I start out with the water to my back as I lather up. Then I turn. I love a hot and steamy shower.
I am slowly getting my christmas shopping done. I think I am buying too much for Allie. I never know what a good amount of gifts are. How do you decide?
I always spend too much. I just don't know when to stop.
I bought little john an iPod touch - well, technically I used credit card points for it so it was no out of pocket $$ but still, that gift alone is valued at $188! So do I calculate that $188 towards his total?
I am not looking forward to Christmas when the gifts get so expensive. How do you decide how much to get then? I mean there is less, but the cost is more. I love this age still. You can get so much and not break the bank.
Truth be told. Allie needs ZERO more of anything.
I think by the time they get this age they KNOW their stuff is more and there will be less - and the excitement of an itouch is going to totally have his attention. I will still get him several other smaller things. I should really keep track one year and see how much I spend.
speaking of getting too much for Christmas... I think you can put me in that boat. I'm kind of ashamed to be honest, because I wanted to be "good" and not over due it.
(here comes my justification, cause you know I've been justifying a storm in my head)
Their toys are old. Even I'm tired of them. I plan to box/donate/pitch probably 50% or more. They've made this jump into less preK toys (except Thomas, only now they don't want generic trains, only Thomas trains).
So yeah, I'm trying to keep the same overall amount in our house, but trade out.
That's my justification at lease. Sounds rational enough in my head not to make me utterly embarassed.
I start out with the water to my back as I lather up. Then I turn. I love a hot and steamy shower.
I am slowly getting my christmas shopping done. I think I am buying too much for Allie. I never know what a good amount of gifts are. How do you decide?
I always spend too much. I just don't know when to stop.
I bought little john an iPod touch - well, technically I used credit card points for it so it was no out of pocket $$ but still, that gift alone is valued at $188! So do I calculate that $188 towards his total?
I would totally count it. That's an expensive gift!
I am totally controlling myself this year. I learned my lesson last year when Gavin opened the one thing he asked for in his stocking (a certain transformer toy) and didn't care about the rest. And the rest was a LOT. And there was a bunch of toys he never even touched. Ridiculous.
This year I am not doing that.
Good reminder. They do not need a lot. It is all me. However, Allie did play with all of her gifts last year.
We're fixing to leave to go to SG's Thanksgiving program. Presley's not at school, she wanted to go with us, lol
Then we're taking the older 2 to Kenneth's parents for a couple of days.
I think I'm going to try and get the Christmas tree up while I just have one child. I've never put it up before Thanksgiving, but I think I am this year.
can I just say my beautiful daughter has almost turned into a terror?
She's at the corner of Precious Street and Terror Avenue and I'm thinking she's going to make a wrong turn!!!
Last night Jake was sitting nicely building something with blocks. She got a big monster truck from his room, walked up behind him and started beating him on the head with it over and over. He was wailing. She started beating harder.
At daycare the other day they said she will not listen!
We're fixing to leave to go to SG's Thanksgiving program. Presley's not at school, she wanted to go with us, lol
Then we're taking the older 2 to Kenneth's parents for a couple of days.
I think I'm going to try and get the Christmas tree up while I just have one child. I've never put it up before Thanksgiving, but I think I am this year.
If my tree was here, it would already be up. I am so excited this year :)
So just to explain my facebook status, Quint is a psycho and found out all about John by one stupid thing I posted on his wall. He has since freaked out and told me that if he (John) goes anywhere near his kids he will have us both arrested (serious :eyeroll but I am respecting that, I had no intention of him spending quality time with my kids yet anyway. ) He has totally taken the low road and decided that rather then be civil he is going to call me names and threaten to take my kids, I am sure this was prompted by the fact that I not only refused to have sex with him but because I also now have a boyfriend. Whatever, I am scared of him but I know I am not doing anything wrong and that I am stronger then he thinks I am.
I turn in the shower and it has to be as hot as I can possibly stand it.
My kids are getting very little this year and they know it (unless of course mr. wonderful continues to try to buy their love). Quint told me yesterday he wants my boys on Christmas Eve, the thought of this makes me want to vomit but I can't say no.
speaking of getting too much for Christmas... I think you can put me in that boat. I'm kind of ashamed to be honest, because I wanted to be "good" and not over due it.
(here comes my justification, cause you know I've been justifying a storm in my head)
Their toys are old. Even I'm tired of them. I plan to box/donate/pitch probably 50% or more. They've made this jump into less preK toys (except Thomas, only now they don't want generic trains, only Thomas trains).
So yeah, I'm trying to keep the same overall amount in our house, but trade out.
That's my justification at lease. Sounds rational enough in my head not to make me utterly embarassed.
actually your justification makes sense to me - I'm in the process of getting out all pre-school or "baby" toys. We are transitioning to big kid stuff now.
can I just say my beautiful daughter has almost turned into a terror?
She's at the corner of Precious Street and Terror Avenue and I'm thinking she's going to make a wrong turn!!!
Last night Jake was sitting nicely building something with blocks. She got a big monster truck from his room, walked up behind him and started beating him on the head with it over and over. He was wailing. She started beating harder.
At daycare the other day they said she will not listen!
Our girls are twins as always!
Josie's totally taken Terror Avenue.
I don't know how to handle it!
Kate is so rotten. She will eat all her blueberries and throw her plate or bowl onto the floor. She will finish her drink and toss the cup. She will be doing something and we will ask her to stop and she just looks at us and proceeds. If she doesn't get her way or a toy she thinks she needs she wails at the top of her lungs. In the truck she will be pointing and saying "want dat" at something and I have no clue what she's pointing at and will tell her to use her words (all while driving and trying not to kill us) and she will always end up screaming and crying. Riding in the vehicle w/ my two little ones has been trying lately - someone is always pitching a fit.
I don't want to be a wet blanket, but should you be posting here everyday chat?
I definitely want you to post but I'm worried for you.
I am 99.9% sure he would not have a clue how to find me here. He doesnt even have a computer just uses his blackberry (yes the completely computer illiterate man went and got himself a fancy blackberry *sigh*)
can I just say my beautiful daughter has almost turned into a terror?
She's at the corner of Precious Street and Terror Avenue and I'm thinking she's going to make a wrong turn!!!
Last night Jake was sitting nicely building something with blocks. She got a big monster truck from his room, walked up behind him and started beating him on the head with it over and over. He was wailing. She started beating harder.
At daycare the other day they said she will not listen!
Our girls are twins as always!
Josie's totally taken Terror Avenue.
I don't know how to handle it!
Kate is so rotten. She will eat all her blueberries and throw her plate or bowl onto the floor. She will finish her drink and toss the cup. She will be doing something and we will ask her to stop and she just looks at us and proceeds. If she doesn't get her way or a toy she thinks she needs she wails at the top of her lungs. In the truck she will be pointing and saying "want dat" at something and I have no clue what she's pointing at and will tell her to use her words (all while driving and trying not to kill us) and she will always end up screaming and crying. Riding in the vehicle w/ my two little ones has been trying lately - someone is always pitching a fit.
Here's how our days go:
Me: "Josie, come here" Josie: roars laughing and runs away
Mike: "Josie, don't throw your food on the floor" Josie: "No!" followed by her hitting Mike, quickly followed by a "I'm sorry, Daddy" when she sees the look on my face
She grabs Charlie by his face and scratches
She's silly at nap time and when they tell us about it, she grins and says "I hilarious. It was funny."
When she doesn't get her way or when we "yell" at her, she does what we call the fire truck - it starts slow and turns into a full on wail, big tears, etc.
she insists on picking out all her own clothes. all. and if I make a suggestion, she picks the opposite. she won't wear brown, only pink. Unless I want her to wear pink. She does not fall for reverse psychology. at. all.
She teases Charlie all the time and makes him cry. "You are NOT a big boy". He bawls. "you can NOT do xyz"