I forgot to ask at E's check up if we still need to keep her on 2% milk or if she can switch to fat free like the rest of us. What are your kids drinking and did the doctor make any recommendations?
Last year the ped told us to switch him back to whole because he was "too skinny" but I pointed out that the kid is built like his father- tall, skinny, and lacking a tush and there was nothing I could do about it. I feed the child and he eats...
He hasn't had his 4 yr yet. I haven't made it yet. Way behind schedule.
2%. My girl loves her milk!! Don brought some skim milk and the sell by date was like a day later (it was all the store had) and she knew right away it wasn't right. (It wasn't spoiled, but she can definitely tell the difference and wouldn't drink it).
Skim. We all drink it (Kate included) and have since Kate turned 2. The pedi said it was fine, and while I can stand 1%, I can't take anything with more fat than that. Bill doesn't care-he doesn't drink milk anyway.
That said, my girls aren't big milk drinkers. They have one full sippy a day and that is it. (the playtex insulated kind of cups-IDK how many ounces they hold) And I rarely ever drink milk on its own-I use it in cereal and such mostly.
Last year the ped told us to switch him back to whole because he was "too skinny" but I pointed out that the kid is built like his father- tall, skinny, and lacking a tush and there was nothing I could do about it. I feed the child and he eats...
He hasn't had his 4 yr yet. I haven't made it yet. Way behind schedule.
Mason gets whatever we buy, which is usually skim. But I haven't been giving him milk lately except sporadically. Evelyn is sensitive to dairy and the more I read about it, the more I realize that no one really needs to drink cow's milk. He gets calcium in other forms, so I'm not worried.
Both boys drink whole at home, 2% at my mom's house. Owen doesn't really need whole but Gavin is so skinny it makes me feel better getting those extra calories/fat in him. Doug drinks whole anyway so I am buying it.
Last year the ped told us to switch him back to whole because he was "too skinny" but I pointed out that the kid is built like his father- tall, skinny, and lacking a tush and there was nothing I could do about it. I feed the child and he eats...
He hasn't had his 4 yr yet. I haven't made it yet. Way behind schedule.
Mason gets whatever we buy, which is usually skim. But I haven't been giving him milk lately except sporadically. Evelyn is sensitive to dairy and the more I read about it, the more I realize that no one really needs to drink cow's milk. He gets calcium in other forms, so I'm not worried.
Skim milk here and that's what she's been drinking from very early on.
Alison~ I've been hearing the same thing about cow's milk forever too. My brother is an acupuncturist/herbologist and has been trying to get me to stop using cow's milk in the house forever (including everything made with cow's milk). When Meghan started with the eczema, it was his first recommendation. It's a hard habit to break though so I applaud you!
Last year the ped told us to switch him back to whole because he was "too skinny" but I pointed out that the kid is built like his father- tall, skinny, and lacking a tush and there was nothing I could do about it. I feed the child and he eats...
He hasn't had his 4 yr yet. I haven't made it yet. Way behind schedule.
Mason gets whatever we buy, which is usually skim. But I haven't been giving him milk lately except sporadically. Evelyn is sensitive to dairy and the more I read about it, the more I realize that no one really needs to drink cow's milk. He gets calcium in other forms, so I'm not worried.
Skim milk here and that's what she's been drinking from very early on.
Alison~ I've been hearing the same thing about cow's milk forever too. My brother is an acupuncturist/herbologist and has been trying to get me to stop using cow's milk in the house forever (including everything made with cow's milk). When Meghan started with the eczema, it was his first recommendation. It's a hard habit to break though so I applaud you!
It has been an adjustment fo sho, but it definitely has its upside - Evelyn doesn't spend half the night trying to fart, so I get more sleep! ;) And there is much less spitup too.
It pretty much means I have to cook more, but I've been enjoying cooking lately, so I just try to carve out time to do that in the afternoon when the kids are napping (if I can get them to nap at the same time!). I do miss lattes from McD's though!
we saw the Ped today and she said 2%...I told her daniel drinks soy and she said to be sure to keep it low fat...but bc he drinks soy to make sure he gets some yogurt for the calcium.