I'm here too, of course. But our computers, especially my laptop, are effed up at the moment, so it is SUCH a headache to even get online right now. Blah.
April, I can't believe someone did that!! Did you respond to them??
I'm here too, of course. But our computers, especially my laptop, are effed up at the moment, so it is SUCH a headache to even get online right now. Blah.
April, I can't believe someone did that!! Did you respond to them??
I got one too. From Jodi I think? I just let her know it expired already. I don't want to alienate any prospective new members but still, a little weird when she never even posted!
I'm here too, of course. But our computers, especially my laptop, are effed up at the moment, so it is SUCH a headache to even get online right now. Blah.
April, I can't believe someone did that!! Did you respond to them??
I got one too. From Jodi I think? I just let her know it expired already. I don't want to alienate any prospective new members but still, a little weird when she never even posted!
i replied earlier but idk what happened.
same here. i replied and said "um, who are you?"
sorry, but if they're going to be a new member, they're going to have to post before begging for a gymbo coupon. :giggle
I've been around here and there...the board has definitely slowed since the move to the new site, but I think it has really weeded out alot of the people who weren't really members and let those of us who want to be active to be able to do so.... : ) That said, I am going to try and post more. I usually come by to post something and get interrupted with a request for juice or something else...LOL Hope everyone is doing fabulous!!!