I have finally finished reading all this and I have to say that I'm surprised that a lot of you are requesting the definition of a "bad marriage". I would think that if you were in a marriage that was bad then you would know, as well as knowing if it was a good one. Marriage has ups and downs for sure. To me that does not equate to a bad marriage.
IRL I currently am friends with two couples that are divorcing and chose to have their 2nd child even though the marriage was clearly rocky and unstable. I have seen first hand the effect it has had on these kids and it breaks my heart. The child from couple #1 recently told him mom "shut up you stupid bitch" and exhibits a complete lack of respect for his mother after 4 years of seeing his dad treat his mother poorly. Of course both parents are pointing the finger and placing blame on each other instead of helping this young child. The child from couple #2 is also having similar behavioral issues along with serious aggression problems. Both of these kids were born into a family where mom and dad argued constantly and even if words weren't being exchanged they saw the body language via slamming doors, throwing things around and short rude comments back and forth. And now they are stuck in the middle of a custody battle where they are being used as objects just to hurt the other parent. Do I wish these kids had never been born, of course not, but I do think it was poor judgement for these parents to bring a child into a situation that was clearly not going to be getting any better. And lets face it, even once these couples are divorced I highly doubt the rude and criticial comments about each parent will suddenly cease. These kids will be subjected to this stuff for years most likely which makes me wonder what affect this will have on their own relationships down the road let alone their self-esteem since kids are generally too young to understand such matters and take the blame upon themselves.
Melissa I can completely understand what you were trying to get across here. It is hard when you are sitting on the sidelines watching this happen. Especially when you are around these kids day in and day out and see the affect it has on them.
Regarding the red -- I guess I'm equally as surprised as to how this can still be unclear to you if you've read the whole thing... LOL!
Like I said, this was the original thing she said...
I am constantly in awe of people that tell me one day their marriage sucks and yada yada, but then not a week later tell met they are trying to get pregnant or have kids.
This is what she did not say...
I am constantly in awe of people that are upset that their husband beat them, but then not a week later tell met they are trying to get pregnant or have kids.
I am constantly in awe of people that tell me one day their wives were in prison, but then not a week later tell met they are trying to get pregnant or have kids.
I am constantly in awe of people that tell me one day their spouse has an addiction, but then not a week later tell met they are trying to get pregnant or have kids.
She just said "tell me one day their marriage sucks." What suck means is highly subjective. I like my life, but some might think it sucks. I know lots of people who seem happy, but I think I would be miserable in their shoes. If the cause for confusion still remains unclear to you after this, I'm not sure how else to say it.
Regarding the blue -- you make an interesting point, and one I think actually adds to the confusion of this conversation... married or not, these people are acting like jackholes. So whether or not their marriage is stable is a red herring -- the real point is that jackholes shouldn't have kids.
Regarding the bold, that is why I waited until I read the entire thread before posting. Yes the initial post was vague but reading on she did state a more detailed example and admitted that perhaps she did not use the proper verbage initially. So after reading through all 4-5 pages of responses I would think it would be clear by now what would constitute a bad marriage.
And to Chele I just want to say that my heart breaks for you reading what you went through. I am so sorry you had to live through such hell. I'm so glad you were able to get you and your children out of that situation. :hug
Yeah, it is clear.
What is also clear -- at least to me -- is that the disagreement in this thread was in response to that initial vague definition. Erin, Megan, Kelly (icr who else) all said that's what was giving them pause -- the initial vagueness. Now that there's some clarity, by and large, the disagreement has died (although I know Melissa still seems to think it's there, LOL).
Just was responding to those who responded. I had though that clarity was there earlier, but when I checked back that did not appear to be the case. It's all good :)
Why do people who have bad marriages keep having kids? Do people think children will make their marriage stronger?
It really boggles my mind as to why people do this. I am constantly in awe of people that tell me one day their marriage sucks and yada yada, but then not a week later tell met they are trying to get pregnant or have kids.
Does anyone else get annoyed by this or is it just me?
I am sure this is a sensitive subject for some people, but when we really strip it down there has to be a reason for it. People may not want to admit it, but there has to be a reason?
Do the kids benefit from this?
Idk Melissa. This post is so vague it makes me wonder what brought all this up? Was it that movie Revolutionary Road because yes, that was a truly dysfunctional marriage!!
But people have children for all sorts of reasons -what makes one the "right" one?
I, too, am curious as to why this ruffles your feathers so much. I definitely share your disdain for people who think that what is happening in their marital life has no impact on their children (or at least none worthy of consideration), BUT not sure I get the intensity of the heat.
I haven't seen Revolutionary Road. Should I?
Oh gosh, do not watch it. It is very disturbing. It does not ruffle my feathers per say. It is one of those things in life where I shake my head and say why. If people can agree with me that your marital life does have impact on your children. How come one cannot see how it can be troublesome for someone who talks to children daily and sees the pain ? I mean I am not even a counselor and I see the pain and hear it. I guess the intensity comes from the fact that it just keeps happening over and over and people cannot pull their heads out of their ass long enough to stop to see the damage they are causing in their wake. I mean I am sure many set out with good intentions. I just know for me I always think long term and how my decisions will effect my children in just about everything I do. I guess I have a hard time when people do not do the same. I know not everything is black and white. I also do not care when it is just two adults in the relationship. Shit. they can beat the crap out of each other if they want. I want to know the thought process that occurs when a women in a bad marriage stops and says I should bring another child into this.
Sorry, but this one GOT me....as it is said as someone who has NOT been in an abusive relationship...having your face beat up...being isolated from your friends and family...having your belly stomped when you end up pregnant as the result of a beating and rape by your "loving husband"....having to call the police who don't take him away despite the bruising on your body and behind your ear and on your face...being slapped so dammn hard you have ringing in your ear for DAYS! Dealing with it for YEARS because you are scared to leave...but scared to stay...and have been told how worthless and useless you are so who else could even stabd to look at you!
No, they can't just beat the crap out of each other if they want to...and getting out of it is NOT easy and is often dangerous!
Do NOT stand in judgement or make such statements until you know exactly what you are talking about.
As for what a woman's thought process is....many times...she does GET a thought process on it...HE makes that decision for her!
First, I am going to go easy hear because I think that is awfulwhat you had to live through . If you knew me you would know where I stand on abuse. If you knew me you would know what my first marriage was like. I understand that statement hitting a nerve with you, but by no means was I condoning it. I was trying to get across the point that two adults having issues is one thing. Bringing a child into that issue is another.
I have very close experience with women being scared to leave. I was married to a man that came from an abusive family and have many stories that I do not care to share here. So, I do kind of know what I am talking about when it comes to abuse. I have witnessed what you have mentioned above and it is an awful cycle and so hard to get out of. I get it, but I do not get how then that women can go on to have kids and let them get beat or treated like that or witness that. Maybe that sounds harsh to some here or to those who have lived through an abusive relationship, because I know that when you are in one you can justify many things and many times things are done out of fear, but are these women having kids out of fear? I have this crazy notion in my head that I would never, ever let my kids see that kind of treatment or allow them to be in that environment. I would leave the dang country if I had to, but I realize that is me and it is also very obviously that not alll feel that way. I realize people are scared for their lives and that is why I wonder I wonder why have that child. Just because they want to have a kid? That does not seem sound to me.
Are you saying the women are forced to have another kid with this man? I have to imagine that in the cases I am thinking of that this is not the case, but can I 100% know, no I cannot.
I want to say that while I have often thought this as well, I also know that many times women in these relationships only know this type of relationship. A lot of times the abuse starts slowly and it becomes a way of life. They assume this is how all marriages (or relationships) are. The abuser alienates them from people therefore hindering them from seeing what is going on is wrong and not normal. This is clearly a bad marriage to me but not the type I am referencing in my posts.
I know you know who I am referencing Melissa but I will say that the children in the case I am close to were never abused physcially. Their daddy loved them very much which made it all the more difficult as to why he would kill their mommy and himself leaving them here to live the rest of their lives trying to survive this tragedy. His sick way of showing them his love was to not kill them.
Sorry I went OT there but this is a very close subject matter to my heart these days.
I've read a lot of this on my phone so I'm sorry if I've missed things.
Tex - definitely the situations I see are different but a lot of times there are a lot of similar things and since people were asking for some definitions of "bad" marriage I just listed what I've seen. I know people were becoming really defensive and I was just listing those situations where maybe I felt a bit justified in being judgmental - well, in being able to tell myself, hey that IS a bad situation.
Re: having the children vs. not having them - I did think you were talking in general terms (tex) so that was my fault for assuming.
One other thing (and I think I'm done) is that it's just really hard - emotionally especially - when you have parents come and tell you all these things (and some aren't even as horrible as I shared) and really paint a picture of a bad family environment and then come a week later to share their good (pregnancy) news and expect you to be excited. It happens a lot and it is so hard because all you know is all this bad stuff - and not the normal ups and downs - but then on a dime they flip and expect you to be generally happy. It is hard.
Oh, ITTTTTTTTA... I tend to have a problem in general when people are clearly contradicting themselves or acting in a way that seems to be at odds with something else they've said/done. (I think that's how I once got in a lot of trouble on this board... LOL!)
juni and texx - you both hit the key point i am struggling with here. and i think it relates to the very original post... not the grossly abusive situation, but the friend/aquaintance who gives the impression that their relationship is crappy, then they want you to be happy when they get preggo...
just about a month ago i had a friend in lux, american gal with french hubby, her son and timmy are bball bff's... she just got back from a 3 week vacay in the states alone with her 4 sons, got back and was sooooo frustrated - hubby had 3 weeks of "free time" and basically was doing jack-all nothing to help with the family after their return. she vented to me - and the conversation was a surprise somewhat. i knew from how she kept her house (in a constant disarray...) working full time like i used to, etc. she was frazzled. she dumped and vented to me about marital probs. i was a good sounding board. she said to me "if it wasn't for the 4 boys i would divorce him because he brings nothing to our relationship" it was hard to hear. we talked a while, i give reflective questions... i think she needed an ear.
2 weeks later we met for lunch - totally different picture of her and hubby. she did thank me and said our convo helped her clear her anger and she was able to calmly talk to him and work out some of their issues.
my point:
it was a vent. was she "really" going to divorce him - no. but she was frustrated. again to the point of my first point - when you are only getting a small glimpse, or only a few words, and melissa and juni - i believe in your specific situations where parents may tell you a few things - it probably is only a vent - and you seem like "safe" people to vent to for them as you are not really friend or family... that maybe. just maybe. their relationship/marriage is not all gloom and doom and that it is a simple vent. and maybe their marriage is better than they let on in your limited exposure to them. and that if they do get preggo - maybe its not a horrible thing. and maybe their marriage is much better than they let on if they gave you a vent. and maybe they really truly are happy to be having a child and their relationship is not all doom and gloom.
tbh, i find it easier to give the occasional vent here on Ms rather than to friends or family IRL absolutely for the reason that this is a "safe" place to vent as you are not in my irl everyday life and my vent wont get back to dh or other family members - kwim? is it not possible that these parents that occasionally complain to you, its only just that?
Megan, I agree that happens, but honestly this is not what I am seeing. This is not parents just venting to me. I have been with some of these families for 10 years now. It is not just an occasional issue. Most have ended in divorce and other crazy stories that I cannot share since I would lose my job if I typed out on her. This is witnessing children and their behavior, issues. Classroom teachers deal with it at conferences, etc. This is just not me in my job that sees this. If I could get others on here to explain it, I would, but I cannot.
I guess just as people are assuming I have this judgemental view on every marriage and if someone says something about their husband or wife to me I judge it. This is not the case.
Melissa, I don't think anyone is doubting your experiences or observations.
They're still a little uneasy because of your original statement, which you yourself have admitted was extremely unclear.
I honestly think if we really got down to details, most of us would be in agreement. The people that are arguing with you are taking issue with your original definition (the yada yada bit), NOT that your observations at work aren't real or worthy of concern.
Oh, believe you me I wish I made it more clear from the get go, but honestly am not sure even with what I feel that is still not good enough for some and that is ok with me.
I feel like I am getting the impression that people really do not know what a bad marriage is? However, I think they know, but do not want to admit.
Can I ask this question. If you take a 5 year chunk out of a marriage. If you always fight, feel unloved over 50% of the time, feel disrespected, feel lost. Do you classify that as a bad/healthy marriage? This is more along the lines of where I was mentally when I started. I know it has then gone into every other arena and those are also valid points.
How do you feel justified to make the assertion in green just because people got defensive to your original statement?
Wait... hang on. What people are you talking about? The people who have responded to this thread, or people in general? I think you need to be clear on this. It *sounds* like you're saying that because people in this thread don't agree with you (and again, I think it's more they don't agree with what you said than what you actually meant, now that you've mostly clarified yourself) they don't know what a good marriage means. Surely that's NOT what you're saying, is it???
My personal answer to your question is this -- if I were in a situation where I *ever* felt unloved, disrespected or lost, I'd be calling that shit out on the carpet immediately... fuck 50% of the time. But that's me.
But I'm not sure how that's relevant, UNLESS you're saying that you think people who have disagreed with you on this thread don't know what it means to have a good marriage.
I want to say that while I have often thought this as well, I also know that many times women in these relationships only know this type of relationship. A lot of times the abuse starts slowly and it becomes a way of life. They assume this is how all marriages (or relationships) are. The abuser alienates them from people therefore hindering them from seeing what is going on is wrong and not normal. This is clearly a bad marriage to me but not the type I am referencing in my posts.
I know you know who I am referencing Melissa but I will say that the children in the case I am close to were never abused physcially. Their daddy loved them very much which made it all the more difficult as to why he would kill their mommy and himself leaving them here to live the rest of their lives trying to survive this tragedy. His sick way of showing them his love was to not kill them.
Sorry I went OT there but this is a very close subject matter to my heart these days.
Michele, tbh, I thought of your friend Heather when this conversation started.
I am still greatly saddened by that whole thing, and I didn't know her or her children. I can only imagine how you must feel. :(
But the reason she came into my mind was that I feel like there are people who would look at her situation as black and white and think to themselves, "how in the hell could a normal person marry someone -- let alone have children with someone -- who could do something like this"? And want to write her off as a nutjob.
Myself, I look at it as "if not for the grace of God", and pray for those children every freaking day. (Not that I feel like I have reason to fear for my life, obviously, but rather that I believe that we all start off as blank slates, and some fucked up things must've happened to both of them along the way to end up in that tragic situation. Like that's not something that someone healthy just decides to do one day... that process had to have been gradual, KWIM?)
If those kids wish they'd never been born, man... who could fault them. But do you think they do? Because the trauma doesn't get any worse than that. And I guess that's what I'm saying. I'm not saying that we don't/can't/should hurt our children. I'm just saying that I've always thought the argument was a little absurd to say that they shouldn't have been born. Because for those kids, it's not like they had a choice. They are a product of those two people, and it was either this or nothing.
I've read a lot of this on my phone so I'm sorry if I've missed things.
Tex - definitely the situations I see are different but a lot of times there are a lot of similar things and since people were asking for some definitions of "bad" marriage I just listed what I've seen. I know people were becoming really defensive and I was just listing those situations where maybe I felt a bit justified in being judgmental - well, in being able to tell myself, hey that IS a bad situation.
Re: having the children vs. not having them - I did think you were talking in general terms (tex) so that was my fault for assuming.
One other thing (and I think I'm done) is that it's just really hard - emotionally especially - when you have parents come and tell you all these things (and some aren't even as horrible as I shared) and really paint a picture of a bad family environment and then come a week later to share their good (pregnancy) news and expect you to be excited. It happens a lot and it is so hard because all you know is all this bad stuff - and not the normal ups and downs - but then on a dime they flip and expect you to be generally happy. It is hard.
Oh, ITTTTTTTTA... I tend to have a problem in general when people are clearly contradicting themselves or acting in a way that seems to be at odds with something else they've said/done. (I think that's how I once got in a lot of trouble on this board... LOL!)
juni and texx - you both hit the key point i am struggling with here. and i think it relates to the very original post... not the grossly abusive situation, but the friend/aquaintance who gives the impression that their relationship is crappy, then they want you to be happy when they get preggo...
just about a month ago i had a friend in lux, american gal with french hubby, her son and timmy are bball bff's... she just got back from a 3 week vacay in the states alone with her 4 sons, got back and was sooooo frustrated - hubby had 3 weeks of "free time" and basically was doing jack-all nothing to help with the family after their return. she vented to me - and the conversation was a surprise somewhat. i knew from how she kept her house (in a constant disarray...) working full time like i used to, etc. she was frazzled. she dumped and vented to me about marital probs. i was a good sounding board. she said to me "if it wasn't for the 4 boys i would divorce him because he brings nothing to our relationship" it was hard to hear. we talked a while, i give reflective questions... i think she needed an ear.
2 weeks later we met for lunch - totally different picture of her and hubby. she did thank me and said our convo helped her clear her anger and she was able to calmly talk to him and work out some of their issues.
my point:
it was a vent. was she "really" going to divorce him - no. but she was frustrated. again to the point of my first point - when you are only getting a small glimpse, or only a few words, and melissa and juni - i believe in your specific situations where parents may tell you a few things - it probably is only a vent - and you seem like "safe" people to vent to for them as you are not really friend or family... that maybe. just maybe. their relationship/marriage is not all gloom and doom and that it is a simple vent. and maybe their marriage is better than they let on in your limited exposure to them. and that if they do get preggo - maybe its not a horrible thing. and maybe their marriage is much better than they let on if they gave you a vent. and maybe they really truly are happy to be having a child and their relationship is not all doom and gloom.
tbh, i find it easier to give the occasional vent here on Ms rather than to friends or family IRL absolutely for the reason that this is a "safe" place to vent as you are not in my irl everyday life and my vent wont get back to dh or other family members - kwim? is it not possible that these parents that occasionally complain to you, its only just that?
Megan, I agree that happens, but honestly this is not what I am seeing. This is not parents just venting to me. I have been with some of these families for 10 years now. It is not just an occasional issue. Most have ended in divorce and other crazy stories that I cannot share since I would lose my job if I typed out on her. This is witnessing children and their behavior, issues. Classroom teachers deal with it at conferences, etc. This is just not me in my job that sees this. If I could get others on here to explain it, I would, but I cannot.
I guess just as people are assuming I have this judgemental view on every marriage and if someone says something about their husband or wife to me I judge it. This is not the case.
Melissa, I don't think anyone is doubting your experiences or observations.
They're still a little uneasy because of your original statement, which you yourself have admitted was extremely unclear.
I honestly think if we really got down to details, most of us would be in agreement. The people that are arguing with you are taking issue with your original definition (the yada yada bit), NOT that your observations at work aren't real or worthy of concern.
Oh, believe you me I wish I made it more clear from the get go, but honestly am not sure even with what I feel that is still not good enough for some and that is ok with me.
I feel like I am getting the impression that people really do not know what a bad marriage is? However, I think they know, but do not want to admit.
Can I ask this question. If you take a 5 year chunk out of a marriage. If you always fight, feel unloved over 50% of the time, feel disrespected, feel lost. Do you classify that as a bad/healthy marriage? This is more along the lines of where I was mentally when I started. I know it has then gone into every other arena and those are also valid points.
How do you feel justified to make the assertion in green just because people got defensive to your original statement?
Wait... hang on. What people are you talking about? The people who have responded to this thread, or people in general? I think you need to be clear on this. It *sounds* like you're saying that because people in this thread don't agree with you (and again, I think it's more they don't agree with what you said than what you actually meant, now that you've mostly clarified yourself) they don't know what a good marriage means. Surely that's NOT what you're saying, is it???
My personal answer to your question is this -- if I were in a situation where I *ever* felt unloved, disrespected or lost, I'd be calling that shit out on the carpet immediately... fuck 50% of the time. But that's me.
But I'm not sure how that's relevant, UNLESS you're saying that you think people who have disagreed with you on this thread don't know what it means to have a good marriage.
ugh, I am just confused on where the line is that everyone wants me to draw on what a bad or good marriage is.
This whole thread and time was not directed at the women here, but at the same time it is not that I think because they disagree with me or what they thought I meant. I just am still very lost in the whole bad marriage and how bad does bad have to be in order to make someone say "oh, ok, that is bad"
I am making no sense now. I have a 9 month old who is on a sleep strike and it is midnight here. I think if I keep typing my thoughts are no longer clear. It is all in my head. If you were here with me you could get the real scoop. I honestly hate trying to compose my thoughts on paper. I am a very verbal person.
Why do people who have bad marriages keep having kids? Do people think children will make their marriage stronger?
It really boggles my mind as to why people do this. I am constantly in awe of people that tell me one day their marriage sucks and yada yada, but then not a week later tell met they are trying to get pregnant or have kids.
Does anyone else get annoyed by this or is it just me?
I am sure this is a sensitive subject for some people, but when we really strip it down there has to be a reason for it. People may not want to admit it, but there has to be a reason?
Do the kids benefit from this?
Idk Melissa. This post is so vague it makes me wonder what brought all this up? Was it that movie Revolutionary Road because yes, that was a truly dysfunctional marriage!!
But people have children for all sorts of reasons -what makes one the "right" one?
I, too, am curious as to why this ruffles your feathers so much. I definitely share your disdain for people who think that what is happening in their marital life has no impact on their children (or at least none worthy of consideration), BUT not sure I get the intensity of the heat.
I haven't seen Revolutionary Road. Should I?
Oh gosh, do not watch it. It is very disturbing. It does not ruffle my feathers per say. It is one of those things in life where I shake my head and say why. If people can agree with me that your marital life does have impact on your children. How come one cannot see how it can be troublesome for someone who talks to children daily and sees the pain ? I mean I am not even a counselor and I see the pain and hear it. I guess the intensity comes from the fact that it just keeps happening over and over and people cannot pull their heads out of their ass long enough to stop to see the damage they are causing in their wake. I mean I am sure many set out with good intentions. I just know for me I always think long term and how my decisions will effect my children in just about everything I do. I guess I have a hard time when people do not do the same. I know not everything is black and white. I also do not care when it is just two adults in the relationship. Shit. they can beat the crap out of each other if they want. I want to know the thought process that occurs when a women in a bad marriage stops and says I should bring another child into this.
Sorry, but this one GOT me....as it is said as someone who has NOT been in an abusive relationship...having your face beat up...being isolated from your friends and family...having your belly stomped when you end up pregnant as the result of a beating and rape by your "loving husband"....having to call the police who don't take him away despite the bruising on your body and behind your ear and on your face...being slapped so dammn hard you have ringing in your ear for DAYS! Dealing with it for YEARS because you are scared to leave...but scared to stay...and have been told how worthless and useless you are so who else could even stabd to look at you!
No, they can't just beat the crap out of each other if they want to...and getting out of it is NOT easy and is often dangerous!
Do NOT stand in judgement or make such statements until you know exactly what you are talking about.
As for what a woman's thought process is....many times...she does GET a thought process on it...HE makes that decision for her!
First, I am going to go easy hear because I think that is awfulwhat you had to live through . If you knew me you would know where I stand on abuse. If you knew me you would know what my first marriage was like. I understand that statement hitting a nerve with you, but by no means was I condoning it. I was trying to get across the point that two adults having issues is one thing. Bringing a child into that issue is another.
I have very close experience with women being scared to leave. I was married to a man that came from an abusive family and have many stories that I do not care to share here. So, I do kind of know what I am talking about when it comes to abuse. I have witnessed what you have mentioned above and it is an awful cycle and so hard to get out of. I get it, but I do not get how then that women can go on to have kids and let them get beat or treated like that or witness that. Maybe that sounds harsh to some here or to those who have lived through an abusive relationship, because I know that when you are in one you can justify many things and many times things are done out of fear, but are these women having kids out of fear? I have this crazy notion in my head that I would never, ever let my kids see that kind of treatment or allow them to be in that environment. I would leave the dang country if I had to, but I realize that is me and it is also very obviously that not alll feel that way. I realize people are scared for their lives and that is why I wonder I wonder why have that child. Just because they want to have a kid? That does not seem sound to me.
Are you saying the women are forced to have another kid with this man? I have to imagine that in the cases I am thinking of that this is not the case, but can I 100% know, no I cannot.
I want to say that while I have often thought this as well, I also know that many times women in these relationships only know this type of relationship. A lot of times the abuse starts slowly and it becomes a way of life. They assume this is how all marriages (or relationships) are. The abuser alienates them from people therefore hindering them from seeing what is going on is wrong and not normal. This is clearly a bad marriage to me but not the type I am referencing in my posts.
I know you know who I am referencing Melissa but I will say that the children in the case I am close to were never abused physcially. Their daddy loved them very much which made it all the more difficult as to why he would kill their mommy and himself leaving them here to live the rest of their lives trying to survive this tragedy. His sick way of showing them his love was to not kill them.
Sorry I went OT there but this is a very close subject matter to my heart these days.
I thought of Heather when this whole abuse came up.
No one knows here what I went through in my first marriage, but I know what an abuser does, been there and one that with the alienation, slow process of wearing down your self esteem, etc.
I do not want to argue this. This is very, very sad and I always think of this. I know what you mean and that is why I am going to just leave it at that.