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Post Info TOPIC: Are you planning to get H1N1 vaccine?


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Date: Oct 19, 2009
RE: Are you planning to get H1N1 vaccine?

CoffeeQueen wrote:

Juanita wrote:


CoffeeQueen wrote:

Did anyone just watch 60 minutes?

Has anyone changed their mind on getting the H1N1.

I am starting to wonder. I read this on the UofM medical site about parents underestimating the risks.

I didn't watch it, but I don't think it would've changed my mind, especially after talking to the PICU doc I mentioned.  The man is a GENIUS, and I trust his opinion over anyone's



What did he say?


He told us not to get it this year, to wait until next year until more studies could be done on it.  He asked if we had gotten Pres the regular flu shot, I told him that yes we all had gotten it, and he said good.  He said he just didn't feel right about the swine flu vaccine this year, not near enough studies had been done on it and that he knows that the government said it's safe, but he's reluctant about it.  He also said next year would be different, more studies would've been done on it by that time and to just wait.

I trust him a gazillion times more than what the CDC or any other government agency says.  He knows Presley's history, he knows the conditions she has and that she's in the "high risk" category, and still advised against it.




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Date: Oct 19, 2009

Juanita wrote:

Dddiii wrote:
I agree.  And I think the chance of secondary infections is worse for some reason with this flu. 

Meghan is down and out again.  I didn't give her the motrin this morning and she has a fever (~101 so not awful but still enough to make her feel icky).  I know for me, if I have a fever, I am done.  Looks like Meghan is the same way. I'm guessing the energy yesterday was because the motrin knocked out her fever.

Still not able to take the Tamiflu.  Since her fever is back, I'm leaning towards yes but everytime I go to open and take it, I just can't do it. 


 Poor baby cry  I guess that answers your school question for Monday though, lol

Is she able to take the Tamiflu?

Yes, I kept her home today again so I can make sure her cough isn't too frequent.  I just couldn't send her to school wondering if she'd be coughing all over the place.  She is MUCH better today though (and I've only heard her cough a few times). 

She was able to take the Tamiflu but it took a lot of coaxing and apple juice chasers.

It's me that couldn't take it.  I did start it yesterday though because I had a slight temperature.  It was only 99 but my normal is 97.4.  I think your temp can be higher while you are preggers but I could also feel that my body is run down so I took it.  I'm hoping I made the right decision and I don't turn on the news in 10 years to the headline "Did you take Tamiflu while pregnant?  What we know now,  at 11". 




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Date: Oct 19, 2009

Juanita wrote:


CoffeeQueen wrote:


Juanita wrote:


CoffeeQueen wrote:

Did anyone just watch 60 minutes?

Has anyone changed their mind on getting the H1N1.

I am starting to wonder. I read this on the UofM medical site about parents underestimating the risks.

I didn't watch it, but I don't think it would've changed my mind, especially after talking to the PICU doc I mentioned.  The man is a GENIUS, and I trust his opinion over anyone's



What did he say?


He told us not to get it this year, to wait until next year until more studies could be done on it.  He asked if we had gotten Pres the regular flu shot, I told him that yes we all had gotten it, and he said good.  He said he just didn't feel right about the swine flu vaccine this year, not near enough studies had been done on it and that he knows that the government said it's safe, but he's reluctant about it.  He also said next year would be different, more studies would've been done on it by that time and to just wait.

I trust him a gazillion times more than what the CDC or any other government agency says.  He knows Presley's history, he knows the conditions she has and that she's in the "high risk" category, and still advised against it.



ok, I get that, but what about them getting the swine this year? The reg flu shot does nothing to protect from that. I just have these what ifs going in my head. After hearing how these children have died it could be any of our kids. I mean there is not warning. One minute sick and the next not breathing. It just freaks me out.

I have no idea what to do about it.  It is driving me nuts.




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Posts: 7138
Date: Oct 19, 2009

CoffeeQueen wrote:

Juanita wrote:


CoffeeQueen wrote:


Juanita wrote:


CoffeeQueen wrote:

Did anyone just watch 60 minutes?

Has anyone changed their mind on getting the H1N1.

I am starting to wonder. I read this on the UofM medical site about parents underestimating the risks.

I didn't watch it, but I don't think it would've changed my mind, especially after talking to the PICU doc I mentioned.  The man is a GENIUS, and I trust his opinion over anyone's



What did he say?


He told us not to get it this year, to wait until next year until more studies could be done on it.  He asked if we had gotten Pres the regular flu shot, I told him that yes we all had gotten it, and he said good.  He said he just didn't feel right about the swine flu vaccine this year, not near enough studies had been done on it and that he knows that the government said it's safe, but he's reluctant about it.  He also said next year would be different, more studies would've been done on it by that time and to just wait.

I trust him a gazillion times more than what the CDC or any other government agency says.  He knows Presley's history, he knows the conditions she has and that she's in the "high risk" category, and still advised against it.



ok, I get that, but what about them getting the swine this year? The reg flu shot does nothing to protect from that. I just have these what ifs going in my head. After hearing how these children have died it could be any of our kids. I mean there is not warning. One minute sick and the next not breathing. It just freaks me out.

I have no idea what to do about it.  It is driving me nuts.


He's actually testing his flu cases, and out of 6 there's been 1 that has been the swine.  If that had been on the news, it would've been reported as 6 cases, lol  
 Even if it's not the regular "flu season", it is the regular flu going around, not just the swine flu, and his tests have confirmed that. 

He said to just use common sense, common hygiene, and take them to the doc the first signs and don't wait two or three days thinking it's a cold.




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Date: Oct 19, 2009

CoffeeQueen wrote:


Juanita wrote:


CoffeeQueen wrote:


Juanita wrote:


CoffeeQueen wrote:

Did anyone just watch 60 minutes?

Has anyone changed their mind on getting the H1N1.

I am starting to wonder. I read this on the UofM medical site about parents underestimating the risks.

I didn't watch it, but I don't think it would've changed my mind, especially after talking to the PICU doc I mentioned.  The man is a GENIUS, and I trust his opinion over anyone's



What did he say?


He told us not to get it this year, to wait until next year until more studies could be done on it.  He asked if we had gotten Pres the regular flu shot, I told him that yes we all had gotten it, and he said good.  He said he just didn't feel right about the swine flu vaccine this year, not near enough studies had been done on it and that he knows that the government said it's safe, but he's reluctant about it.  He also said next year would be different, more studies would've been done on it by that time and to just wait.

I trust him a gazillion times more than what the CDC or any other government agency says.  He knows Presley's history, he knows the conditions she has and that she's in the "high risk" category, and still advised against it.



ok, I get that, but what about them getting the swine this year? The reg flu shot does nothing to protect from that. I just have these what ifs going in my head. After hearing how these children have died it could be any of our kids. I mean there is not warning. One minute sick and the next not breathing. It just freaks me out.

I have no idea what to do about it.  It is driving me nuts.



There is no guarantee that even getting the vaccine will prevent getting the illness.  No vaccine is 100% effective, and they just don't know yet how this flu strain will respond to the vax, and/or if it will mutate and become worse, etc.  And since any vaccination depresses the immune system for several days, it's entirely possible that getting the vaccine could temporarily make someone more vulnerable to the flu and secondary infections.

I still have no idea what we're going to do.  I just wish I knew for sure if that's what we had in May!



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Date: Oct 19, 2009


Juanita wrote:


CoffeeQueen wrote:

Did anyone just watch 60 minutes?

Has anyone changed their mind on getting the H1N1.

I am starting to wonder. I read this on the UofM medical site about parents underestimating the risks.

I didn't watch it, but I don't think it would've changed my mind, especially after talking to the PICU doc I mentioned.  The man is a GENIUS, and I trust his opinion over anyone's



What did he say?


He told us not to get it this year, to wait until next year until more studies could be done on it.  He asked if we had gotten Pres the regular flu shot, I told him that yes we all had gotten it, and he said good.  He said he just didn't feel right about the swine flu vaccine this year, not near enough studies had been done on it and that he knows that the government said it's safe, but he's reluctant about it.  He also said next year would be different, more studies would've been done on it by that time and to just wait.

I trust him a gazillion times more than what the CDC or any other government agency says.  He knows Presley's history, he knows the conditions she has and that she's in the "high risk" category, and still advised against it.



ok, I get that, but what about them getting the swine this year? The reg flu shot does nothing to protect from that. I just have these what ifs going in my head. After hearing how these children have died it could be any of our kids. I mean there is not warning. One minute sick and the next not breathing. It just freaks me out.

I have no idea what to do about it.  It is driving me nuts.




There is no guarantee that even getting the vaccine will prevent getting the illness.  No vaccine is 100% effective, and they just don't know yet how this flu strain will respond to the vax, and/or if it will mutate and become worse, etc.  And since any vaccination depresses the immune system for several days, it's entirely possible that getting the vaccine could temporarily make someone more vulnerable to the flu and secondary infections.

I still have no idea what we're going to do.  I just wish I knew for sure if that's what we had in May!


Oh, I know. I just am feeling like my head is spinning. Not one medical professional is on the same page. The Childrens Hospital says to get it. This one says no. I mean no one knows and it just is crazy to me.

I wish I felt as confident as some of you who choose not to. I just hate thinking of my child dying from something I could prevent and vise versa.



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Date: Oct 19, 2009

Shew, I've finally read this entire thread.

I have been all over the place with this.  First I'm getting it and then I'm 100% not and then . . .

My DH has 2 clients who are doctors.  One is an ER doctor another is a pulmonary specialist.   He has asked them both for their opinions.

First, the pulmonary doc - he said if my DH were to get it he would feel bad for awhile but would be okay - if our 2 year old daughter got it on the other hand it could be a very big deal.

Then the ER doc e-mails DH and says he is in favor of the vaccine as the benefits outweigh the risks.

Now I don't know what I'm doing.  I was a for sure on the regular flu shot and 100% no for H1N1.  Then these two docs weigh in with their opinions and I'm all uncertain again.

I'm hearing horror stories - my co-worker did watch the 60 minutes thing and told me about it this morning.  They go from okay to near death so rapidly.

I'm with Melissa who said very early on in this thread that this is when I don't appreciate being the grown up!!!!



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Date: Oct 19, 2009

kris wrote:

Shew, I've finally read this entire thread.

I have been all over the place with this.  First I'm getting it and then I'm 100% not and then . . .

My DH has 2 clients who are doctors.  One is an ER doctor another is a pulmonary specialist.   He has asked them both for their opinions.

First, the pulmonary doc - he said if my DH were to get it he would feel bad for awhile but would be okay - if our 2 year old daughter got it on the other hand it could be a very big deal.

Then the ER doc e-mails DH and says he is in favor of the vaccine as the benefits outweigh the risks.

Now I don't know what I'm doing.  I was a for sure on the regular flu shot and 100% no for H1N1.  Then these two docs weigh in with their opinions and I'm all uncertain again.

I'm hearing horror stories - my co-worker did watch the 60 minutes thing and told me about it this morning.  They go from okay to near death so rapidly.

I'm with Melissa who said very early on in this thread that this is when I don't appreciate being the grown up!!!!

Thank goodness there is someone else out here that feels like I do. I have been told by all the medical people I know that the benefits outweigh the slight risks. That many parents are underestimating the illness because they know Joe schmoo who was told that their child had it and was fine. Ugh, I do not know what to do. I am not even sure it is available here yet? Is it by you, Kris. Who is right and who wants to find out the hard way?

This all just sucks. I am more worried them most, I am sure. After seeing death from flu it freaks me out. Another co-worker has a relative in hospital still, she is 25ish.




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Posts: 7138
Date: Oct 19, 2009

kris wrote:

Shew, I've finally read this entire thread.

I have been all over the place with this.  First I'm getting it and then I'm 100% not and then . . .

My DH has 2 clients who are doctors.  One is an ER doctor another is a pulmonary specialist.   He has asked them both for their opinions.

First, the pulmonary doc - he said if my DH were to get it he would feel bad for awhile but would be okay - if our 2 year old daughter got it on the other hand it could be a very big deal.

Then the ER doc e-mails DH and says he is in favor of the vaccine as the benefits outweigh the risks.

Now I don't know what I'm doing.  I was a for sure on the regular flu shot and 100% no for H1N1.  Then these two docs weigh in with their opinions and I'm all uncertain again.

I'm hearing horror stories - my co-worker did watch the 60 minutes thing and told me about it this morning.  They go from okay to near death so rapidly.

I'm with Melissa who said very early on in this thread that this is when I don't appreciate being the grown up!!!!

And then you have my pediatrician who just this morning said the cases she's seen of it have been very, very mild. 

Regarding the red:  That can also be said for the plain flu too.  Adults do much better than kids with that one.




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Date: Oct 19, 2009

you can watch the 60 minutes segment online:

and the link to the story:;segmentUtilities



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Posts: 7138
Date: Oct 19, 2009

Jo wrote:

you can watch the 60 minutes segment online:

and the link to the story:;segmentUtilities

 If my brand NEW speakers hadn't gone out, I'd watch it, lol.  These things are only 6 months old, if that and all of a sudden quit working the other day disbelief


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Date: Oct 19, 2009

CoffeeQueen wrote:

kris wrote:

Shew, I've finally read this entire thread.

I have been all over the place with this.  First I'm getting it and then I'm 100% not and then . . .

My DH has 2 clients who are doctors.  One is an ER doctor another is a pulmonary specialist.   He has asked them both for their opinions.

First, the pulmonary doc - he said if my DH were to get it he would feel bad for awhile but would be okay - if our 2 year old daughter got it on the other hand it could be a very big deal.

Then the ER doc e-mails DH and says he is in favor of the vaccine as the benefits outweigh the risks.

Now I don't know what I'm doing.  I was a for sure on the regular flu shot and 100% no for H1N1.  Then these two docs weigh in with their opinions and I'm all uncertain again.

I'm hearing horror stories - my co-worker did watch the 60 minutes thing and told me about it this morning.  They go from okay to near death so rapidly.

I'm with Melissa who said very early on in this thread that this is when I don't appreciate being the grown up!!!!

Thank goodness there is someone else out here that feels like I do. I have been told by all the medical people I know that the benefits outweigh the slight risks. That many parents are underestimating the illness because they know Joe schmoo who was told that their child had it and was fine. Ugh, I do not know what to do. I am not even sure it is available here yet? Is it by you, Kris. Who is right and who wants to find out the hard way?

This all just sucks. I am more worried them most, I am sure. After seeing death from flu it freaks me out. Another co-worker has a relative in hospital still, she is 25ish.


They are saying November is the earliest it will be available here and that won't meet demand.  I think if I was a regular flu shot taker I would probably take this shot as well.  We don't get flu shots so for me this is easy.  Parental guilt is there no matter what.  She could die from the flu or some rare genetic disease that I didn't get tested for while pregnant.  Either way I would still blame myself. 




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Date: Oct 19, 2009

So I'm back on the getting it for all of us bandwagon. Ugh. So hard to make these kinds of decisions. We are able to get it this Saturday though it is not going to be a fun way to spend half our saturday. :(


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Date: Oct 20, 2009

So I was against getting it because it is so new and blah blah blah... and then I just found out that a 4 year old at another church here JUST died.... and another friend of mine's childhood friend is currently in a medically induced coma due to H1N1 and now that it is hitting so close to home I am FREAKING out. I know this sounds horrible but before it was just stories on the news and it's easier then to just be like "oh that would NEVER happen here" and now that Lucas is in Public school around other kids ALL day 5 days a week... did I mention I am FREAKING out?!?!



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Date: Oct 20, 2009

Alright girls, question for you. A good friend of mine who is a pediatric nurse practioner told me that the only difference between the h1n1 vaccine and the seasonal flu vaccine is the strain of the virus in the vaccine. She said it's manufactured the exact same the only difference is the strain is h1n1 instead of the seasonal flu virus dujour. So i'm confused, i'm hearing that there hasn't been enough testing on it, but whats the difference between this and the new strain that they will put in the seasonal flu vaccine next year that will have had no testing? Or do they test it? I'm trying hard to educate myself and for the record I have no clue what I will do. My answer so far had been no way not enough testing but then my friend who is knowledgeable and works right beside a pediatrician told me this so i'm trying to sort it out, and I wondered if any of the rest of you had heard that the only difference is the strain? Do they test the results of the strain that is in the seasonal flu vaccine? How in the world do they do that before millions of americans get it? If that's the case then I get the lack of testing argument, i'm just trying to get more information. Hannah's school is going to do a free h1n1 vaccine clinic at her school, and i'm totally torn.



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Date: Oct 20, 2009

LucsMama wrote:

So I was against getting it because it is so new and blah blah blah... and then I just found out that a 4 year old at another church here JUST died.... and another friend of mine's childhood friend is currently in a medically induced coma due to H1N1 and now that it is hitting so close to home I am FREAKING out. I know this sounds horrible but before it was just stories on the news and it's easier then to just be like "oh that would NEVER happen here" and now that Lucas is in Public school around other kids ALL day 5 days a week... did I mention I am FREAKING out?!?!

oh no that's HORRIBLE.

seriously horrible.




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Date: Oct 20, 2009

CoffeeQueen wrote:


Oh, I know. I just am feeling like my head is spinning. Not one medical professional is on the same page. The Childrens Hospital says to get it. This one says no. I mean no one knows and it just is crazy to me.

I wish I felt as confident as some of you who choose not to. I just hate thinking of my child dying from something I could prevent and vise versa.


well we never get flu shots here.
and i am totally never confident in that. year after year i grapple with this.
this year is WAY worse, of course.
now i'm like, should i at least get them h1n1? is it bad to get them both?  isnt that a LOT of flu vax (seasonal and h1n1) for such little kids? how do i choose WHICH flu shot to get? are the numbers that staggeringly different between the two flus? (i'm starting to think they are among pediatrics...)
and then it's not available in my area ANYWAY.
so should i be going to all ends of the earth to get my kids vaccinated?
i mean how far does this go?
i'm agonizing over this and it's not even available, and once it IS available, there arent even enough like muffy's post just indicated, by the time it's effective, we're out of the crux of the flu season....then suddenly the cost-benefit analysis is a little stilted ---
this is all so time-dependent and availability-dependent - it's nearly impossible to make the right choice here.
it becomes about logistics.
as my grandfather used to say, unless you literally throw your child in front of a bus, so much is just out of your hands.
hate that.


-- Edited by daisy on Tuesday 20th of October 2009 06:52:39 AM



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Date: Oct 20, 2009

Picture-Perfect wrote:

Alright girls, question for you. A good friend of mine who is a pediatric nurse practioner told me that the only difference between the h1n1 vaccine and the seasonal flu vaccine is the strain of the virus in the vaccine. She said it's manufactured the exact same the only difference is the strain is h1n1 instead of the seasonal flu virus dujour. So i'm confused, i'm hearing that there hasn't been enough testing on it, but whats the difference between this and the new strain that they will put in the seasonal flu vaccine next year that will have had no testing? Or do they test it? I'm trying hard to educate myself and for the record I have no clue what I will do. My answer so far had been no way not enough testing but then my friend who is knowledgeable and works right beside a pediatrician told me this so i'm trying to sort it out, and I wondered if any of the rest of you had heard that the only difference is the strain? Do they test the results of the strain that is in the seasonal flu vaccine? How in the world do they do that before millions of americans get it? If that's the case then I get the lack of testing argument, i'm just trying to get more information. Hannah's school is going to do a free h1n1 vaccine clinic at her school, and i'm totally torn.

Here's what concerns me Amber...The part in red is true according to the CDC and other things I've read. But, this H1N1 virus is a "new" strain of this virus, just detected in April 2009.  So from April to September/October, 5 or 6 months at the longest, scientists have had enough time to first off find the vaccine that would prevent this new virus, AND sufficient time to test the safety of it??

Whereas although the seasonal flu virus changes a little every year, the vaccines contain basically the same 3 strains, just different mutations:  -one A (H3N2) virus, one regular seasonal A (H1N1) virus (not the 2009 H1N1 virus), and one B virus.    So, while the vaccines change every year, the strains aren't new, kwim?

And it's confusing because all medical people say something different.  Just yesterday my pediatrician said she wouldn't touch the vaccine with a 10 foot pole and sure wouldn't give it to her kids this year. 

It's a hard decision, but I've prayed about it and have total peace in my decision. 



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Date: Oct 20, 2009

Juanita wrote:

Picture-Perfect wrote:

Alright girls, question for you. A good friend of mine who is a pediatric nurse practioner told me that the only difference between the h1n1 vaccine and the seasonal flu vaccine is the strain of the virus in the vaccine. She said it's manufactured the exact same the only difference is the strain is h1n1 instead of the seasonal flu virus dujour. So i'm confused, i'm hearing that there hasn't been enough testing on it, but whats the difference between this and the new strain that they will put in the seasonal flu vaccine next year that will have had no testing? Or do they test it? I'm trying hard to educate myself and for the record I have no clue what I will do. My answer so far had been no way not enough testing but then my friend who is knowledgeable and works right beside a pediatrician told me this so i'm trying to sort it out, and I wondered if any of the rest of you had heard that the only difference is the strain? Do they test the results of the strain that is in the seasonal flu vaccine? How in the world do they do that before millions of americans get it? If that's the case then I get the lack of testing argument, i'm just trying to get more information. Hannah's school is going to do a free h1n1 vaccine clinic at her school, and i'm totally torn.

Here's what concerns me Amber...The part in red is true according to the CDC and other things I've read. But, this H1N1 virus is a "new" strain of this virus, just detected in April 2009.  So from April to September/October, 5 or 6 months at the longest, scientists have had enough time to first off find the vaccine that would prevent this new virus, AND sufficient time to test the safety of it??

Whereas although the seasonal flu virus changes a little every year, the vaccines contain basically the same 3 strains, just different mutations:  -one A (H3N2) virus, one regular seasonal A (H1N1) virus (not the 2009 H1N1 virus), and one B virus.    So, while the vaccines change every year, the strains aren't new, kwim?

And it's confusing because all medical people say something different.  Just yesterday my pediatrician said she wouldn't touch the vaccine with a 10 foot pole and sure wouldn't give it to her kids this year. 

It's a hard decision, but I've prayed about it and have total peace in my decision. 


DUH!!!! That's what I need to do!




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Posts: 7138
Date: Oct 21, 2009

LucsMama wrote:

Juanita wrote:


Picture-Perfect wrote:

Alright girls, question for you. A good friend of mine who is a pediatric nurse practioner told me that the only difference between the h1n1 vaccine and the seasonal flu vaccine is the strain of the virus in the vaccine. She said it's manufactured the exact same the only difference is the strain is h1n1 instead of the seasonal flu virus dujour. So i'm confused, i'm hearing that there hasn't been enough testing on it, but whats the difference between this and the new strain that they will put in the seasonal flu vaccine next year that will have had no testing? Or do they test it? I'm trying hard to educate myself and for the record I have no clue what I will do. My answer so far had been no way not enough testing but then my friend who is knowledgeable and works right beside a pediatrician told me this so i'm trying to sort it out, and I wondered if any of the rest of you had heard that the only difference is the strain? Do they test the results of the strain that is in the seasonal flu vaccine? How in the world do they do that before millions of americans get it? If that's the case then I get the lack of testing argument, i'm just trying to get more information. Hannah's school is going to do a free h1n1 vaccine clinic at her school, and i'm totally torn.

Here's what concerns me Amber...The part in red is true according to the CDC and other things I've read. But, this H1N1 virus is a "new" strain of this virus, just detected in April 2009.  So from April to September/October, 5 or 6 months at the longest, scientists have had enough time to first off find the vaccine that would prevent this new virus, AND sufficient time to test the safety of it??

Whereas although the seasonal flu virus changes a little every year, the vaccines contain basically the same 3 strains, just different mutations:  -one A (H3N2) virus, one regular seasonal A (H1N1) virus (not the 2009 H1N1 virus), and one B virus.    So, while the vaccines change every year, the strains aren't new, kwim?

And it's confusing because all medical people say something different.  Just yesterday my pediatrician said she wouldn't touch the vaccine with a 10 foot pole and sure wouldn't give it to her kids this year. 

It's a hard decision, but I've prayed about it and have total peace in my decision. 


DUH!!!! That's what I need to do!


Yes you do!!  Satan is the one who places fear in our minds, and he feeds off of it.  Just look at the chaos this has caused so far, lol.  The Lord doesn't want us to fear, so I'm not


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