I'm 100 days into the pregnancy today! Just barely into the second trimester and totally feeling great. Just wish I could get my sex drive back....that left long ago. Although even getting a whiff of the dog food today (the dry food) made me gag. Weird! Anyway, anything you miss now that you normally enjoy when you aren't pregnant? (Minus your waistline and alcohol....LOL)
YAYYYY!!! So glad to hear you are feeling good now!
I miss not having to be weighed in once a month and only seeing the number go up (and UPPPPP! This is going to be *bad*). I can't wait to get a nice round belly so I at least look more pregnant!
I miss being able to breathe and not going to the bathroom 20 milllllion times a day and *not having heart burn 24/7 *not being kicked in the crotch area *being able to hold Selena on my lap and not be uncomfortable .......................