I lost my phone very long ago and replaced it with a cheap pay as you go phone until our plan was to the point where we were up able to have new phones. We never seem to get to the store to get new ones, so my new plan is to just pick one out myself and then drag dh to the store. So, after all that:
Do you use a planner/calendar feature on your phone to keep track of dates/etc.?
If you do, what type of phone do you have (we have T-Mobile)?
Are there any features that you think are essential?
I definately use the calender and task manager A LOT. Also the email, IM...and I was the web access ALL THE TIME...oh and the facebook app. I use the documents application occasionally, mostly if I have soemthing I need to do for school and i can just add it to a doc right then when i think of it instead of waiting til i get home when i will inevitably forget about it.
i wasn't sure if i was going to use all of what my phone offers but once I got it, i just started using it...to the point that i can't imagine not having everything i need right at my fingertips.
the downside to having so much use at the fingertips....I have no memory--i can't remember a dang thing anymore and have probably become TOO dependant on my phone LOL
Oh...and I have the $99.99 everthing included plan---unlimited web, photos, texts, minutes, etc