They found a three year old naked, on the huge bridge that spans our harbour at 1:30 am last night. Apparently he got out because he could reach the locks.
He was fine.
We gate Josie in her room just for this reason but I know we need to do more. Charlie is afraid of the dark so he won't even go to bathroom at night.
Holy Crap, you have to be kidding me. Thank goodness nothing happen.
Honestly I do not do anything. Allison has never once opened the door. The locks are a bit hard to do. She does not even get out of bed without calling to tell us she wants to get up. It is weird, but how she is. I guess I can never say she would never, but outside of us shutting her door at night we do nothing else.
Now Mia, we will have to lock the house up like fort knox,lol.
Good morning! I have never really had to worry about Elizabeth. She can't open the front door by herself and during the night she sleeps with me. When she was sleeping in her bed, she wouldn't get out of it unless she was hopping straight into our bed. That is a scary story though.
I am keeping E home from preschool today because I am watching one of her friends. My friend needs to go to the doctor and did not have anyone to watch her daughter (who is also E's friend) so I said I would. I could send E to school but it's easier if they just play together. Yep, I am exciting.
Sonya leave a note saying you are finishing the trim. I hope the people decided to buy your house at asking price. :fingerrs:
What do you do to make sure your kids can't get out of your house by themselves?
After Koda's escape last winter, we have dead bolts by the ceiling. We also have a gate to their room (which he can undo now, but he couldn't until about 2 weeks ago. Tristen still can't). We also have a lower gate near the front door. They can totally plow through this one, it is more a visual deterent.
We also sleep with all doors open so we can hear if they get up. Finally, we do not leave their windows open in their room at night. We are on the first level, facing the road, so I do that for multiple safety reasons.
What do you do to make sure your kids can't get out of your house by themselves?
After Koda's escape last winter, we have dead bolts by the ceiling. We also have a gate to their room (which he can undo now, but he couldn't until about 2 weeks ago. Tristen still can't). We also have a lower gate near the front door. They can totally plow through this one, it is more a visual deterent.
We also sleep with all doors open so we can hear if they get up. Finally, we do not leave their windows open in their room at night. We are on the first level, facing the road, so I do that for multiple safety reasons.
Geesh, reading my post you can tell Koda's escape scared the begezious out of us!
Our police officer for my complex told me his kids escaped once 4 and 6. They hiked over to the next property and climbed a communications tower. A neighbor came running to tell them about it. They were pretty high up. (they turned out fine, are adults now, and probably are now parents waiting for their kids to do the same to them, lol!)
What do you do to make sure your kids can't get out of your house by themselves?
After Koda's escape last winter, we have dead bolts by the ceiling. We also have a gate to their room (which he can undo now, but he couldn't until about 2 weeks ago. Tristen still can't). We also have a lower gate near the front door. They can totally plow through this one, it is more a visual deterent.
We also sleep with all doors open so we can hear if they get up. Finally, we do not leave their windows open in their room at night. We are on the first level, facing the road, so I do that for multiple safety reasons.
Geesh, reading my post you can tell Koda's escape scared the begezious out of us!
Our police officer for my complex told me his kids escaped once 4 and 6. They hiked over to the next property and climbed a communications tower. A neighbor came running to tell them about it. They were pretty high up. (they turned out fine, are adults now, and probably are now parents waiting for their kids to do the same to them, lol!)
Colin escaped once. That was all it took. And I was in the damn bathroom and I heard the door open and he was gone.
He made it to the the welcome mat before I pulled him back in and gave him a stern talking to about how we don't do that. He hasn't done it since. He knows better. He knows that he has to go outside with a grown-up. And he's stuck to it. I also keep the storm doors locked so that gives me a heads up if someone is at the door trying to escape. No gates. We never needed them b/c we've always lived in a one story place. But I'm going to do gates when Addy is mobile to block her from Colin's bathroom and bedroom and the kitchen. Just because its easier to keep her that way. Colin was always a mover and a shaker the moment he could roll both ways.
Ugh! I'm so dang tired. We were up late with Addy b/c she didn't want to sleep. The moment Grant left to go to the store she looked at me, smiled, and then rolled over onto her belly and started SCOOTING backwards. Then she giggled! Oh I loved it. But then she kept wanting to do it over and over until she finally passed out with Grant in bed. It was too cute.
Colin escaped once. That was all it took. And I was in the damn bathroom and I heard the door open and he was gone.
He made it to the the welcome mat before I pulled him back in and gave him a stern talking to about how we don't do that. He hasn't done it since. He knows better. He knows that he has to go outside with a grown-up. And he's stuck to it. I also keep the storm doors locked so that gives me a heads up if someone is at the door trying to escape. No gates. We never needed them b/c we've always lived in a one story place. But I'm going to do gates when Addy is mobile to block her from Colin's bathroom and bedroom and the kitchen. Just because its easier to keep her that way. Colin was always a mover and a shaker the moment he could roll both ways.
Ugh! I'm so dang tired. We were up late with Addy b/c she didn't want to sleep. The moment Grant left to go to the store she looked at me, smiled, and then rolled over onto her belly and started SCOOTING backwards. Then she giggled! Oh I loved it. But then she kept wanting to do it over and over until she finally passed out with Grant in bed. It was too cute.
Colin escaped once. That was all it took. And I was in the damn bathroom and I heard the door open and he was gone.
He made it to the the welcome mat before I pulled him back in and gave him a stern talking to about how we don't do that. He hasn't done it since. He knows better. He knows that he has to go outside with a grown-up. And he's stuck to it. I also keep the storm doors locked so that gives me a heads up if someone is at the door trying to escape. No gates. We never needed them b/c we've always lived in a one story place. But I'm going to do gates when Addy is mobile to block her from Colin's bathroom and bedroom and the kitchen. Just because its easier to keep her that way. Colin was always a mover and a shaker the moment he could roll both ways.
Ugh! I'm so dang tired. We were up late with Addy b/c she didn't want to sleep. The moment Grant left to go to the store she looked at me, smiled, and then rolled over onto her belly and started SCOOTING backwards. Then she giggled! Oh I loved it. But then she kept wanting to do it over and over until she finally passed out with Grant in bed. It was too cute.
That is one sweet picture. I also love her hair.
Thank you! Daddy often forgets to brush her hair after a bath so it dries all wild. But I don't mind. She's too cute.
I dont do anything to keep the kids in..they havent ever tried to escape.
So I had called the after hours pedi clinic monday night bc daniel had 102.6 fever. they said from symptoms it sounded like the H1N1. Other than the fever, which has been fine today, and some nasal congestion and moist cough, he seems fine really. A little run down, but not SICK, which makes me wonder if it really was flu.
ihni. if he continues to not have a fever then he'll go back to school tomorrow.