How many hours does your child nap or did nap at 1 year?
I am clueless. Allison had two naps till she was 18 months and then she slept from 1-3 or 1-4 from then till 4 years.
Mia only naps a total of one hour right now and it is not always straight. She is so tired though. I thought of dropping her morning nap and trying just an after lunch nap, but that did not work either. She did not nap in morning and then went down at 1ish and only slept an hour.
I mean I thought they needed more sleep then that at one?
She sleeps pretty well through the night for the most part. When she sleeps well it is from 7:30 pm - 7 am on the average.
We forced Anna into giving up her morning nap at 15 months because she was starting the process of doing it, and we were about to have Kate, and I wanted her to be in a schedule before the new baby came and she got even more thrown off. Once she switched to one, she had a time that she only napped about an hour while she was adjusting to the change, then she settled into it and napped generally for 2-3 hours. She still naps about half the time now.
Kate gave up her morning nap much sooner. It was before a year for sure, but I forget exactly when. Like Anna, she didn't actually give up the morning nap-she tried to cling onto it and started giving up the afternoon nap, so I just started pushing the morning nap back little by little until it got to be the right time. She also had the adjustment period where she barely napped but was exhausted, but then she settled into it as well, and like Anna, napped like 2-3 hours. Anna always napped longer if you compare them at the same ages, but Kate, even though she needs less sleep overall, still needed that nap. We just had to work a bit to get her on the right schedule.
We forced Anna into giving up her morning nap at 15 months because she was starting the process of doing it, and we were about to have Kate, and I wanted her to be in a schedule before the new baby came and she got even more thrown off. Once she switched to one, she had a time that she only napped about an hour while she was adjusting to the change, then she settled into it and napped generally for 2-3 hours. She still naps about half the time now.
Kate gave up her morning nap much sooner. It was before a year for sure, but I forget exactly when. Like Anna, she didn't actually give up the morning nap-she tried to cling onto it and started giving up the afternoon nap, so I just started pushing the morning nap back little by little until it got to be the right time. She also had the adjustment period where she barely napped but was exhausted, but then she settled into it as well, and like Anna, napped like 2-3 hours. Anna always napped longer if you compare them at the same ages, but Kate, even though she needs less sleep overall, still needed that nap. We just had to work a bit to get her on the right schedule.
Does this help at all?
That does help. I am going to try to alter it a bit and see if maybe she is in a transition period. I thought I had more time with 2 naps, but guess not.