GREAT ideas Michelle! I'm sure with your ideas and mine I can get at least one good shot! LOL. I'm planning on getting a big ornament from Wal-Mart and using that to give to him to hold, he likes stuff like that. I'm also going to do the pictures on top of a table, on carpet of course and i've done that before and it works really great. He knows theres an edge to the table and with dh helping I should be able to keep him up there. Probably wouldn't be a great mom moment if he fell off... I'm not even going to try to take them somewhere, I think he would cry, he is NOT into strangers right now.
Yep, those are two other things you can do. Give them something to hold and "contain"them...buckets and baskets work well also...even for his age (esp for his age)
Hmmm... maybe I could make a present box... I have a picture of Hannah at about the same age from sears and she is in a box that looks like a present. I wonder if I wrapped a box in fabric and put a bow on it if I could make that work. He likes to be in boxes.