We did an activity at my weight watchers meeting this week that I found really helpful so I thought I would pass it on.
We mapped out our thanksgiving meal. First we wrote out our menu of things that would likely be served at our meal. For us, we then looked up point values so we had than handy. If you aren't doing WW, I think there is still a ton of value at just looking up nutrional values so you can decided which are "worth it".
We then, literally, drew out our meal on the plate switching, rearranging, whatever to reach the point value (or calorie value) we wanted for our meal. I'm allowing myself a 20 point meal. While I can't binge, I'm pretty happy with my game plan and get to enjoy my favorites.
I brought my plate home, and plan to look at it before I go to my inlaws.
Just thought I'd share. It was enlightening to me to look up the menu in advance.