FYI - with the nasal mist you are contagious and are expected to stay away from people for 7 days. You can spread the virus. It is live.
There have been side effects from the vaccine, but all vaccines come with risk.
We had two deaths at Childrens here from the reaction to the h1n1 vaccine.
One county here only has injectables and the other only has mist. It is insane and so poorly run. No pediatricians here are giving it out. Do other states have them at their peds?
Then to add on top of it all. You have a whole mass clinic of people getting a live virus. That is insane and a great way to spread it.
I now cannot even get a reg flu shot for the kids. They are out of all pediatric doses and do not expect more in :( Even the health dept is out.
-- Edited by CoffeeQueen on Wednesday 21st of October 2009 12:38:10 PM
Did the kids that died get the mist?
I haven't heard anything about it.
I wonder if they had the flu anyway and just coincidentally had recently gotten the vaccine.
They didn't say anything about deaths from the vaccine on the report I saw just 3 nights ago.
Can you tell me where? I'm curious and would like to read about these kids.
They were from Detroit. Michigan. I honestly do not think things are being reported right away. I think they have to investigate. I only know from a nurse that works at Children's. I do not know if it was a mist or not. I do know the mist is live and it says on the directions to not have contact with people for 7 days. It all makes no sense to me. It is frustrating. I think you just need to do what you feel is right and go from there.
That is effin' scary!!!!!
Another problem is that since many doctors aren't even testing for flu, either kind, there is no real way to know if the vaccines have any effect. They may be diagnosing H1N1 when it's seasonal, and vice versa, or not diagnosing anything at all, so the statistics can't possibly be accurate. The real numbers of people who have had H1N1 could be way above or way below what's being reported in the media.
I know - this whole thing makes me sick. I am really angry at the medical wprld right now. They make parents helpless. I have no clean facts or answers, but just a dr that tells me to inject. yet, not even the CDC knows what will happen or what is to come. There is just madness surrounding this.
It's not the medical world Melissa. It's the insurance and medicaid who are losing money by testing this stuff so they've said not to test..THAT's who you should be mad it.
not going to get into the shot issue, but the medical world is pushing out inaccurate info. I have talked to many doctors and each say something different. There is something to be said for that. They should have some responsibility in that. If they do not know or are uncertain then they should say so. Many people do not investigate and take the Dr on the today shows word because he is a Dr. and should know. That is what I meant. I understand the whole drug company and insurance end.
prt of me is happy that some doctors disagree on this. Im glad its not well the cdc tells us to tell you this so here it is. IMO that would be wrong. I think just like us doctors are reall people who have to weigh the pros and cons and tell us what they would do with their family. I appreciate that.
I totally agree about our health system being screwed up. I hate trying to sort through this BS to figure if the hype is real or not. I would be rich if I did not have to pay so many fricken medical bills and that is with insurance.
I agree with ya that I hope everyone on here feels they are doing the right thing. Regardless if they get it or not. I am usually not wishy washy about this type of stuff. I just have been so freaked out over it. I was not getting it and then I was, etc. I have talked to so many health care workers and am starting to really see the damage from this stupid flu. I guess the issue is there is so much misinformation floating around. It is even being conveyed on the news.
Sorry, it really was not your Amen. It was more Jen's comment about the 5 months and praying. I am in no way wanting to hurt feelings or start anymore crap. I just was saying to myself and others that do not feel bad that praying is not enough for you. I can pray and my child can still get the flu and die. I mean I think I have heard before that God wants you to do for yourself.
I need to stop,lol
Please yell at me if you ever see me post about the flu again. I have made my decision and am sticking to it :)
-- Edited by CoffeeQueen on Thursday 22nd of October 2009 08:42:27 AM
Melissa, let's get one thing clear here. I, in no WAY was advising anyone on this board to pray and let that be it. Nowhere have I said that. What I said was to pray for guidance, as any believer should ALWAYS do anyway, and go from there. I believe the Lord will lead us to do what we're supposed to do if we seek his guidance first, not the media, not the doctors, not the Today's show, etc.. HIM first!
Whatever decision people on here make has to be the one that's best for them and their family. I haven't been wishy washy at all with this..sure I've been concerned, so I did what I always have done throughout my adult life and prayed harder for an answer. I don't see anything wrong with that and will not be slammed for advising believers to pray about their decision
ETA: And I have no idea why the 5 month thing got you so riled up. All I said about that was that it was not long enough for ME!
-- Edited by Juanita on Thursday 22nd of October 2009 01:52:18 PM
prt of me is happy that some doctors disagree on this. Im glad its not well the cdc tells us to tell you this so here it is. IMO that would be wrong. I think just like us doctors are reall people who have to weigh the pros and cons and tell us what they would do with their family. I appreciate that.
I totally agree Tracy. Why wouldn't they have differing opinions? You will be hard pressed to find doctors who think the same way about certain issues. So, I'm really not understanding Melissa's comments about them taking responsibility for their opinons..
I totally agree about our health system being screwed up. I hate trying to sort through this BS to figure if the hype is real or not. I would be rich if I did not have to pay so many fricken medical bills and that is with insurance.
I agree with ya that I hope everyone on here feels they are doing the right thing. Regardless if they get it or not. I am usually not wishy washy about this type of stuff. I just have been so freaked out over it. I was not getting it and then I was, etc. I have talked to so many health care workers and am starting to really see the damage from this stupid flu. I guess the issue is there is so much misinformation floating around. It is even being conveyed on the news.
Sorry, it really was not your Amen. It was more Jen's comment about the 5 months and praying. I am in no way wanting to hurt feelings or start anymore crap. I just was saying to myself and others that do not feel bad that praying is not enough for you. I can pray and my child can still get the flu and die. I mean I think I have heard before that God wants you to do for yourself.
I need to stop,lol
Please yell at me if you ever see me post about the flu again. I have made my decision and am sticking to it :)
-- Edited by CoffeeQueen on Thursday 22nd of October 2009 08:42:27 AM
Melissa, let's get one thing clear here. I, in no WAY was advising anyone on this board to pray and let that be it. Nowhere have I said that. What I said was to pray for guidance, as any believer should ALWAYS do anyway, and go from there. I believe the Lord will lead us to do what we're supposed to do if we seek his guidance first, not the media, not the doctors, not the Today's show, etc.. HIM first!
Whatever decision people on here make has to be the one that's best for them and their family. I haven't been wishy washy at all with this..sure I've been concerned, so I did what I always have done throughout my adult life and prayed harder for an answer. I don't see anything wrong with that and will not be slammed for advising believers to pray about their decision
ETA: And I have no idea why the 5 month thing got you so riled up. All I said about that was that it was not long enough for ME!
-- Edited by Juanita on Thursday 22nd of October 2009 01:52:18 PM
I do not feel I was slamming you for advising to pray or praying. I do not disagree with you on that. I was just saying that even with praying that sometimes there are other means. I never said you were advising anyone on here. I was just expressing my opinion, as you were expressing your opinion. I have been wishy washy over it all. I feel like I cannot get any clear data, facts, etc. My brain does not work well on all this emotion that is fueling this issue in my community. It may be very different in each area. I can pray about it, but I feel that if I say it is just in God's hands that may mean he is providing me with an answer through a vaccine. So, it is not that I disagree with your statement on
I am sure people do not like what I say. That is life. I guess I am unclear as to how I told you were advising people? There are others here who have said they were not getting it and vise versa. I think it has been a continuous conversation on it. I think you are very right in it is a personal/family decision.
I did respond to the wrong post originally and I wrote in there that I was commenting on your statement and not the one I posted on, oops. You asked a question in your statement. The question was is 5 months enough for you. I kind of was responding to that, etc.
prt of me is happy that some doctors disagree on this. Im glad its not well the cdc tells us to tell you this so here it is. IMO that would be wrong. I think just like us doctors are reall people who have to weigh the pros and cons and tell us what they would do with their family. I appreciate that.
I totally agree Tracy. Why wouldn't they have differing opinions? You will be hard pressed to find doctors who think the same way about certain issues. So, I'm really not understanding Melissa's comments about them taking responsibility for their opinons..
Jiminy Cricket - I was not saying a Dr. does not have an opinion. I am talking about straight facts. That the nasal is a live virus and not explaining that. There are Dr. on TV advising to get it and it is best for children, but no other statement made on what is , who can or cannot get it, etc.
Cripes, it is just my opinion. If I just thought the same as others then where would that get us :) You can disagree - I feel that there has been a lot of misrepresentation from medical Doctors. I feel I am not alone in this thought. I have been talking to a lot of parents who feel the same way. They fear that they are not getting the best medical advice right now or do not know if this is panic, drug company selling something, etc. So, not sure how else to explain my comment to make you understand. Maybe you just do not feel that way?
I totally agree about our health system being screwed up. I hate trying to sort through this BS to figure if the hype is real or not. I would be rich if I did not have to pay so many fricken medical bills and that is with insurance.
I agree with ya that I hope everyone on here feels they are doing the right thing. Regardless if they get it or not. I am usually not wishy washy about this type of stuff. I just have been so freaked out over it. I was not getting it and then I was, etc. I have talked to so many health care workers and am starting to really see the damage from this stupid flu. I guess the issue is there is so much misinformation floating around. It is even being conveyed on the news.
Sorry, it really was not your Amen. It was more Jen's comment about the 5 months and praying. I am in no way wanting to hurt feelings or start anymore crap. I just was saying to myself and others that do not feel bad that praying is not enough for you. I can pray and my child can still get the flu and die. I mean I think I have heard before that God wants you to do for yourself.
I need to stop,lol
Please yell at me if you ever see me post about the flu again. I have made my decision and am sticking to it :)
-- Edited by CoffeeQueen on Thursday 22nd of October 2009 08:42:27 AM
Melissa, let's get one thing clear here. I, in no WAY was advising anyone on this board to pray and let that be it. Nowhere have I said that. What I said was to pray for guidance, as any believer should ALWAYS do anyway, and go from there. I believe the Lord will lead us to do what we're supposed to do if we seek his guidance first, not the media, not the doctors, not the Today's show, etc.. HIM first!
Whatever decision people on here make has to be the one that's best for them and their family. I haven't been wishy washy at all with this..sure I've been concerned, so I did what I always have done throughout my adult life and prayed harder for an answer. I don't see anything wrong with that and will not be slammed for advising believers to pray about their decision
ETA: And I have no idea why the 5 month thing got you so riled up. All I said about that was that it was not long enough for ME!
-- Edited by Juanita on Thursday 22nd of October 2009 01:52:18 PM
I do not feel I was slamming you for advising to pray or praying. I do not disagree with you on that. I was just saying that even with praying that sometimes there are other means. I never said you were advising anyone on here. I was just expressing my opinion, as you were expressing your opinion. I have been wishy washy over it all. I feel like I cannot get any clear data, facts, etc. My brain does not work well on all this emotion that is fueling this issue in my community. It may be very different in each area. I can pray about it, but I feel that if I say it is just in God's hands that may mean he is providing me with an answer through a vaccine. So, it is not that I disagree with your statement on
I am sure people do not like what I say. That is life. I guess I am unclear as to how I told you were advising people? There are others here who have said they were not getting it and vise versa. I think it has been a continuous conversation on it. I think you are very right in it is a personal/family decision.
I did respond to the wrong post originally and I wrote in there that I was commenting on your statement and not the one I posted on, oops. You asked a question in your statement. The question was is 5 months enough for you. I kind of was responding to that, etc.
That is exactly the point I was trying to make. I think that if you seek his answer first, whether it's to vaccinate or not, you'll feel 100% confident in your decision.
I don't think it's any different there than it is here, my bff's 2 year old son has it right now. She's a nurse, and she didn't vaccinate any of her kids either. She hadn't even done the seasonal flu vaccine because her ped was out. Thankfully he's getting better. It's happening everywhere, and thankfully the majority of the cases are mild ones.
And it's the part in blue that rubbed me the wrong way. That sounded to me like you were saying that I said to just pray and leave it at that. That's not what I said. I said to pray for guidance, whatever that leads you to..
prt of me is happy that some doctors disagree on this. Im glad its not well the cdc tells us to tell you this so here it is. IMO that would be wrong. I think just like us doctors are reall people who have to weigh the pros and cons and tell us what they would do with their family. I appreciate that.
I totally agree Tracy. Why wouldn't they have differing opinions? You will be hard pressed to find doctors who think the same way about certain issues. So, I'm really not understanding Melissa's comments about them taking responsibility for their opinons..
Jiminy Cricket - I was not saying a Dr. does not have an opinion. I am talking about straight facts. That the nasal is a live virus and not explaining that. There are Dr. on TV advising to get it and it is best for children, but no other statement made on what is , who can or cannot get it, etc.
Cripes, it is just my opinion. If I just thought the same as others then where would that get us :) You can disagree - I feel that there has been a lot of misrepresentation from medical Doctors. I feel I am not alone in this thought. I have been talking to a lot of parents who feel the same way. They fear that they are not getting the best medical advice right now or do not know if this is panic, drug company selling something, etc. So, not sure how else to explain my comment to make you understand. Maybe you just do not feel that way?
Have you ever thought that just because they are doctors doesnt mean they know everything. I think this is where I am at a crossroads with you. YOu seem to expect the doctor to be able to tell you what to do why will your child get sick what to do and these people are HUMAN. this is a new strain and hence they cannot tell you everything about it. As for the nasal being a live virus, im pretty sure it is but this is where YOu as a parent ask the questions of your doctor to get the answers your not finding on the news. And its ok sometimes they will tell you they dont know. It doesnt make them liars, or bad doctors.
prt of me is happy that some doctors disagree on this. Im glad its not well the cdc tells us to tell you this so here it is. IMO that would be wrong. I think just like us doctors are reall people who have to weigh the pros and cons and tell us what they would do with their family. I appreciate that.
I totally agree Tracy. Why wouldn't they have differing opinions? You will be hard pressed to find doctors who think the same way about certain issues. So, I'm really not understanding Melissa's comments about them taking responsibility for their opinons..
Jiminy Cricket - I was not saying a Dr. does not have an opinion. I am talking about straight facts. That the nasal is a live virus and not explaining that. There are Dr. on TV advising to get it and it is best for children, but no other statement made on what is , who can or cannot get it, etc.
Cripes, it is just my opinion. If I just thought the same as others then where would that get us :) You can disagree - I feel that there has been a lot of misrepresentation from medical Doctors. I feel I am not alone in this thought. I have been talking to a lot of parents who feel the same way. They fear that they are not getting the best medical advice right now or do not know if this is panic, drug company selling something, etc. So, not sure how else to explain my comment to make you understand. Maybe you just do not feel that way?
How in the world can doctors on TV, who only have an allotted amount of time to speak, fully explain everything they need to explain? There's no way they could. there are a lot of different factors about the nasal mist itself, much less who should and should not take it. People should never, ever rely on doctors that they can't sit down face to face and talk to and answer questions. No matter if it's the same answer they hear on TV or not. Local doctors know what they're seeing in real life. And OF COURSE it's panic. That's all you see on the news anymore. People hear all these different opinions, all these statistics of children dying,'s surely going to cause panic. Just look at this board
prt of me is happy that some doctors disagree on this. Im glad its not well the cdc tells us to tell you this so here it is. IMO that would be wrong. I think just like us doctors are reall people who have to weigh the pros and cons and tell us what they would do with their family. I appreciate that.
I totally agree Tracy. Why wouldn't they have differing opinions? You will be hard pressed to find doctors who think the same way about certain issues. So, I'm really not understanding Melissa's comments about them taking responsibility for their opinons..
Jiminy Cricket - I was not saying a Dr. does not have an opinion. I am talking about straight facts. That the nasal is a live virus and not explaining that. There are Dr. on TV advising to get it and it is best for children, but no other statement made on what is , who can or cannot get it, etc.
Cripes, it is just my opinion. If I just thought the same as others then where would that get us :) You can disagree - I feel that there has been a lot of misrepresentation from medical Doctors. I feel I am not alone in this thought. I have been talking to a lot of parents who feel the same way. They fear that they are not getting the best medical advice right now or do not know if this is panic, drug company selling something, etc. So, not sure how else to explain my comment to make you understand. Maybe you just do not feel that way?
Have you ever thought that just because they are doctors doesnt mean they know everything. I think this is where I am at a crossroads with you. YOu seem to expect the doctor to be able to tell you what to do why will your child get sick what to do and these people are HUMAN. this is a new strain and hence they cannot tell you everything about it. As for the nasal being a live virus, im pretty sure it is but this is where YOu as a parent ask the questions of your doctor to get the answers your not finding on the news. And its ok sometimes they will tell you they dont know. It doesnt make them liars, or bad doctors.
A 5 month old strain. My baby's older than this H1N1, lol
prt of me is happy that some doctors disagree on this. Im glad its not well the cdc tells us to tell you this so here it is. IMO that would be wrong. I think just like us doctors are reall people who have to weigh the pros and cons and tell us what they would do with their family. I appreciate that.
I totally agree Tracy. Why wouldn't they have differing opinions? You will be hard pressed to find doctors who think the same way about certain issues. So, I'm really not understanding Melissa's comments about them taking responsibility for their opinons..
Jiminy Cricket - I was not saying a Dr. does not have an opinion. I am talking about straight facts. That the nasal is a live virus and not explaining that. There are Dr. on TV advising to get it and it is best for children, but no other statement made on what is , who can or cannot get it, etc.
Cripes, it is just my opinion. If I just thought the same as others then where would that get us :) You can disagree - I feel that there has been a lot of misrepresentation from medical Doctors. I feel I am not alone in this thought. I have been talking to a lot of parents who feel the same way. They fear that they are not getting the best medical advice right now or do not know if this is panic, drug company selling something, etc. So, not sure how else to explain my comment to make you understand. Maybe you just do not feel that way?
Have you ever thought that just because they are doctors doesnt mean they know everything. I think this is where I am at a crossroads with you. YOu seem to expect the doctor to be able to tell you what to do why will your child get sick what to do and these people are HUMAN. this is a new strain and hence they cannot tell you everything about it. As for the nasal being a live virus, im pretty sure it is but this is where YOu as a parent ask the questions of your doctor to get the answers your not finding on the news. And its ok sometimes they will tell you they dont know. It doesnt make them liars, or bad doctors.
Tracy, I have no problem with a Dr. telling me they do not know. I did not say that. I personally do ask the questions. I am just upset because people right now are getting so much info and very few facts. I am pretty sure that you are not seeing this as I am. I work daily with parents/children. When you do, you tend to see a different side. There are a lot of scared parents and honestly I am including myself in this. I get a lot of, but such and such said this,etc.
I never called them liars. I said I was angry or mad or whatever. I know this is a new strain. However, if you are going to come out and say it is safe, then I feel you should in fact know it is safe, no?
I never said I want a Dr. to tell me what to do. I want to be able to get some facts. There are not a lot out there. I wonder how some of these Dr. are explaining this if there is not a lot of data out there. As Jen said - it has been 5 months. I am honestly not even sure how long they have worked on this. I did read it was tested on a low #.
I know they are human. So, yes, I have thought about it. I just think if I am going to go out and say go get this to a mass group of people, then I should have some accountability. We are talking children here. We are not talking new grass fertilizer.
prt of me is happy that some doctors disagree on this. Im glad its not well the cdc tells us to tell you this so here it is. IMO that would be wrong. I think just like us doctors are reall people who have to weigh the pros and cons and tell us what they would do with their family. I appreciate that.
I totally agree Tracy. Why wouldn't they have differing opinions? You will be hard pressed to find doctors who think the same way about certain issues. So, I'm really not understanding Melissa's comments about them taking responsibility for their opinons..
Jiminy Cricket - I was not saying a Dr. does not have an opinion. I am talking about straight facts. That the nasal is a live virus and not explaining that. There are Dr. on TV advising to get it and it is best for children, but no other statement made on what is , who can or cannot get it, etc.
Cripes, it is just my opinion. If I just thought the same as others then where would that get us :) You can disagree - I feel that there has been a lot of misrepresentation from medical Doctors. I feel I am not alone in this thought. I have been talking to a lot of parents who feel the same way. They fear that they are not getting the best medical advice right now or do not know if this is panic, drug company selling something, etc. So, not sure how else to explain my comment to make you understand. Maybe you just do not feel that way?
Have you ever thought that just because they are doctors doesnt mean they know everything. I think this is where I am at a crossroads with you. YOu seem to expect the doctor to be able to tell you what to do why will your child get sick what to do and these people are HUMAN. this is a new strain and hence they cannot tell you everything about it. As for the nasal being a live virus, im pretty sure it is but this is where YOu as a parent ask the questions of your doctor to get the answers your not finding on the news. And its ok sometimes they will tell you they dont know. It doesnt make them liars, or bad doctors.
A 5 month old strain. My baby's older than this H1N1, lol
yes, but if you look at the mutation of this there is a history they have been following.
The 2009 swine flu has been compared to other similar types of influenza virus in terms of mortality: "in the US it appears that for every 1000 people who get infected, about 40 people need admission to hospital and about one person dies."[57] There are fears that swine flu will become a major global pandemic at the end of the year (coinciding with the Northern Hemisphere winter months), with many countries planning major vaccination campaigns.
prt of me is happy that some doctors disagree on this. Im glad its not well the cdc tells us to tell you this so here it is. IMO that would be wrong. I think just like us doctors are reall people who have to weigh the pros and cons and tell us what they would do with their family. I appreciate that.
I totally agree Tracy. Why wouldn't they have differing opinions? You will be hard pressed to find doctors who think the same way about certain issues. So, I'm really not understanding Melissa's comments about them taking responsibility for their opinons..
Jiminy Cricket - I was not saying a Dr. does not have an opinion. I am talking about straight facts. That the nasal is a live virus and not explaining that. There are Dr. on TV advising to get it and it is best for children, but no other statement made on what is , who can or cannot get it, etc.
Cripes, it is just my opinion. If I just thought the same as others then where would that get us :) You can disagree - I feel that there has been a lot of misrepresentation from medical Doctors. I feel I am not alone in this thought. I have been talking to a lot of parents who feel the same way. They fear that they are not getting the best medical advice right now or do not know if this is panic, drug company selling something, etc. So, not sure how else to explain my comment to make you understand. Maybe you just do not feel that way?
Have you ever thought that just because they are doctors doesnt mean they know everything. I think this is where I am at a crossroads with you. YOu seem to expect the doctor to be able to tell you what to do why will your child get sick what to do and these people are HUMAN. this is a new strain and hence they cannot tell you everything about it. As for the nasal being a live virus, im pretty sure it is but this is where YOu as a parent ask the questions of your doctor to get the answers your not finding on the news. And its ok sometimes they will tell you they dont know. It doesnt make them liars, or bad doctors.
Tracy, I have no problem with a Dr. telling me they do not know. I did not say that. I personally do ask the questions. I am just upset because people right now are getting so much info and very few facts. I am pretty sure that you are not seeing this as I am. I work daily with parents/children. When you do, you tend to see a different side. There are a lot of scared parents and honestly I am including myself in this. I get a lot of, but such and such said this,etc.
I never called them liars. I said I was angry or mad or whatever. I know this is a new strain. However, if you are going to come out and say it is safe, then I feel you should in fact know it is safe, no?
I never said I want a Dr. to tell me what to do. I want to be able to get some facts. There are not a lot out there. I wonder how some of these Dr. are explaining this if there is not a lot of data out there. As Jen said - it has been 5 months. I am honestly not even sure how long they have worked on this. I did read it was tested on a low #.
I know they are human. So, yes, I have thought about it. I just think if I am going to go out and say go get this to a mass group of people, then I should have some accountability. We are talking children here. We are not talking new grass fertilizer.
ABSOLUTELY!! And no one can do that yet. Maybe next year they can, but they can't this year and that concerns me.
prt of me is happy that some doctors disagree on this. Im glad its not well the cdc tells us to tell you this so here it is. IMO that would be wrong. I think just like us doctors are reall people who have to weigh the pros and cons and tell us what they would do with their family. I appreciate that.
I totally agree Tracy. Why wouldn't they have differing opinions? You will be hard pressed to find doctors who think the same way about certain issues. So, I'm really not understanding Melissa's comments about them taking responsibility for their opinons..
Jiminy Cricket - I was not saying a Dr. does not have an opinion. I am talking about straight facts. That the nasal is a live virus and not explaining that. There are Dr. on TV advising to get it and it is best for children, but no other statement made on what is , who can or cannot get it, etc.
Cripes, it is just my opinion. If I just thought the same as others then where would that get us :) You can disagree - I feel that there has been a lot of misrepresentation from medical Doctors. I feel I am not alone in this thought. I have been talking to a lot of parents who feel the same way. They fear that they are not getting the best medical advice right now or do not know if this is panic, drug company selling something, etc. So, not sure how else to explain my comment to make you understand. Maybe you just do not feel that way?
How in the world can doctors on TV, who only have an allotted amount of time to speak, fully explain everything they need to explain? There's no way they could. there are a lot of different factors about the nasal mist itself, much less who should and should not take it. People should never, ever rely on doctors that they can't sit down face to face and talk to and answer questions. No matter if it's the same answer they hear on TV or not. Local doctors know what they're seeing in real life. And OF COURSE it's panic. That's all you see on the news anymore. People hear all these different opinions, all these statistics of children dying,'s surely going to cause panic. Just look at this board
This Dr. flat out said that children should take the H1N1 mist. I am not saying that I follow it. If honestly you do not feel media/medical should have some standard when reporting to the public then we can just call it a day and disagree.
When you have a Dr. on the Today show doing a segment on the swine flu and passing ouy a rec. - then yes I feel they can explain some of the key issues that people should know about. There is a lot of recommendations going on, but little education to the customer. Not everyone can sit down with a Dr. Here most Dr do not have the vaccine and are being run in health clinics, etc. They do not get answers. They get, you should get the shot, etc.
Again, this is how I feel.
-- Edited by CoffeeQueen on Thursday 22nd of October 2009 02:56:53 PM
i think the vax is the best they as a medical community can do at the time. If they said dont get it thats like telling a parent to let your child get an illness that we all know can kill them. I think again doctors being held accountable for this is kind of harsh in some respects as im sure they dont want to be sued for a side effect of a vaccine or sued if someone dies when they were told not to get the vaccine and then they catch h1n1.
we are talking children. Your children, my children, the neighbors children and each one has different circumstances that would make the decisions different from the next.
I dont know and maybe Im totally wrong about this. But what Im seeing here is just baffling to me. They say its safe, because to their knowledge its safe from what they know there arent any side effects. If thats not enough for you than imo dont vaccinate. Im going to step out of this now because honestly Im not torn on this and so probably dont need to be in this thread.
I do agree with you that it is confusing and a hard choice and I think you have questions that are valid. Im not trying to bash the way you are confused and torn from what you have seen, heard etc. I guess Im reading this as pushing the responsibility we as parents have on to someone else jic x,y, or z happens.
prt of me is happy that some doctors disagree on this. Im glad its not well the cdc tells us to tell you this so here it is. IMO that would be wrong. I think just like us doctors are reall people who have to weigh the pros and cons and tell us what they would do with their family. I appreciate that.
I totally agree Tracy. Why wouldn't they have differing opinions? You will be hard pressed to find doctors who think the same way about certain issues. So, I'm really not understanding Melissa's comments about them taking responsibility for their opinons..
Jiminy Cricket - I was not saying a Dr. does not have an opinion. I am talking about straight facts. That the nasal is a live virus and not explaining that. There are Dr. on TV advising to get it and it is best for children, but no other statement made on what is , who can or cannot get it, etc.
Cripes, it is just my opinion. If I just thought the same as others then where would that get us :) You can disagree - I feel that there has been a lot of misrepresentation from medical Doctors. I feel I am not alone in this thought. I have been talking to a lot of parents who feel the same way. They fear that they are not getting the best medical advice right now or do not know if this is panic, drug company selling something, etc. So, not sure how else to explain my comment to make you understand. Maybe you just do not feel that way?
Have you ever thought that just because they are doctors doesnt mean they know everything. I think this is where I am at a crossroads with you. YOu seem to expect the doctor to be able to tell you what to do why will your child get sick what to do and these people are HUMAN. this is a new strain and hence they cannot tell you everything about it. As for the nasal being a live virus, im pretty sure it is but this is where YOu as a parent ask the questions of your doctor to get the answers your not finding on the news. And its ok sometimes they will tell you they dont know. It doesnt make them liars, or bad doctors.
Tracy, I have no problem with a Dr. telling me they do not know. I did not say that. I personally do ask the questions. I am just upset because people right now are getting so much info and very few facts. I am pretty sure that you are not seeing this as I am. I work daily with parents/children. When you do, you tend to see a different side. There are a lot of scared parents and honestly I am including myself in this. I get a lot of, but such and such said this,etc.
I never called them liars. I said I was angry or mad or whatever. I know this is a new strain. However, if you are going to come out and say it is safe, then I feel you should in fact know it is safe, no?
I never said I want a Dr. to tell me what to do. I want to be able to get some facts. There are not a lot out there. I wonder how some of these Dr. are explaining this if there is not a lot of data out there. As Jen said - it has been 5 months. I am honestly not even sure how long they have worked on this. I did read it was tested on a low #.
I know they are human. So, yes, I have thought about it. I just think if I am going to go out and say go get this to a mass group of people, then I should have some accountability. We are talking children here. We are not talking new grass fertilizer.
ABSOLUTELY!! And no one can do that yet. Maybe next year they can, but they can't this year and that concerns me.
exactly, but they are doing it Jen. They are saying on TV it is safe and go get it. See what I am saying. There is a lot of gray area that is not being talked about. I feel it is wrong on the medical communities behalf. If they do not believe it or have the facts then do not spread the panic.
prt of me is happy that some doctors disagree on this. Im glad its not well the cdc tells us to tell you this so here it is. IMO that would be wrong. I think just like us doctors are reall people who have to weigh the pros and cons and tell us what they would do with their family. I appreciate that.
I totally agree Tracy. Why wouldn't they have differing opinions? You will be hard pressed to find doctors who think the same way about certain issues. So, I'm really not understanding Melissa's comments about them taking responsibility for their opinons..
Jiminy Cricket - I was not saying a Dr. does not have an opinion. I am talking about straight facts. That the nasal is a live virus and not explaining that. There are Dr. on TV advising to get it and it is best for children, but no other statement made on what is , who can or cannot get it, etc.
Cripes, it is just my opinion. If I just thought the same as others then where would that get us :) You can disagree - I feel that there has been a lot of misrepresentation from medical Doctors. I feel I am not alone in this thought. I have been talking to a lot of parents who feel the same way. They fear that they are not getting the best medical advice right now or do not know if this is panic, drug company selling something, etc. So, not sure how else to explain my comment to make you understand. Maybe you just do not feel that way?
How in the world can doctors on TV, who only have an allotted amount of time to speak, fully explain everything they need to explain? There's no way they could. there are a lot of different factors about the nasal mist itself, much less who should and should not take it. People should never, ever rely on doctors that they can't sit down face to face and talk to and answer questions. No matter if it's the same answer they hear on TV or not. Local doctors know what they're seeing in real life. And OF COURSE it's panic. That's all you see on the news anymore. People hear all these different opinions, all these statistics of children dying,'s surely going to cause panic. Just look at this board
This Dr. flat out said that children should take the H1N1 mist. I am not saying that I follow it. If honestly you do not feel media/medical should have some standard when reporting to the public then we can just call it a day and disagree.
When you have a Dr. on the Today show doing a segment on the swine flu and passing our a rec. - then yest I feel they can explain some of the key issues that people should know about. There is a lot of recommendations going on, but little education to the customer. Not everyone can sit down with a Dr. Here most Dr do not have the vaccine and are being run in health clinics, etc. They do not get answers. They get, you should get the shot, etc.
Again, this is how I feel.
I have no idea who this doctor was because I didn't see it, but he/she's an IDIOT if that's all they said. EVERYONE can't take the mist, because it's a live virus. So if that's all he/she said with nothing behind that, then the Today show is ignorant for having them on there.
I guess as a parent though, I'd never do what I hear on TV just because a doctor said it. Maybe it's because I know better, I don't know. I would hope that all parents would do some research itself before injecting anything into their children, or at least when they got to these clinics, THEY would tell them if their child should have it or not.
i think the vax is the best they as a medical community can do at the time. If they said dont get it thats like telling a parent to let your child get an illness that we all know can kill them. I think again doctors being held accountable for this is kind of harsh in some respects as im sure they dont want to be sued for a side effect of a vaccine or sued if someone dies when they were told not to get the vaccine and then they catch h1n1.
we are talking children. Your children, my children, the neighbors children and each one has different circumstances that would make the decisions different from the next.
I dont know and maybe Im totally wrong about this. But what Im seeing here is just baffling to me. They say its safe, because to their knowledge its safe from what they know there arent any side effects. If thats not enough for you than imo dont vaccinate. Im going to step out of this now because honestly Im not torn on this and so probably dont need to be in this thread.
I do agree with you that it is confusing and a hard choice and I think you have questions that are valid. Im not trying to bash the way you are confused and torn from what you have seen, heard etc. I guess Im reading this as pushing the responsibility we as parents have on to someone else jic x,y, or z happens.
No, I am not pushing the responsibility away from the parents. I am not someone who buys a car without the facts, a house, etc. So why would I not expect responsibility from the medical community when it comes to the life of my child. I realize that there are risks and ultimately we must make the choice. I am going to do that. I am just still not happy. I have been researching vaccines for the past year.I am very disturbed by the integrity, morals, etc of the medical community. Read about the whistle blowers, etc. That cannot sit well with parents when they are trying to make the right choice.
If this is the best we have then I am scared for our country in terms if this does get worse. We will have a bigger problem on our hands.
Melissa, I'm tired of the long quotes so I'm starting over, lol.
Maybe it's because I'm from a medical background, but I don't blame them as much as I blame the media. They are the ones who have all these different doctors, saying all these different things DAILY. And because these doctors are human, they're all going to have different opinons that they firmly believe in.
I have no idea what the answer is, because the media can be a useful tool. But it can also cause mass chaos and panic, as clearly evidenced these days. And I don't mean to downplay this disease at all, because it can be horrible. I just wish the media, like the Today show you were talking about, wouldn't have half-assed segments about it.
prt of me is happy that some doctors disagree on this. Im glad its not well the cdc tells us to tell you this so here it is. IMO that would be wrong. I think just like us doctors are reall people who have to weigh the pros and cons and tell us what they would do with their family. I appreciate that.
I totally agree Tracy. Why wouldn't they have differing opinions? You will be hard pressed to find doctors who think the same way about certain issues. So, I'm really not understanding Melissa's comments about them taking responsibility for their opinons..
Jiminy Cricket - I was not saying a Dr. does not have an opinion. I am talking about straight facts. That the nasal is a live virus and not explaining that. There are Dr. on TV advising to get it and it is best for children, but no other statement made on what is , who can or cannot get it, etc.
Cripes, it is just my opinion. If I just thought the same as others then where would that get us :) You can disagree - I feel that there has been a lot of misrepresentation from medical Doctors. I feel I am not alone in this thought. I have been talking to a lot of parents who feel the same way. They fear that they are not getting the best medical advice right now or do not know if this is panic, drug company selling something, etc. So, not sure how else to explain my comment to make you understand. Maybe you just do not feel that way?
How in the world can doctors on TV, who only have an allotted amount of time to speak, fully explain everything they need to explain? There's no way they could. there are a lot of different factors about the nasal mist itself, much less who should and should not take it. People should never, ever rely on doctors that they can't sit down face to face and talk to and answer questions. No matter if it's the same answer they hear on TV or not. Local doctors know what they're seeing in real life. And OF COURSE it's panic. That's all you see on the news anymore. People hear all these different opinions, all these statistics of children dying,'s surely going to cause panic. Just look at this board
This Dr. flat out said that children should take the H1N1 mist. I am not saying that I follow it. If honestly you do not feel media/medical should have some standard when reporting to the public then we can just call it a day and disagree.
When you have a Dr. on the Today show doing a segment on the swine flu and passing our a rec. - then yest I feel they can explain some of the key issues that people should know about. There is a lot of recommendations going on, but little education to the customer. Not everyone can sit down with a Dr. Here most Dr do not have the vaccine and are being run in health clinics, etc. They do not get answers. They get, you should get the shot, etc.
Again, this is how I feel.
I have no idea who this doctor was because I didn't see it, but he/she's an IDIOT if that's all they said. EVERYONE can't take the mist, because it's a live virus. So if that's all he/she said with nothing behind that, then the Today show is ignorant for having them on there.
I guess as a parent though, I'd never do what I hear on TV just because a doctor said it. Maybe it's because I know better, I don't know. I would hope that all parents would do some research itself before injecting anything into their children, or at least when they got to these clinics, THEY would tell them if their child should have it or not.
The sad truth is not all do research. It is sad and I take it on personally becauseI am around the children.