I have NO idea. Probably something easy like hot dogs and fries or frozen burritos. I am definitely getting a cold and have a ton to do in my house (cleaning out toys and clothes to sell/freecycle) and I definitely do not feel like cooking.
I think it sucks that I only get paid for one of the days off. (part time employee=part time benefits) I mean I totally get it but it still sucks. I am here today trying to make up some of the hours but I can only work until noon because the kids have a half day and NIkki won't be home for Lucas.
I sent an update on facebook last night. I only sent it to a few people that I knew asked, if you want me to send it let me know :)
To add to the drama, John logged into his facebook for the firsttime since last week and there was a message from 5 in his inbox. He sent it Sunday after he dropped off Travis, used a fake name (which I know because he used to use it when he telemarketed) and it was this really long message telling John all this bad stuff about me. John deleted it without even reading the whole thing and then got pissed because he realized he should have saved it. He was laughing telling me about it because there was nothing there I hadn't already told him. We are starting a relationship and I am not hiding anything about my past. It's painful to tell him everything but I would rather he know now and be able to say he can't handle something then find something out 6 months from now that will break both our hearts. Yeah 5 is an effing tool. LOL
My house phone and internet are turned off. I didnt get a shut off notice want to know why? because he forwarded his mail and the phone bill is in his name. Now I have to pay the balance to get it turned back on instead of just the past due. I have $5 :shoothead
I really really want 5 to grow the eff up and be a man.
I think I said this in my facebook message last night but I'll repeat it. I was trying not to hate him, people have problems and fall out of love all the time but I loathe him. I hate him so much that I am having a hard time remembering when I didn't.
LL - have you looked into any resources in your community to help? I will see what I can find out but definitely try and do Toys for Tots for the kids for christmas!
That is so funny sonya. Gavin always talks about Doug having a big penis too. "I have a yiddle peanut. But I'm gonna grow up and be big like Daddy and have a big peanut."
Posting for LL- her internet is down so she is only online through her phone and isn't around much. She just wanted folkd to know she didn't drop off the planet :)