R didnt really go through the terrible twos. or maybe she did but i didnt realize it bc i was battling colic at the time.
i posted a while back that C has been HORRIFIC - and after that post it only got worse. it was like 3 weeks of HELL over here. i've never ever seen anything like it. i was peeling her off of sidewalks, she was sprawling flat across the preschool hallway vomiting from tantrums, fainting at the supermarket, the whole bit.
and 3 weeks later it just STOPPED. she's like completely done with it. sure she still gets upset, but NOTHING like that.
is this how it works? do you think something was going on with her during those three weeks that i missed? i dont see new teeth, i brought her into the doc TWICE during those weeks to check her ears (and her teeth in case i missed something) ...nothing has changed with sleep.... i feel like it's dumb to think i'm through the worst of the tantrums, but i dont know how the 2s go really. i know that with R, her bad stage was in the 3s, and it was like 2 mos of HELL and then it just stopped and she was back to her sweet self. do the 2s work like this? what have your experiences been? i'm PRAYING i'm out of the woods here. i mean i know she'll still have tantrums, but the level we were at in those three weeks was above and beyond.
Lord, my terrible twos are still going with both of them. lol.
I hope you are just lucky and that was it.
I would say, our terrible twos are nothing like that. It is more generally bad behaviour.
Josie is sneaky. Whiney. She hits. It isn't terrible terrible but it can be tricky to deal with. She's silly at nap time at daycare and at meal times. When you confront her about it (or her teachers confront her) she says "It's funny. I'm hilarious." When you yell at her, she laughs (she gets this from Mike and it infuriates me). It isn't awful but it foreshadows what is coming, I think. Oh and if you tell her no, she says "But you love me!". Awesome.
I think you were blessed with Rachel (and you deserved it with the crazy colic you had to deal with) and I think Cara is a bit more "normal". I hope your three week super crazy period was the worst of it for you and you only have to deal with the milder terrible twos. (Don't ask what three will bring, lmao, you're better off living in the dark.)
Oh, and I wonder if Cara had a virus or something. Mike and I both had a very weird virus in early october where we just felt off. You couldn't put a finger on it, nothing was really wrong but we were worn out, grumpy, anxious, etc. I wouldn't have thought it was a virus but our downstairs neighbor had the same thing. It was like the life was sucked out of us for 3 or 4 days.
During that time, the kids were a freaking nightmare. Cry at the drop of a hat, freak out if things weren't just so. I wonder if they felt the same way.
Lord, my terrible twos are still going with both of them. lol.
I hope you are just lucky and that was it.
I would say, our terrible twos are nothing like that. It is more generally bad behaviour.
Josie is sneaky. Whiney. She hits. It isn't terrible terrible but it can be tricky to deal with. She's silly at nap time at daycare and at meal times. When you confront her about it (or her teachers confront her) she says "It's funny. I'm hilarious." When you yell at her, she laughs (she gets this from Mike and it infuriates me). It isn't awful but it foreshadows what is coming, I think. Oh and if you tell her no, she says "But you love me!". Awesome.
I think you were blessed with Rachel (and you deserved it with the crazy colic you had to deal with) and I think Cara is a bit more "normal". I hope your three week super crazy period was the worst of it for you and you only have to deal with the milder terrible twos. (Don't ask what three will bring, lmao, you're better off living in the dark.)
cara sounds just like josie, mild hitting, silliness, talking back - "it *is* funny" and that kind of thing. which, compared to her throwing herself down in the middle of a busy street vomitting is NOTHING.
this i can deal with - i agree, it's "tricky" but isnt driving me personally insane (which is my main priority right now - lol).
and i agree that cara is more "normal" - she's what you expect. R was a definite exception (unfortunately).
Oh, and I wonder if Cara had a virus or something. Mike and I both had a very weird virus in early october where we just felt off. You couldn't put a finger on it, nothing was really wrong but we were worn out, grumpy, anxious, etc. I wouldn't have thought it was a virus but our downstairs neighbor had the same thing. It was like the life was sucked out of us for 3 or 4 days.
During that time, the kids were a freaking nightmare. Cry at the drop of a hat, freak out if things weren't just so. I wonder if they felt the same way.
Anyway, maybe it was something like that?
that's interesting, bc now, mike and i have these weird "flu like" symptoms that keep coming and going - no fever, but just a little off, like one day we'll feel nauseous, one day we'll have a sore throat, the next day we're fine, the day after tha tfine, the next day a headache, etc. it's been like a week of this now. it's possible cara had some of that giong on...hmm..
Oh, and I wonder if Cara had a virus or something. Mike and I both had a very weird virus in early october where we just felt off. You couldn't put a finger on it, nothing was really wrong but we were worn out, grumpy, anxious, etc. I wouldn't have thought it was a virus but our downstairs neighbor had the same thing. It was like the life was sucked out of us for 3 or 4 days.
During that time, the kids were a freaking nightmare. Cry at the drop of a hat, freak out if things weren't just so. I wonder if they felt the same way.
Anyway, maybe it was something like that?
that's interesting, bc now, mike and i have these weird "flu like" symptoms that keep coming and going - no fever, but just a little off, like one day we'll feel nauseous, one day we'll have a sore throat, the next day we're fine, the day after tha tfine, the next day a headache, etc. it's been like a week of this now. it's possible cara had some of that giong on...hmm..
I hope you've seen the end, you've put in your dues for sure!
Travis and I have both been dealing with exactly what you listed above. Probably for about two weeks. It is so frustrating. It comes and goes. Yesterday I went home sick sure that I was coming down with something, then felt better. Sore throat, nauseous, everything you and Sonya described but not constant and not bad enough to see a doc. Just lasting forever.
I did not have it at 2, but 3 and it was awful for a period and it was like she turned a corner one day.
Has she been sleeping good? Like Kristy mentioned. Allison is a nut without sleep. I actually kept her home from school because I could tell she was starting to get crazy and needed rest.
You did just remind me though about 2 year molars.
Has she gotten them yet?
You might see another surge of crazy when they come in.
Also, random but maybe she was having allergies and it was causing her to have some sort of sleep apnea and now her allergy season is over. :dunno
When my kids don't get enough sleep they're CRAZY!!!!
With a capital C and that rhymes with P and that stands for pool.
(movie line....anyone?)
ohhh music man ref - LOVE it. my kids totally know that line ;)
i think she has at least one molar now, but WHO WOULD KNOW bc she wont let me look. i had brought her in thinking ear infection and the doc said she had a major swollen spot back there (this was before her insane 3 wks though) - i guess that must have broken through, but again, i dont think it correlates bc the doc didnt mention it when i brought her in during those 3 wks. WHO KNOWS.
I did not have it at 2, but 3 and it was awful for a period and it was like she turned a corner one day.
Has she been sleeping good? Like Kristy mentioned. Allison is a nut without sleep. I actually kept her home from school because I could tell she was starting to get crazy and needed rest.
I hope this is it for you for a while.
i actually remember R and allie followed the same pattern at 3 - nightmare, then it was over like a light was switched on.
she's been sleeping OK - better than usual actually - i did give her some heavier blankets during the 3 weeks of hell and maybe that helped...i know she was tired during those 3 wks, but it's cara, and her sleep is ALWAYS off, and she NEVER naps, and nothing ever seems to correlate with ANYTHING bc - well she's cara ...
maybe the blankets/weather change had something to do with it.