yesterday at his parade, we were leaving and he came running up to me with his arms out to pick him up. i lifted him into my arms and with a huge grin on his face he said "MOM! i so happy to see you!" omg, talk about melt my
and then this morning he did something really cute. he was yelling right next to my head and i said, "jake, don't yell! mommy's head hurts!" and he said, "your head hurts mom? i kiss it." and he leaned over and kissed my head. then he cocked his head to the side and said, "all better now mom?"
wow. 3 would be perfect. Ours won't start until it is dark.
we're running out to the house this morning, first to drop laundry at mike's mom's to be dried. then we'll trick or treat at their house and at my moms.
mike's parents live down a 1/2 mile driveway so they never get trick or treaters. Every year, though, she buys for about 50 kids. lmao. she's never had one. But someday, you never know. lol
I'm hoping the kids nap as charlie has been asking about trick or treating since 6:15.
yesterday at his parade, we were leaving and he came running up to me with his arms out to pick him up. i lifted him into my arms and with a huge grin on his face he said "MOM! i so happy to see you!" omg, talk about melt my
and then this morning he did something really cute. he was yelling right next to my head and i said, "jake, don't yell! mommy's head hurts!" and he said, "your head hurts mom? i kiss it." and he leaned over and kissed my head. then he cocked his head to the side and said, "all better now mom?"
i have no idea why but i am beyond crabby today. i do NOT want to hear any more whining, crying, complaining or bitching about anything from anyone with the last name P.... nor do i want to see any eye rolling.
i swear by all that's holy i WILL lose my shit if i hear mikey whine ", mr mommy ......" one more time.
(yes he calls me mr mommy and he calls dan mr daddy. idk why)
I don't think so. We were going to do trick or trot at the university farm (all the equestrian students decorate their horses and stalls and pass out candy), but I am pretty Halloweeened out. The thought of getting their costumes on for a third night is so unappealing. We may call it a holiday and start some THanksgiving crafts this weekend :)
The boys did trick or treat in one of the first year residence halls last night. There were only 8 stops, but they didn't know the difference and thought they got "lots of candy".
wow. 3 would be perfect. Ours won't start until it is dark.
we're running out to the house this morning, first to drop laundry at mike's mom's to be dried. then we'll trick or treat at their house and at my moms.
mike's parents live down a 1/2 mile driveway so they never get trick or treaters. Every year, though, she buys for about 50 kids. lmao. she's never had one. But someday, you never know. lol
I'm hoping the kids nap as charlie has been asking about trick or treating since 6:15.
supper and then tot.
oh geez. that sucks! i would hate having to wait until dark.
i have plenty to keep us busy today. first i need to do a grocery inventory, plan a meal list for the next 2 weeks and then grab a few things at the grocery store (not much). jake is only 2 stickers away from filling his potty chart (and he has done MUCH better since we started it!!!) so he's dying to go pick out a new Mac at target (that's the truck from cars, not a computer). i'll probably take him over there and get his haircut while we're out.
neither of my kids napped yesterday with all the parade and party excitement, so hopefully they'll give us nice long naps today.
i have no idea why but i am beyond crabby today. i do NOT want to hear any more whining, crying, complaining or bitching about anything from anyone with the last name P.... nor do i want to see any eye rolling.
i swear by all that's holy i WILL lose my shit if i hear mikey whine ", mr mommy ......" one more time.
(yes he calls me mr mommy and he calls dan mr daddy. idk why)
omg, soooo cute about the mr thing!!! <3
i SO feel you sara. emily was a piece of work yesterday (she usually is) and i CANNOT stand the whining and drama and crying. i have already warned her that i'm not listening today and if she can't act like a big girl, she will be spending some time in her room today.
I don't think so. We were going to do trick or trot at the university farm (all the equestrian students decorate their horses and stalls and pass out candy), but I am pretty Halloweeened out. The thought of getting their costumes on for a third night is so unappealing. We may call it a holiday and start some THanksgiving crafts this weekend :)
The boys did trick or treat in one of the first year residence halls last night. There were only 8 stops, but they didn't know the difference and thought they got "lots of candy".
how adorable! who else tot's in the dorms? i would have LOVED that in college, but we didn't have that. :(
I don't think so. We were going to do trick or trot at the university farm (all the equestrian students decorate their horses and stalls and pass out candy), but I am pretty Halloweeened out. The thought of getting their costumes on for a third night is so unappealing. We may call it a holiday and start some THanksgiving crafts this weekend :)
The boys did trick or treat in one of the first year residence halls last night. There were only 8 stops, but they didn't know the difference and thought they got "lots of candy".
how adorable! who else tot's in the dorms? i would have LOVED that in college, but we didn't have that. :(
quoting myself to say that i'm sorry if it's not PC to call them "dorms" :bag