I'm supposed to go with Mike to San Francisco for a few days next week (thurs - sunday).
I'm freaking out about leaving the kids with the H1N1 going around. It's just starting here - mostly in the middle schools right now.
There are no kids out yet at their day care.
My mom is subbing in the middle schools and she is supposed to be taking care of the kids.
I'm sure they'd be fine but I'd hate to leave them when they are sick (or have them get sick when I was away). Or have my mom get sick when she was taking care of them.
AHHHHH. I don't know what to do.
If it was Boston or NY, I'd go, knowing that I could be home in a few hours if necessary but San Francisco is 12 hours of flying (and airport time) away.
I've already paid for my plane ticket but I could use it for another trip another time.
I would probably go. I think mom could take care of them wonderfully, you could stay fully informed, and you'd be back after just three days (I think, right?). H1N1 is goingto drag out a while, I don't think we can totally bubble ourselves ...says the girl who is currently living in a cess pool of college students.
let me get this straight.... neither your kids or mom actually have the flu, right?
i would totally go!
do you trust your mom? i am thinking you do.
and if they get sick, you could head back.
Ditto - I know this swine flu here is scary. I am sitting in the center of it as kids are dropping all around me. I think I would go. You have a paid ticket. You cannot stay home just because of a what if. You will be home all winter then.
So, Mike only has an afternoon thing, right? If you didn't go he wouldn't stay that whole time?
I want to tell you to just go and have fun but if it were me I'd probably go and worry the whole time and call a million times and not end up having fun. So, I would probably end up staying home. But I *want* to tell you to go and have a good time!
Everybody is right you can't live in a bubble. But if you go do you think you will be able to enjoy yourself? If so, then go!