um, from the title, i think you know this is a TMI topic...
so i've never really struggled with, um, pooping. i've never been an "everyday" kind of girl, but i never had an issue, iykwim.
well the past week or so, i've been so constipated, combined with on and off stomach cramps and terrible gas (not smelly, but there).
holy shit, i cannot believe i'm typing all of this out.
anyway, i'm wondering if anyone has experience or tips? should i be taking something? i'm not against taking a daily something to get things moving and keep them moving.
are you on any new meds from your back/finger? do you think that may be causing it?
the only time i have struggled with constipation was when we vacationed in disney when i was pregnant with keegan. i think all the good eating and many, many desserts got me all bound up. it was awful!
taking colace is what finally helped me.
i have no real advice other than maybe juices and such like they say for babies to help as well.
maybe try that stuff from the commercial with jaime curtis in it. They talk about it making you regular. IDK
that's an idea, but it's going to be last resort for me. i'm SUPA particular about what kinds of yogurt i eat and yogurt designed to make me poop creeps me out. LMAO!
i'm not on any meds right now, so it's definitely not that.
i might stop and get some juice on the way to work tomorrow.
i've been eating a lot of apples lately - i thought that was supposed to help? but maybe i got that backwards.
i found this
Apples Apples contain pectin which will add bulk to your stools and their cleansing action will encourage bowel movements. They have a laxative effect.
i'm not on any meds right now, so it's definitely not that.
i might stop and get some juice on the way to work tomorrow.
i've been eating a lot of apples lately - i thought that was supposed to help? but maybe i got that backwards.
i found this
Apples Apples contain pectin which will add bulk to your stools and their cleansing action will encourage bowel movements. They have a laxative effect.
i'm not on any meds right now, so it's definitely not that.
i might stop and get some juice on the way to work tomorrow.
i've been eating a lot of apples lately - i thought that was supposed to help? but maybe i got that backwards.
umm I would try good old fashioned prunes if you don't mind the taste.
Just don't eat too many or you'll have the opposite problem.
I might be pulling this out of my a$$ but are you drinking enough water?
I think that helps too but I could be wrong.
idk about prunes. i bought some of the dried ones that supa recommended for emily, but i couldn't get her to eat any. maybe i'll eat a few tomorrow after work.
and as for the water - probably not! i will try to step it up tomorrow. thanks for the reminder!!!!
i'm not on any meds right now, so it's definitely not that.
i might stop and get some juice on the way to work tomorrow.
i've been eating a lot of apples lately - i thought that was supposed to help? but maybe i got that backwards.
umm I would try good old fashioned prunes if you don't mind the taste.
Just don't eat too many or you'll have the opposite problem.
I might be pulling this out of my a$$ but are you drinking enough water?
I think that helps too but I could be wrong.
idk about prunes. i bought some of the dried ones that supa recommended for emily, but i couldn't get her to eat any. maybe i'll eat a few tomorrow after work.
and as for the water - probably not! i will try to step it up tomorrow. thanks for the reminder!!!!
OMGosh excuse me I meant to say "Dried Plums."
We're not suppose to call them prunes anymore. LMAO
i'm not on any meds right now, so it's definitely not that.
i might stop and get some juice on the way to work tomorrow.
i've been eating a lot of apples lately - i thought that was supposed to help? but maybe i got that backwards.
umm I would try good old fashioned prunes if you don't mind the taste.
Just don't eat too many or you'll have the opposite problem.
I might be pulling this out of my a$$ but are you drinking enough water?
I think that helps too but I could be wrong.
idk about prunes. i bought some of the dried ones that supa recommended for emily, but i couldn't get her to eat any. maybe i'll eat a few tomorrow after work.
and as for the water - probably not! i will try to step it up tomorrow. thanks for the reminder!!!!
OMGosh excuse me I meant to say "Dried Plums."
We're not suppose to call them prunes anymore. LMAO
I love them, they taste good.
And I would sit there and eat a whole bag.
That's no bueno.
i bought the cherry flavored ones. i definitely will NOT be eating a whole bag.
i'm off to try to go again. :sigh: am i 32 or 72? :ahhh
I would strongly advise a probiotic. Yogurt is great, but I don't eat it everyday, so unless you do, I doubt that will be of help in the long term. A good probiotic will give you the same bacteria in a pill form. There are TONS out there. Align is very popular and you can buy it anywhere, so that might be one to try. There are so many options though-there are those Pearls, which I actually have Anna on, and many many others. They aren't cheap, but I think it helps keep you healthy overall as well. I seriously think that is one of the main reasons I didn't get hit as hard with the flu. I wouldn't recommend the one I take because it would be unnecessary for most people, but if you can't find any at the grocery store, try whole foods or another organic market.
Yogurt is definitely a good thing if you can eat it everyday.
Water is a definite must too, but you also don't want to be running to the bathroom in the middle of class.
You might have a touch of IBS if you are having cramping and gas and it is an ongoing problem.
If you decide to try a probiotic, be aware that the first few days, they can make you feel worse. That is ok. What they do is balance the natural flora in your gut, and often if you are out of balance and the bacteria in the probiotic kill off the bad stuff in your gut to restore the balance. When those bad bacteria die off, they produce gas and that can make you uncomfortable. It should go away within a few days-a week at the absolute most. If you try one and it makes you uncomfortable for longer than a week, chances are it isn't the right one for you. There is a lot of trial and error with them.
April I am not sure if you have this in your house or not, but you might feel better if you used a dose or two of Miralax. I think (but not sure) you may give/gave it to Em. I know we have to use it for Elizabeth on occasion. Just sprinkle it over pasta sauce or in a soda or whatever. Also they sell crackers now that you can just munch. We have the cinnamon flavored ones.
Once you get going, I think Supa and Kristi have good points about the supplement and water. I hope you poop soon.
i have been eating fiber one yogurt. it's only 50 calories and it's 5 grams of fiber in one little cup. i looooove the key lime flavor but they also make peach and strawberry. they have sweeteners in them but it doesn't have that weird taste/aftertaste.
just a thought.
personally, i'm confused about the apples. i thought they were part of the brat diet for diarrhea??
jake used to have problems all the time and prune juice worked wonders for him but it's really thick and looks totally nasty
While I have personally never tried it, I have a friend who deals with her severe constipation issues with magnesium oxide powder. She can't find a store nearby that sells the powder so she tried the pills but said they dont help like the powder does. She also said, be sure to take it on a day when you can be home for SEVERAL HOURS because it will clean you out...she uses it not only for the constipation but also as a way to help detox when she starts feeling more bloated than usual.
i have been eating fiber one yogurt. it's only 50 calories and it's 5 grams of fiber in one little cup. i looooove the key lime flavor but they also make peach and strawberry. they have sweeteners in them but it doesn't have that weird taste/aftertaste.
just a thought.
personally, i'm confused about the apples. i thought they were part of the brat diet for diarrhea??
jake used to have problems all the time and prune juice worked wonders for him but it's really thick and looks totally nasty
Well I have been there. I remember I had one whole week where I was in so much pain and I KNEW that is what it was. A few weeks ago I had this horrible day and I couldn't sleep because I was in so much pain.
If it were me, I couldn't do prune juice or dried prunes. Drink lots of water and lots of fiber. I have also found that stool softener can help as well as fiber supplements. I think it's metamucil that you can either take as a pill or in powder form and mix it. I would try that if you aren't able to get enough fiber in your diet. Ugh, it sucks!
Well I have been there. I remember I had one whole week where I was in so much pain and I KNEW that is what it was. A few weeks ago I had this horrible day and I couldn't sleep because I was in so much pain.
If it were me, I couldn't do prune juice or dried prunes. Drink lots of water and lots of fiber. I have also found that stool softener can help as well as fiber supplements. I think it's metamucil that you can either take as a pill or in powder form and mix it. I would try that if you aren't able to get enough fiber in your diet. Ugh, it sucks!
I used to drink metamucil mixed with OJ every morning a long time ago.