I have no internet at home (effing 5 had it turned off because it is in his name and didnt even tell me he was doing it but instead let me believe it was because I was irresponsible and didnt pay it) and I have a ton to do at work today but wanted to thank everyone for their prayers.
The details continue to be sketchy but you can look up some of the info on wtnh.com (happened at Club Synergy).
My sister is a wreck and all I want to do is take her pain away. She has no idea how she is going to go on without him and is losing her faith fast. All she keeps asking is why this was God's plan for her and that she should not have to be burying the love of her life at 20 years old and raising her baby alone. Seriously my heart is just broken.
Travis is doing OK. He was shocked and asked a lot of questions. Due to the tragic circumstances he will not be attending the funeral. (it is on Saturday anyway and he will be with his father).
I honestly do not know how my sister is going to be ok after this and would appreciate it if you could continue to pray for her and Jayden.
Allison, I'm so sorry your sister is going through this, and it's perfectly NORMAL to be questioning "why" it happened.
The simple answer is: nobody knows WHY God allows bad things to happen. The one thing we have to remember it God is loving, just, merciful, and good and sometimes things happen that we simply cannot understand. He has his reasons, and one day we'll understand, but until then, we can't give up faith. We have to believe and TRUST him. He loves us unconditionally. He proved that by sending his son to die for us, to die for even the person that shot her boyfriend. Every second we spend alive is only by the grace and mercy of God. Even the most terrible misery we could experience on this planet is merciful compared to what we deserve as sinners.