As I have mentioned before on here, my younger brother has been in trouble before with DUI's. He's on parole as we speak for his 3rd or 4th, I can't remember.
He'll get in trouble, then he'll straighten up and not drink for months at a time. He's been doing so well, and then a couple of months ago, started falling back into the pattern again. He's had girl trouble lately and he's the type that when he falls, he falls hard and fast, so when something in that relationship falls apart and they break up, it devastates him.
Anyway, I hadn't talked to my mom all day because we left early going to the in-laws, so I called her when we got home tonight. She told me Jason was in jail They picked him up around 2 this morning. She's heartbroken and was crying. I'm upset, but fed up at the same time. He's 33 years old for God's sake, and it's a THOUSAND wonders he's not hurt some innocent person. He got off so easy this last time, and he spent the night in jail then and it scared him so much I just knew he'd remember that. I know alcoholism is a disease, my dad was one, but still...
Anyway, if you could spare some P&PT for him. I don't know what's going to happen. I just know he needs some Jesus
I'm saying a lot of prayers for him and your whole family. We've btdt with members of both mine and Joe's family and it's ridiculously hard to deal with, especially when you can see their potential (for lack of a better word) to be a better person.
Jennifer you have my full sympathy and support on this. It is so stressful and frustrating. I'm saying prayers for everyone involved, especially his wife b/c as you know the family members are the ones who hurt the worse in these situations.
Jennifer you have my full sympathy and support on this. It is so stressful and frustrating. I'm saying prayers for everyone involved, especially his wife b/c as you know the family members are the ones who hurt the worse in these situations.
He's not married, thnk God! That's a blessing there's not a wife involved.
Saying a prayer for your brother and family. It's so hard to watch and not feel like you have any control. I hope he'll wake up and reach out for help and turn his life around.
Oh Jenn. I am so sorry. You all have my prayers-what a tough thing to deal with. I haven't dealt with an alcoholic sibling, but I know this disease takes it toll.
Oh Jenn, my heart goes out to you! I too have an alcoholic (in denial) brother so I can feel you pain and frustration! Your brother and your whole family will be in my prayers!!!!