I'm sure you are on info overload yourself. You are correct - having a diagnosis finally is a blessing. You almost have all of the answers so you can formulate your plan to attack this situation.
You, Cole and your entire family will be in our nightly prayers!
D-I am so glad you finally feel like you have some answers, but sorry that you have been going through this in the first place.
You absolutely amaze me. Your spirit, your strength, your courage, your heart, everything about you just puts me in awe. Cole (and Jack) are so incredibly blessed to have you as their mommy. You inspire me.
oh dorian, i'm really sorry to see this - i hope they can solidify a diagnosis promptly, just for your peace of mind. you'll rise to any occasion - i know you will - you've been such a support and advocate for your little boy from day one - you have such strength. many prayers for you guys.
I just saw this. I have been reading about Cole and I am glad that you're finally getting some answers. As hard as it may be to find them out, at least you can now start the treatment and help alleviate Cole's pain. You're an incredible mom! Hang in there. Lots of hugs and prayers.
D, I'll be keeping you all in my thoughts as you finish your quest for answers. You are so strong for Cole and he is very lucky to have you as his mommy.
I can't say anything that hasn't already been said, but you guys are definitely in my thoughts and prayers, D. You are such a great mom -- Cole could not have been more blessed there. I'm glad you're getting some answers.
thank you all for your support. i'm feeling a little better about things, it's just so hard to wait for more answers. what we know is so general, and the specifics will tell the 'real' story.
as an update, Cole will have his liver biopsy this coming friday 9/25. he'll stay in the hospital overnight, and hopefully be discharged the next day if it appears that he has sufficiently clotted. i'm nervous as all get out about him having to stay overnight, but we're at the childrens hospital here in town, so at the very least, i know he'll be as entertained as a child can possibly be.
thank you all for your prayers. i'll keep updating as I know more.
Dorian....i have been thinking of you and cole since you wrote your update. i am so sorry that you guys are going through all this and i really don't know what to say...i can't even imagine the fear. lots of prayers for you all ((hugs))
Dorian, I'm so sorry that Cole is still dealing with all of these issues, but am happy that they seem to have narrowed down the problem- this is a great step towards getting him better!
I know it's been said by many people, but he is SO lucky to have you as his mother and advocate. You have shown such incredible strenght, and pushed until you knew what was happening.
I hope the journey for you all gets easier, now that you know what you are dealing with. Many, many hugs coming your way.
dorian, i am SO glad you are getting some answers. i hope they can do something to help with his joint pain. that must be so horrible to know he is in pain. you are such a great mom. i'm glad you found a good doctor to help you figure this out, and hope that cole will be feeling better as soon as possible.
I've been MIA for the past week so I'm just seeing this.
I will be praying for Cole in the upcoming weeks with the testing. I can't imagine how difficult this is on your family but thank god you continued to press the doctors for answers.
I will pray for little Jack too and that he will be free of this illness. My thoughts, prayers and heart go out to you guys.
I am so sorry but relieved that if he has this condition that it is most likely mild and that there is the possibility of relief for him. I don't understand how it must feel to go through this but what I do know is that you are a wonderful mom and Cole is a fabulous boy and my prayers are with you. Big hugs for all of you!
well, i'm sorry he is in pain- i'm sure thats tough for all of you. but kudos to you for being persistent and i'm glad you are finally getting some answers. i think getting a diagnosis in the face of continuing medical issues is positive in the sense that you know what you are dealing with, but unfortunate in having to confront it at all.
Dorian, I'm so sorry it took me awhile to see this message---I saw your FB post about being in the hospital, and came to MomSquawk to find out why. I'm so sorry your little guy has been in so much pain.
Here's hoping that a definitive diagnosis comes swiftly, and that Cole gets relief as soon as possible. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. What a great mom you are---persistent and loving in the face of so much difficulty.