I know a lot of you saw my facebook message and were concerned, but I wanted to touch base with her to make sure she was okay with me posting the details of what's going on.
Allison is leaving Quint. I think most of you know that she's had a foot out the door and has been a shell of her former self for a very long time. It's taken her a long time to build of the strength (or maybe the frustration) to leave. She's put up with a lot more than anyone should have to in a lifetime.
She talked to him a few days ago, and as anyone would be, he was upset and hurt, but I can't imagine that he was all that surprised. However over the weekend, he attempted suicide. He's been released from the hospital, and is no longer at the house.
LL is tough. She really is. She's stronger than she gives herself credit for, and I'm really proud of her for staying strong because I know Quint was upset, but I think he was gunning to hurt her, and guilt her to stay with him.
I just touched base with her again a few minutes ago, and they had had a chance to talk over the phone, which although understandably hostile at first, seems to have gotten a little better, and Quint seems to have been in a more stable frame of mine.
If you all could keep her in your thoughts and prayers in the coming weeks, I know things are going to be rougher before they get better, but I think this is the start of a whole new (and better quality of) life for her and the kids.
Definitely sending tons of prayers for her and her family.
I hope (no, I know) this is the beginning of her living the happy life she deserves. I just pray things look up from here. What an awful experience for her and her family to go through.
LLLLLLLL, I hope this difficult time is what comes before more happiness than you ever could have imagined. You are so strong and deserve so much joy, as do your kids. I am always here for you, no matter what, as are so many of us. Lean on us whenever you need to!