the $$$ on those. i chose them b/c i know we can resell them or even hand them down one day.
if jack likes trains for 1/2 as long as cole has liked CARS, they'll be worth the investment in my eyes.
also, the geotrax stuff is pretty big, so it may not fit on a train table.
That is exactly the table and train I got Rhys! Im just second guessing myself. Thanks for your input Stacy too I guess this is a good start to see if he likes trains. If he is into them, we can follow that It seems way more expensive than my little ponies.
erin, we got jake 2 sets of geotrax last year. he plays with them some, but honestly, he pushes them more than he uses the remote. he's also not able to snap the tracks together quite yet (he can almost get it, but not quite), so he gets frustrated with that a LOT!
if i could do it over, i would have bought him the wooden thomas sets last year and then held off on the geotrax until his 3rd bday this spring.
Good points april made about the geotrax. Christopher LOVES his geotrax. They make the most elaborate set ups with them, but at first, he could not put them together. As for the pushing, he still prefers to push them, though he will also use the controllers. The GeoTrax is VERY sturdy. Far more than the thomas and wooden tracks, which we have broken a few tracks.
We also have Thomas wooden stuff. He loves that as well. Def. more compact and pricier unless you go with the imaginarium stuff.
As for compatibility...
Wooden thomas tracks/imaginarium tracks are compatible with the magnet trains (imaginarium as well).
The metal thomas trains work on grey, plastic thomas tracks...I don't like those, but I DO like the trains to bring places because they are metal and very sturdy (but heavy if they like to throw ).
Geotrax and Thomas plastic tracks ARE NOT compatible.
-- Edited by mally on Wednesday 9th of December 2009 07:05:56 AM
We have tons of geotrax here. Love them have a layout of them set up in the basement. Both boys still play with them, and now Keegan has started as well. We started investing in them when Bryce was 2 so they have already gotten lots of use.
They do take up lots of space though as they are not real train table compatible. My kids have the layout we made up for them then they have a container with more tracks that they will get out and make their own little things with those pieces.
We only have one but the engine that goes forward and reverse is cool!
Also, like Jake my kids usually just push them around and continue to add freight load to the bunch. Half of the time they aren't even on the track just pushing them around the basement floor.
Re: Thomas - just m2c - I wouldn't get them until they asked for them. To me it just seems like kids get SO into them and they are so much more expensive than the generic trains so if it were me I wouldn't introduce them unless the child has a preference. My kids are not into thomas at all but my nephews are.
My mom wanted to buy the train table from target but we don't have room for it. :( Doug promised to build one once the boys have bunk beds and an open side of the room (should be this summer.) We bought a nice wooden set but not thomas.
Erin - I think you made a great choice! Don't doubt yourself! :)
Since you are doing a train table I would go with thomas but a generic version. I agree with Juni about not getting thomas until they ask. IMO geotrax is more of a floor toy.
I don't think i realized you were asking geo trax vs. thomas (yes I know it is THE title, lol). I still say just a wood puzzle set that could accomodate thomas in the future if he ends up wanting that. Geo trax (IMO) are too young for him now and the wood ones aren't and I do think geo trax are more for the floor than the table. I think it is a great gift for him though - the table and train set!
at his age, i would get the wooden thomas trains and like stacey said, the generic track.
even at 4, connor has trouble snapping the geotrax rhys' age, the wooden trains can be more of an independent activity while he will need constant assistance with the geotrax.
Thank you all! Now I really feel better about it. I got him a generic (Circo -Target) train set, we will add some Thomas trains when he starts caring. lol. My BIL found some wooden Thomas carrying cases that he refurbed, so, at least the train "holders" will be Thomas. Thanks for the tips for finding the Thomas stuff on sale. I also see it at TJ Maxx on occasion, but have never paid attention to whether they are wood or what.
Im excited for xmas. It is a rough year for us, but between good deals and starting to buy early, the kids will still be spoiled rotten. :) :heart