My kids are waaaaay to spoiled. They are getting a ton and non of it from us. K will get what she askes santa for from us though. The boys probbly not. I am so overwhelmed with how much they are getting and just want to clear out some of the other stuff. Were even putting an ad in the paper to get rid of koda the dinosaur from last year. Raym is scared of it and it just takes up too much room to not be played with
Me: "Josie, come here" Josie: roars laughing and runs away
Mike: "Josie, don't throw your food on the floor" Josie: "No!" followed by her hitting Mike, quickly followed by a "I'm sorry, Daddy" when she sees the look on my face
She grabs Charlie by his face and scratches
She's silly at nap time and when they tell us about it, she grins and says "I hilarious. It was funny."
When she doesn't get her way or when we "yell" at her, she does what we call the fire truck - it starts slow and turns into a full on wail, big tears, etc.
she insists on picking out all her own clothes. all. and if I make a suggestion, she picks the opposite. she won't wear brown, only pink. Unless I want her to wear pink. She does not fall for reverse psychology. at. all.
She teases Charlie all the time and makes him cry. "You are NOT a big boy". He bawls. "you can NOT do xyz"
They are the same girl.
Kate will not wear any shoes but pink crocs. She has LOTS of shoes. I got her some adorable boots. Refuses. If I try to put something else on her "I no wear tennis shoes . . .doz" pointing to one of her 2 pairs of pink crocs. As far as clothes she's pretty easy - not battling that fight YET!
Jake does his fair share of picking but she's getting in on it. He's been playing the DS in the truck and she will put her hands in his airspace just to make him freak out "you're making me lose!!!!!!!!" and she loves it and will keep doing it.
I put her to bed a few nights ago and I heard her yelling "Momma, get back here RIGHT NOWWWWWWWWW!"
My afternoon is dragging, I just want to go home LOL.
Although after my craptastic day home yesterday I was much happier to be here this morning. So far no texts from 5 thank GOD I just cannot deal today LOL.
Actually no I haven't, and yes Nikki si still with me despite the fact that her father wants to drag her out of there kicking and screaming and Jr. does nothing but harass her via text message about what a terrible person I am and that I don't really love her I just want the money her father is giving me for her. :shoothead
Actually no I haven't, and yes Nikki si still with me despite the fact that her father wants to drag her out of there kicking and screaming and Jr. does nothing but harass her via text message about what a terrible person I am and that I don't really love her I just want the money her father is giving me for her. :shoothead