Sonya that is awesome that you can move in before all the traffic gets there. You are a smart woman and will formulate a good plan. Besides, for the moment you have two places so you can first move in the fall/winter things and whatever else you really need and then weed out the rest. Now we need pictures!
I don’t change purses too often. I have two seatbelt bags ( . One black and one with varying shades of blue. I really only change if the current one doesn’t match what I am wearing. Right now I am carrying the blue one. I most likely will change to the black one for the Vegas trip. Thrilling aren’t I?
Yes, Melissa. We found out from a friend early in August that there was an apartment opening up in the housing co-op we used to live in (jointly owned houses/apartments, you have to be a member, go to meetings, serve on a board, etc). It is very well run and we really enjoyed being in before we moved to Boston.
We went to see the apartment and it will be perfect for us - 2/3 bedrooms (two small rooms and one that isn't technically a bedroom but that will work for us), second floor of a two apartment house, big attic with stairs up, laundry in apartment, big fenced backyard. Walkable for work, daycare, mike's work. on all major bus routes. close to the best public schools in the city.
we applied and got it.
the best thing is that the rent is so insanely cheap for a 3 bedroom that we can afford both the rent and the mortgage while we wait for the house to sell.
and all the utitities are included so we don't have to spend that extra money.
That's great, Sonya! I'm so glad you got the apartment. :cheer
I change my purse when my current one falls apart.
I carry around other things but when it comes to a purse, I get one and stick with it for a looooong time. I always try to buy one that has several colors (but especially both pink and red) so it will go with everything. Or right now, I'm carryone one that is two shades of blue--aqua and royal; it goes with most things I wear.
Often I need a bag to carry non-purse items to places like church meetings, swimming pool, etc. I have a big orange/yellow/white striped beach bag that I use most of the time for that. But if it is packed for the pool and I need to go somewhere else, I'll look for one of the kids' tote bags. I usually just grab my wallet out of my purse and drop it in whatever I'm taking. I also still use Mark's small diaper bag when we go to the zoo or park (or anywhere we need to take drinks and snacks).
Wow, I had a lot more to say about purses than I thought.
I rarely go anywhere without the kids, so my diaper bag does double duty most days. I'm not really all that into purses anyway, but I admit I love the hobo bags I've seen recently. Cute!
However, I do prefer to have others talking with me.
Mrs. P emailed me today to give me the good news that I am Room Mom again this year.
i was just going to ask you this.
Thanks! I wouldn't have minded if someone else wanted to do it but oddly enough, no one else EVER wants that job.
I was very pleased at the parent meeting the other day to see all the parents that I knew in there--most of them very involved and helpful.
Also, I was teasing Olivia's mom (who sat next to me) about volunteering to be room mom. She told me that she works 80 hours a week and would not have time to do it, but is always willing to give money.
Honestly, the money is the #1 reason that I hesitate to take the room mom job. So now I know who to call if I need help with that. :hi5
I've been mentally devising a stalking plan for helping Henry to make better friendships in his class.
Perhaps that wasn't the best way to put that. lol.
Anyway, I need to start inviting these kids over or at least making playdates (or whatever they're called in the 4th grade) to get Henry together with friends outside of school.