sonya, have you tried the "medicine" trick with charlie's eye?
mikey complains sometimes about random stuff when he doesn't want to go to bed at night so i give him "medicine" (juice in a syringe) and if he's immediately better i know he's overdoing it with the drama.
(p.s. is this a bad mommy thing to do?)
Actually that's brilliant.
Sarah always tells me she's sicky when she's not because she loves to drink medicine out of a syringe.
probably montgomery gentry. mom and i usually went to these small country concerts. (i miss that).
i was preggers and missed trace adkins doing his hip shake song buying mom's jack & coke, but the performers were awesome and thats prolly why i liked it best.
how are peeps?
i'm cleaning
i have a snazzy new food processor but no idea what to make first
Well, Josie has been napping since 12:30. It's 3 now so I'm leaning towards the "she was sick" category instead of "she ate something that disagreed with her".
i have million things to do around here but i don't want to wake the beast. I'm trying to quietly cross a few things off my list
Well, Josie has been napping since 12:30. It's 3 now so I'm leaning towards the "she was sick" category instead of "she ate something that disagreed with her".
i have million things to do around here but i don't want to wake the beast. I'm trying to quietly cross a few things off my list
probably montgomery gentry. mom and i usually went to these small country concerts. (i miss that).
i was preggers and missed trace adkins doing his hip shake song buying mom's jack & coke, but the performers were awesome and thats prolly why i liked it best.
how are peeps?
i'm cleaning
i have a snazzy new food processor but no idea what to make first
Trace, or Tracey as those that grew up with him call him, puts on an amazing concert too!
I'm wondering if I should wake her. She's been moving around so I know she's breathing.
I want to go check to see if she has a fever (she hasn't so far today) but I don't want to wake her.
rest is the best thing for her. If she has has moved around then I am sure she is fine. I think she would be moaning or call out if she was burning up. I am no Dr. though :)