It's so strange to me to be on MS at this time of morning....but because I've withdrawn from the surg tech program, I now have more time on my hands.
It's a long story as to why I've withdrawn and so to prevent myself from saying something ugly, all I will say is sometimes in life, despite your very best efforts (and being invited to and accepting membership in Phi Theta Kappa as a result of your best efforts), there are sometimes people who do not have your best interest in mind and there are forces that are out of your control.
SO...I am taking the rest of the fall semester off and will be applying to a different program---and if all goes well, I will be back in school in January picking up a couple classes...a computer class and possible an introductory sociology or psychology class maybe, idk, we'll see.
I'm picky about my pillow in that i HATE when somebody else uses my pillow..because they will make it smell different and they sleep on it differently than I I just don;t like to share my pillow.
I also sleep with a body pillow...the running rule is DO NOT TOUCH.
I'm super fussy about my pillow. I like it to be small and fluffy. I'm very particular. I bought one at Target before we moved back to Halifax and I really need to replace it but I can't find a good match here.
I sleep with two pillow, both are huge and firm. I lay on one, and cuddle the other, lol. It's weird since I started doing that in high school on the nights that Joe didn't sneak over and cuddle me to sleep, and after two years of that, when we moved in together, I was so used to it that I cuddle a pillow even when he cuddles me.
Hmm. I like fluffy pillows but not one my head sinks into. And Leah I always cuddle a pillow too. After being pregnant for like a year and a half straight I have continuted to do it.
:wave (i soooo miss the old board emoticons - these i can never figure out what they are so i dont even bother.)
always a down feather pillow. so i can scunch it up how i want during the night.
right now i sleep with 4 pillows. one for the head, one in between the knees, and one on each side of my belly - i am at the point where the weight of what is growing in my stomach pulls down when i sleep on my sides and it makes my belly and back ache. so i need to prop up that weight a bit. ahhh. good times!
Roxana, good interview vibes being sent your way!!!!! My fingers are crossed!!!
Megan, ITTTTTTA-don't bother with the emoticons here either. One day I amsure I will take the time to figure them out, but so far, I just haven't wanted to-my computer is SUCH a headache.
Anyway, I can not find a good pillow to save my life. I search and search, and I swear I go through them faster than anyone I know. I start on my side, but always end up on my stomach (yes, I know it isn' a good position for sleeping, but old habits die hard), so they can't be too fluffy. But I don't want a pancake pillow either.
And I HATE when Bill uses my pillow (he'll sleep on most anything). His head stinks up a pillow something awful!!! He must sweat a lot or something.
ugh I was looking at my PP acct and realized I used the wrong card to order the kids stuff from Gymboree. Oops. Oh well at least I realized it and was able to pay it off before the end of the month.
ugh I was looking at my PP acct and realized I used the wrong card to order the kids stuff from Gymboree. Oops. Oh well at least I realized it and was able to pay it off before the end of the month.
I hope it comes in today.
Tracy, I was able to use your code-thank you thank you thank you!!!! I was able to get Anna's dress and a headband for her. And it worked out because my friend who was going to give me her $25 one never brought them by-I haven't heard from her since she offered them! I am very grateful you were willing to let me use your gymbucks!!!
When the panda line goes on sale, I am hoping I will find a coupon and get some of that stuff too-I love it!!!