Our target always has plain long sleeve shirts on the boys clearence rack, especially white. Might be worth a look! They are sometimes marked all the way down to 2.50-ish
Awesome I am hoping to get out early next week to do a tiny bit of christmas shopping and Target is on my list.
the kids are both insisting on wearing 'fooler' shirts - a tshirt over a long sleeve shirt - a trend at daycare that I accidentally started by letting charlie wear a spiderman shirt over a long sleeve shirt. It took off like wildfire and now they are all wearing them.
Josie wore three shirts yesterday.
Like I don't do enough laundry.
Ok this is just what I needed to see this morning. Freaking hysterical! I LOVE your children. You need to write a book. I'm cracking up over Josie wearing 3 shirts!
Did you happen to get my fb message yesterday?
I did get your message. I'm heading over tomorrow so I'll look for you. They had a huge display.
I bought the kids a recorder and harmonica for their stocking. I think I'm going to shoot myself on christmas morning!
When Ray is home he makes Raven play her instruments in her room. He hates the noise. She has a recorder, accordion, fake trumpet. I wanted to get her a drum set for christmas but already at the max for her.
What ornaments will you give your kids when they are adults? Ones they made? Ones you purchased for them? When will you give it to them? When they go to college? Get their own place? Serious relationship/get married? Have kids?
I've been thinking about this since Stephen is a lot older then our little ones. Maybe he won't even care.
What ornaments will you give your kids when they are adults? Ones they made? Ones you purchased for them? When will you give it to them? When they go to college? Get their own place? Serious relationship/get married? Have kids?
I've been thinking about this since Stephen is a lot older then our little ones. Maybe he won't even care.
My mother gave me and my brother all of our hallmark dated ornaments. She gave me mine when I had Travis and my brothers when he got married. They meant a lot to my brother and he is thrilled to have them.
Mike's parents gave them an ornament each year. Each person was responsible for putting their ornaments on the tree and they had to take them off the tree each year. She kept a detailed list of which ornaments they got each year.
When we got our own apartment and put up our own tree, they gave the box to us.
They mean a lot to him.
(I put a lot of the old ornaments at the back of the tree... shhh, don't tell). The 70s were a weird decade.
Sonya I was just reading old posts (because I do not want to work LOL) and saw that you were sick this weekend.
As someone who has no gall bladder I would say with 85+% certainty that that's what it is. I did not see if you ever ended up getting checked out, did you??
What were your triggers? I've been careful since then.
Well when it got to the point that I had it out it was so bad I couldn't eat anything. But super fatty stuff were my worst triggers. I had attacks after eating cheese, chinese, cheeseburgers and fries. Definitely stay away from fatty stuff for now. I still have issues with fats but that's because I no longer the posess the organ that digests so if I eat really fatty stuff instead of gall bladder attacks I get nasty stomach cramps and need to be near a bathroom LOL.
My very favorite (although I had to really think about it to narrow it down) is a Christmas tree with our names on it... it's the first thing we ever recieved that had us, with all our names, as a little family 3some.