I'm sending away for some info for the boys...Jeff, Damon, Zach...from Job Corps. Jeff is supposed to go to WyoTech in January but idk, i think he's having second thoughts.
Anyway, I'm thinking it would be a good alternative to college for the boys, at least to learn a vocation to get started at something....honestly I don't see Damon or Zach wanting to go to traditional college, unfortunately, but they will need to learn some kind of trade, ya know....plus the site says they teach independent living skills, social skills, etc in addition to the vocational training.
Does anyone have any experience with job corps or know anyone who went through a job corp program? If so, any info you think we ought to be away of?
Chele....I've known several people who have gone to job corps (my sister went when she was 16) and they have all had positive experiences.
My sister went for secretarial training, but they helped her w/ getting her GED, her driver's license, they put money aside for her living expenses once she left, etc. Before she went, she was really running wild and she was ordered by the court to either go to school or go to Job Corp and it really changed her for the better.
Is it for people who already have their high school diploma/GED? I thought I was for people working to get their diploma/GED. It's been awhile since I checked into it for my niece so I don't remember that much about it. She is 22 now and when she was 18 or so and nowhere near finishing high school I gave her and her parents info on this. I tried several times to get her interested in this. She needed to get away from home and be responsible for herself and learn so job skills. I think it is great for teens/young adults that probably won't go to college.
Thanks everyone, I think I'll keep looking into it for the boys.
Alicia, it's for kids 16-24yo. They help the kids get their diploma or GED if needed, but also have a list of 100+ vocations they train the kids for. from the website, it looks like everything from GED to nursing to HVAC, plumbing, electrical, secretarial, etc...I was SHOCKED at what they seem offer---along with free room and board and a living allowance while the kids are there! AND free basic medical and dental care...Oh, and it seems like the whole thing is income based...and I'm fairly certain we'll fall within the parameters.
In some ways it almost seems too good and makes a little suspicious LOL, but since Lizzy has good family experience with it, it defiantey warrants more looking into. I wish my boys were college bound, but it just doesnt look like they are going to want to go and they surely need SOMETHING...and a campus is not terribly far from where I live.
Chele, Just a word on Wyotech.....those places teach you the book smarts, but not enough hands on to know what you are doing in a shop. My DH has worked with lots of young men coming straight from these schools and its sad to see how much time and money was wasted. If they are thinking about going into the automotive field, the best place to start is in a shop. They can get the hands on training they need in the real world with tons of different cars/trucks/vans vs at the school where they pick one car and rebuild a transmission (seriously the only place you would do that is if you worked in a transmission shop, so its practically useless.) And whats even worse is that they still start them out at minimum wage no matter what....so with a degree from Wyo under his belt or not...he will be starting at the same place.
Stepping off my soapbox now....just wanted to let you know before you got him all hyped about the school.