Are you girlies feeling baby kicks yet? I am patiently, ok so maybe not so patiently, waiting to feel those first movements!!! I get my doppler on Monday so I am keeping myself busy with that until the day I feel the kicks. LOL
How are ya'll feeling?? More energy yet? Hows the weight gain? Thats one thing I am super nervous about this time. Dunno why this time more than the last two, but I am.
Anyway, hope you all have a great weekend!!! Love ya!
at 18 weeks i am even getting to the "swooshing" stage when i can feel the baby moving around. still can't feel it outside - but i have a nice layer of fat covering my lower tummy from before being preggo.
i got a doppler too - a good quality one, nearly $200 - and o have to say it was hit or miss hearing the heartbeat early on - not till a good 15 weeks was i able to hear it regularly, and by that time the baby was already kicking - so try not to get discouraged if you have a hard time finding the hb.
weight gain - doing pretty good, but i am hitting the weight gain months, so i will be going up soon! i usually gain most in the 5-6-7th months.
still waiting for my tummy to pop so i look preggo instead of just fat...
I think I am feeling movements when I rest at night. Not a constant thing yet, but every couple of nights, I'll have a period of a few minutes where it's pretty much unmistakeable (and amazing :heart).
I would LOVE to rent a doppler but DH says I'm too nervous a person and would end up driving myself crazy with finding it and then the heart rate, etc. Bleck. I think I'm going to beg for one b/c I think it would be so wonderful for Meghan too.
As far as weight gain, I was fine up until the last few weeks and now I'm in trouble. It's just going up and up. I'm probably up about 8-9lbs now. Maybe even 10 :bag:. I'm not one of those lucky ones that gains no weight the first trimester, plus I had already put on a few pounds before I got preggers. At least this is tied in with the quitting smoking weight so hopefully I'll only have to gain and lose it once! If I can stay at a pound a week from here on out, I'll still be around 35lbs, which is more than I want but not crazy at all. Let's see if I can make that work though!
Diane~ I am renting my doppler from and its only 20.00 per month. I've used this place each time with my pregnancies and I love it. I've never had trouble locating the hb or anything. Before I had it here by about 10 weeks, but for whatever reason I waited a little longer this time.
I am still down two pounds, thanks to the morning sickness, but my waist is pretty much disappearing. LOL There is definitely no denying I am pregnant anymore. Its obvious. My pants are close to having to use a rubber band to hold them on comfortably, or resorting to the maternity pants is an option. But its still in the 90's here on a daily basis so pants are pretty much not even an option for me.
I'm glad you two are doing so well. You'll be "popped" before you know it Megan! And don't stress about the weight gain Diane! These sweet babies will be worth every pound right?
If its a girl, I definitely want to call her Makenna...that was my choice for Aubrey and dh decided at the last minute that he wanted Aubrey instead. As for a boy, I have no idea. LOL
I hear ya on the being done front. I thought we were done too. I got pregnant right before dh's v was scheduled though. So after this one we are both getting "fixed." LOL
I just wanted to jump in and say Im so excited for you guys.
Thanks Tracy!
And no definites on names yet. I'd rather just wait the month to hopefully find out and then we don't have to do the "if it's a boy... or if it's a girl..." game.