Thanksgiving plans = my mom's??? I don't think 5 plans on taking the kids at all on Thursday.
I did not have a good weekend but unfortunately I really shouldn't say anything here. Just need a few p&pt this week as I make a meeeeelion phone calls.
I'm going to go take a nap and then try to work later. I have a bunch to do.
The blah's have hit here too. I am at work and just want to go home and crawl into bed. Mia is still sick, but not bad. I am now getting sick and what perfect timing. It is like my body knows when I will have time off.
Thanksgiving plans = my mom's??? I don't think 5 plans on taking the kids at all on Thursday.
I did not have a good weekend but unfortunately I really shouldn't say anything here. Just need a few p&pt this week as I make a meeeeelion phone calls.
We stay in town for Thanksgiving and go to my Mom's house. It is usually a pretty small gathering. Most of the family does different things for Thanksgiving. It is our rest up for the big Christmas Eve we have.
I love Thanksgiving though. Nothing better then watching the Detroit Lions lose :(
I'm hauling the turkey dinner stuff with me so if all goes as planned a turkey will be roasting in the oven whilst we build sand castles on the beach!!!!
Ms. Kate woke up with her left eye matted shut on Saturday. Sunday it was matted but not shut. Today it was both of them slightly matted. She has a runny nose and cough.
Jake has a river of thick green crude running from his head. Saturday he said his ear was hurting. I put him in a hot shower for 30 minutes yesterday and he got a ton of stuff out of his head.
I've started the Claritan again = about 4 days ago.
Nobody coughed all night (like previous nights) so I'm hoping it's helping a bit.
Sorry for the blahs going around. Thinking about all of you and saying prayers.
We're going to my brother's in Glendale (Phx) for turkey day on Thursday with my family. Everyone except Dad will be there. The boys will be going home Mom and Sister probably Saturday, Dom and I will head back here and finish packing and cleaning. I say "finish" in the hopes that I'll at least get started this week.
Today my goal is to organize the toys and get started on packing for the boys' trip. I hate packing.
We had a realtor preview our house yesterday for his clients. Feedback was that he LOVED our house and of all the ones he previewed yesterday ours is the only one he plans to show his clients this week sometime.
I'm feeling kind of sad for the boys, it's their last 3 days of school. Kyle mostly, I know he's really going to miss the school and his friends, especially his best friend. They do everything together and always miss one another when the other is absent. Poor Liam. :(
Turkey day is at the inlaws. Don't want to talk about it, lol.
On to brighter subjects,
are 8 year old boys into those air hog remote control car things?
I'm struggling on what to get an 8 year old. He likes sports, but really, there is only so much that isn't a Wii that you can think of (Travis and I won't buy the nerf gun stuff... so even more limited)
Turkey day is at the inlaws. Don't want to talk about it, lol.
On to brighter subjects,
are 8 year old boys into those air hog remote control car things?
I'm struggling on what to get an 8 year old. He likes sports, but really, there is only so much that isn't a Wii that you can think of (Travis and I won't buy the nerf gun stuff... so even more limited)
I think an 8 year old would like the air hog. I know star wars stuff is big too.
We had a realtor preview our house yesterday for his clients. Feedback was that he LOVED our house and of all the ones he previewed yesterday ours is the only one he plans to show his clients this week sometime.
Fingers crossed!!
that's great Jolynn - I hope it's a productive showing!!!!!
I am saying prayers for everyone who has the blahs and the sickies, and that Jolynn's house sells!
I am sick too-head cold. I think my head is going to explode. Both girls have been sneezing all morning too. Yuck.
We do Thanksgiving dinner with my ILs-last year and this year, it will be hosted at my BIL and SIL's house. That is good because they have more space at their house anyway, and my BIL always deep fries a turkey, and then my SIL roasts the other one. The fried is better, lol. It isn't as big as Christmas though-since Christmas is a big deal at the Super household, some of the family skips t-day and does it with the wife's side of the family.
We will have lunch with my mom and dad. We usually see them on Friday, but my bro and his wife are having their holiday with her parents, with whom we do not hang out, so they aren't coming down. It will low key and not even turkey with my parents-they said they are making seafood.
So the reason we don't do anything with my SIL's parents-one Christmas-IDT it was last year, but maybe the year before, my SIL's parents were in town and they were doing their family thing Christmas Eve, then my mom and dad were supposed to go up Christmas day. Anyway, something happened, and a tree fell on my brother's house that night-right into their son's room. (no one was in the room) My brother needed help to deal with it and get it covered, since it wasn't like he could call a professional on Christmas Eve, and my dad is good with that sort of thing, so he called my parents. They went up to help out with that whole thing, and my mom hung out with the rest of them. My SIL's mom TOLD my mother that they had RUINED their Christmas eve by coming up that night. Seriously??? (that was really just the final straw-there were other things in past years) So my parents avoid them now, which ITU.