I have one but I havent updated it in ages! oops...
I need to get motivated and do it again!!!! Such a good way to share feelings, your day, kids, etc with family/friends... But again, I usually use facebook. Blog is great for stories and such when FB doesnt have all that jazz.
I think I even told you about my private blog didn't I?
I think it's a great idea for you. It will be theraputic to get some of that sh!t out of your head - it really can be relieving to unload it somewhere.
It's kind of a journal - typing is so much easier than writing in my opinion.
I blog. I started mine when I was a few months pregnant with Lucas. Mostly I do it to keep a record of mommyhood (it is so fun to look back and see what we were doing on a specific date) I also do it to keep in touch with our family and friends that are scattered all over the world.
I will admit though that since Facebook and twitter I don't blog as much as I used to. Lately it seems I've been mostly posting pictures and not really writing anything. Although I always write a letter to Lucas on the 27th of every month. I started doing them when he was 1 week old and did them weekly when he was a baby and switched to monthly. I know this sounds crazy but one of the reasons I write them is so that if anything EVER happens to me and I don't get to see him grow up he will be able to read about his childhood and see how much I love him and be able to read stories that I would have shared with him.
My friend who works at another college and I have talked about starting a blog together after school starts p and things settle down about all the ridiculous stories we come across working with college students. Mostly therapy for us really :)