of course we already dealt with a stomach bug that all five of us got at the beginning of oct. and then keegan and bryce both had the flu towards the end. so i am hoping beyond hope we stay healthy for a bit.
i hope all these sick kiddos get to feeling better..it sucks! :(
She had an underarm temp of 101.2 earlier, but it's down to 100.2 now. The ped. hasn't returned my call yet, which is fine because I didn't really want to bring her in yet and expose her to more germs when she is already trying to fight something else off. She's nursing well and isn't lethargic, but she's so sad and fussy. :(
She had an underarm temp of 101.2 earlier, but it's down to 100.2 now. The ped. hasn't returned my call yet, which is fine because I didn't really want to bring her in yet and expose her to more germs when she is already trying to fight something else off. She's nursing well and isn't lethargic, but she's so sad and fussy. :(
Oh no!!!! That sucks, Alison. I hope she gets better quickly, poor girl. I tell you, all of this illness really is hitting people hard. I just want us to go into isolation for the winter!!!
I am nervous this is the way every winter is going to be from now on, kwim? Like this is just the beginning of worse and worse cold/flu seasons. I hope not...
Ugh. Gavin went to bed and was coughing so hard I thought he was going to throw up. I got him up and was holding him upright (still asleep) to try and help him out and to get some vicks on him. He promptly threw up ALL over me. This better be a fluke.
And I feel like I have an ear infection. WTF? I just got over a sinus infection. And I'm all paranoid because this lady on CNN (the pregnant mom with the pregnant daughter who both got H1N1) was listing symptoms and it went something like sinus infection, ear infection, etc. so of course I'm paranoid now. Dammit, I just want us all to be well enough to get the dang vaccine and so far that hasn't happened.
Aside from Colin has the sniffles a couple weeks ago- we've been healthy as a horse this way! I've been the one that's netting the crap and taking a beating for everyone else..Just proves how much I love them. LOL