That sounds soooooooooooo good right now!!!! DROOLING!!
And good morning everyone!!
I've been MIA for a few days. As soon as I said, on Monday, that I was ready to get things in order around here (housekeeping, getting Meghan on a schedule, etc), work dropped a huge project on my lap. HUGE.
I work all morning, have swimming lessons at 1, run home for a project meeting at 2:30, then I have to work at night again. THIS SUCKS! But I have to do what I can to keep my job right now. I haven't even told them about being preggers yet. That's next week. EEEKK!
work project hopefully means job security
good luck with it, it def. sounds like you have a lot on your plate
The sweatpants were on sale for $29. They are usually $39. For sweatpants.
But Dani hates wearing jeans everyday, and she needed some "cool casual pants." Lately she has been exhibiting a strong similarity to Napoleon Dynamite. Saying things like "darnit" and "gosh", while throwing her head forward. I figured the only thing I can do to help her is get her into stylish clothes, get her an awesome stylish haircut, and hope for the best!
She wanted to buy a shirt yesterday that said "I Love Horses" on it. Super cute for 5 years olds, but not so much for 5th graders. I told her we would think about it and come back later.
My sweet girl, all brains and heart, but no style .
you rule for helping her out with all of that
sure wish my parents had helped take the edge off of my dorkiness
sadlly, they let me go to school wearing power rangers t-shirts. lmao.
Thats why I'm so excited about going to Disney World in Febuary with my IL, DH and Braxton. Faith will have to wait until 2 years later when she gets her trip.
I got Henry a Captain Underpants book, thinking he might enjoy those.
Well, actually my mom bought all the stuff from Target because I realized that my driver's license and debit card were in the pocket of the pants I wore to church last night.
We came home to put my milk in the refrigerator and I grabbed my cards.
Then we went back out to Barnes & Noble.
I got Henry some more "Weird School" books, and I got Mark one of those dry-erase books where you can trace numbers and stuff.
Holly was trying to kill some baby bunnies in my backyard, so my mom and I finally caught her.
Now we have barricaded where we think the bunnies live, and then I closed off the doggy door.
Mark and I took Holly for a walk.
I must say I prefer it when Holly poops in my backyard (where I can scoop it at my leisure) than when she poops in someone else's front yard and I have to scoop it right then and carry it around.
Went to the beach in...June, I think? It's about 3 hours from here, so it's not too bad, but not something we just decide to do on the spur of the moment, either.
I can't remember the last time I was at the beach. Maybe last fourth of July? Pathetic, since I live 20 minutes away from the Pacific Ocean. Although what is the point of going to the beach if your whole family is albino and must bathe in sunscreen every 5 minutes? :giggle, :sigh
BTW I get the award for mother of the year today. I achieved to pinch Hannah's chin pretty badly when I was buckling her into her carseat this morning. Nothing like tears on the way to preschool. Poor thing! I feel awful!