I was so excited to finally be seeing it that when I see the previews now, I don't even remember going to see it, lmao. I need to go see it again. And again. And again, lol. Unfortunately, I haven't had any time to myself to go.
It was fantastic!!! I agree with all the comments here except for the following two...
1) I like the glittering on Edward this time. I thought since they took away the stupid sparkling music that they had going on in the first movie every time he sparkled it was wayyyyy better.
2) I liked everything about this movie better than the first except I missed the edgy rock music they played in the first one and all the other music. I will definitely take this movie without the music over the first one any day though.
The special effects were soooooooo much better this time. I thought they did a super job on the wolves and I really thought they did a good job keeping in line with the book and putting in enough to have a clear story line.
ITA with Kristi that I wish they could do a do over on the first movie. I just think they could have done so much better with a bigger budget. Plus, I also agree that Kristen did a much better job acting this time too.
loved it! loved it! loved it!
oh, I wish they would do something with Jasper's hair. That boy needs a stylist. lmao!