I feel like an idiot, but at least I can laugh at myself.
When I dropped Hannah off at preschool today, her teacher told me that we needed to work with Hannah on cutting skills. I must have looked weird, because she asked me if I ever gave Hannah scissors. I said no. I guess they do a lot of scissor work in pre-k. Who knew? I don’t give Hannah scissors, because my bff’s little girl totally chopped her hair off with scissor.
Um, is there anything else I am missing? Does anyone know what other requirements there are for pre-k.
Don't feel stupid at all. I never gave my kids scissors, they all learned how to use them in preschool. I didn't feel like their little hands could do it until they were that age anyway. And yes, they do cut their hair so I've always hidden the scissors unless I'm right there with them. Just do what she's saying, now that she's learning at school, let her practice at home. No biggie.
Part of his 3 year assessment at his check up was a questionaire about his skills. It had a question about scissors and whether he could use them. I said no b/c I didn't think that at age 3 he needed to be running around with a pair of damn safety scissors...
And I know a sweet little girl that once had a gorgeous head of curls......
I'll leave it at that b/c we all know what happened to those curls.
Don't feel stupid at all. I never gave my kids scissors, they all learned how to use them in preschool. I didn't feel like their little hands could do it until they were that age anyway. And yes, they do cut their hair so I've always hidden the scissors unless I'm right there with them. Just do what she's saying, now that she's learning at school, let her practice at home. No biggie.
Thank you Kristi! You made me feel so much better! Nothing like a mommy guilt trip early in the morning!
Part of his 3 year assessment at his check up was a questionaire about his skills. It had a question about scissors and whether he could use them. I said no b/c I didn't think that at age 3 he needed to be running around with a pair of damn safety scissors...
And I know a sweet little girl that once had a gorgeous head of curls......
I'll leave it at that b/c we all know what happened to those curls.
oh good! That wasn't part of our assessment, so it didn't occur to me to give her scissors.
You know what I will be posting in a few weeks? How Hannah chopped her hair off. (please no!)
I have no doubt you do many wonderful things with your girl. I am with Erin. You brought her to preschool so she can learn new things, and this is one of them. I am with you on the hair cutting thing too. Elizabeth does not go anywhere near scissors unless I am right there with her.
I have no doubt you do many wonderful things with your girl. I am with Erin. You brought her to preschool so she can learn new things, and this is one of them. I am with you on the hair cutting thing too. Elizabeth does not go anywhere near scissors unless I am right there with her.
Yeah, aren't you suppose to learn these things in school? I hate that my mommy guilt kicked right in. So hard to silence that little voice that says she would know how to do this if I was not working! Sigh!
Just another ditto. Gavin brought something home that he had cut out and I was so surprised he was able to because I never do scissor activities at home!
i found it in walmart with the other workbooks for less than this website. it has colored shapes that you cut out and then there are pictures that have a sticky area where that shape fits...you stick the cut out shape onto that area to finish a picture. like one page has a tiger cub with sticky stripes. you cut out 5 colorful rectangles, stick them on the striped sections, and color the rest with crayons.
Just another ditto. Gavin brought something home that he had cut out and I was so surprised he was able to because I never do scissor activities at home!
I wouldn't worry about it one bit.
Good to know. I have her homework for this weekend now. Too funny. Just little papers with lines on them to snip.
I think part of this is that all but two of the kids in her class went to preschool last year and learned to cut. I know one of the other little girls (named Becca incidentally) didn't know how either. Easy to remedy. We will be cutting up a storm at our house! Lol!
Becca I don't let Lauren or Anna use scissors at home. Lauren cut off Anna's hair (as well as a chunk of her own) last spring and that was her one and only attempt here for awhile. I'm pretty sure Lauren will never cut hair again after seeing me fall to my knees in tears that day LOL!
I told her teacher up front this year that she doesn't have it mastered and why. She laughed and said she hears this a lot!
i found it in walmart with the other workbooks for less than this website. it has colored shapes that you cut out and then there are pictures that have a sticky area where that shape fits...you stick the cut out shape onto that area to finish a picture. like one page has a tiger cub with sticky stripes. you cut out 5 colorful rectangles, stick them on the striped sections, and color the rest with crayons.
awesome! Thank you, I will try and find that after work today.
Becca I don't let Lauren or Anna use scissors at home. Lauren cut off Anna's hair (as well as a chunk of her own) last spring and that was her one and only attempt here for awhile. I'm pretty sure Lauren will never cut hair again after seeing me fall to my knees in tears that day LOL!
I told her teacher up front this year that she doesn't have it mastered and why. She laughed and said she hears this a lot!
See I knew I had a reason. I am so sorry that happened.
Hannah's teacher this morning told me that that has actually happened in class once years ago. Lol.
i dont even own a pair of safety scissors in this house. too much of a pita with the little one. also i havent been hugely successful at finding ambidextrous/lefty scissors (not that i've made a huge effort). she brought home a few practice cutting assignments last year at preschool, so i figured she was doing fine with it - not something we're practicing at home at ALL though! dont worry!!
i hear this is a bigger skill for the 4s programs.