Hmmm. I just typed a long message and it disappeared. I wonder where it went. hmmm.
Ok. try #2
Yesterday while we were peeing together (Josie's favorite) she said "I just rippered in my mouth!" I had to explain that we call that a burp in polite society.
She also copies everything Charlie says and does. The other day she told me "I have to stop holding my penis. It's rude."
This morning she was yelling "Maaaamaaa, Maammmaaa" from her bed at 6:30. I stumbled in to get her and she looked up and said "Oh mommy! You woke me up!"
She has been waking up in the middle of the night and wanting rocked :banghead I'm about over it but, her antics are cute.
She cries and throws out random complaints as she's waiting to be rescued from her misery:
I poopy (she's not, I've checked) My neck hurts (I've asked her when I rescue her if it hurts, her response is no) Nose is running (probably yes from all that freaking crying!) Bed is wet (see above reasoning) Room is messy I doooooooonnnnnnne
I'm sorry, It's 2:30 a.m. you.are.not.done!
When I pick her up from daycare she asks me if she can get a sucker - she says, in a high pitched squeeky voice "sucka?"
She will grab my face or Johns and kiss us. Or she will ask for a kiss. That is freaking adorable
Like Jo, she mimicks everything Jake is doing. She stands in front of the potty and arches her back like she's peeing. If he pees outside she thinks she must too.
She finally has enough hair for piggy tails and I fall more in love with her every single time I see her wearing them!
bennett is a toddler now, right? (he'll be 18 months in october :shock: )
his favorite thing to do is tattle on the other kids. he starts yelling and i ask him what's wrong and he totally babbles...
"blah blah dadadadada"
and he points at the offender.
it is too cute.
Faith is a little tattler too. She will come all the way up stairs and start yelling at me and pointing to the floor to tattle on someone down stairs in the play room.
What has really crackeds me up is when she gets all mad and pouts. She has a mean looking face when she want.
She has been waking up in the middle of the night and wanting rocked :banghead I'm about over it but, her antics are cute.
She cries and throws out random complaints as she's waiting to be rescued from her misery:
I poopy (she's not, I've checked) My neck hurts (I've asked her when I rescue her if it hurts, her response is no) Nose is running (probably yes from all that freaking crying!) Bed is wet (see above reasoning) Room is messy I doooooooonnnnnnne
I'm sorry, It's 2:30 a.m. you.are.not.done!
When I pick her up from daycare she asks me if she can get a sucker - she says, in a high pitched squeeky voice "sucka?"
She will grab my face or Johns and kiss us. Or she will ask for a kiss. That is freaking adorable
Like Jo, she mimicks everything Jake is doing. She stands in front of the potty and arches her back like she's peeing. If he pees outside she thinks she must too.
She finally has enough hair for piggy tails and I fall more in love with her every single time I see her wearing them!
OMG Kris. You just reminded me. Faith's newest and greatest is asking for kissses and hugs. I Just LOVE it. The way she says it with the exageration on the sss's. I jsut melt.
Leah is obsessed with the ABC song and can sing bits and pieces of it. The other day Kiersten was over and Leah was extremely tired so I took her upstairs to lay down with me in my bed. She was a little restless so I started singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to her. I thought she was asleep so I stopped singing and she popped right up and sang out emmo emmo P (LMNOP).
Leah is obsessed with the ABC song and can sing bits and pieces of it. The other day Kiersten was over and Leah was extremely tired so I took her upstairs to lay down with me in my bed. She was a little restless so I started singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star to her. I thought she was asleep so I stopped singing and she popped right up and sang out emmo emmo P (LMNOP).
I can only answer this now cause she is asleep, when she is awake we are in full throttle terrible twos and nothing is funny. Today B was sat in her car seat while Joe was walking in front of her to get out of the van and she was swinging her legs and kicking him. So when we were all walking back to the van later on I said to Joe that he should run on ahead and be getting in so he wouldn't have to walk past her legs again. B started yelling at him 'Doe (Joe) no car seat, out, me kick kick kick'. I know it kind of isn't funny but since she is super vocal now, it's funny the things she comes out with.
Also if she sees him doing something she knows I wouldn't like she will go over and start shouting 'time out Doe!' at him and pointing her finger.
I swear I just got my sweet boy back from this horrible phase (though he still doesn't listen) and she goes right in there.