Well, it's almost midnight here so I'd better go to bed. It's weird being in the opposite timezone again, brings flashbacks from when we lived in Thailand
I am going to the pearl market tomorrow, so excited! the summer is going by too fast... I'm already getting e-mails about Christopher's preschool and my school...
Did I mention I took the boys to see Harry Potter yesterday?
Did I mention that the girl in the row behind us gave her boyfriend 2, yes 2 BJ's.
you have got to be kidding? Yuck. That's so wrong when there are kids there. What did you guys think of the movie?
Gm :) my first flight was to Orange County in 2004. Ry was just a year old.. We did Disney And SeaWorld. Actually, I did fly in a 2 seater cessna 150 a few times in hs as my bf was studying to be a pilot. They were just around the airport, but WTF was I thinking? Lol.
Good luck at the doc, Di! Sonya, I hope you guys get the apt!
Jillian has dance class today.. I'm so lazy I just want to lay here on the floor and never move lol.
Sonya - I'm sure you'll get the two thumbs up, hopefully Sonya style ;). That co-op does sound perfect. I'm excited for you guys!
I am trying to decide about going out of town this weekend. My friend is having a baby shower down in Utah and MIL and I could go but I have SO much to catch up on and that is stressing me out. Decisions, decisions!
Did I mention I took the boys to see Harry Potter yesterday?
Did I mention that the girl in the row behind us gave her boyfriend 2, yes 2 BJ's.
you have got to be kidding? Yuck. That's so wrong when there are kids there. What did you guys think of the movie?
Gm :) my first flight was to Orange County in 2004. Ry was just a year old.. We did Disney And SeaWorld. Actually, I did fly in a 2 seater cessna 150 a few times in hs as my bf was studying to be a pilot. They were just around the airport, but WTF was I thinking? Lol.
Good luck at the doc, Di! Sonya, I hope you guys get the apt!
Jillian has dance class today.. I'm so lazy I just want to lay here on the floor and never move lol.
I had my phone out to text you that it was happening and then an exciting part came on and I put my phone away.
I kept signing that Alanis Morissette line "would she go down on you in a theater?" all day yesterday.
I liked it but it's strange to see a movie with no closure at the end. Jack loved it.
So I thought Hermione and Ron were suppose to kiss in this one. I saw them interviewed about it. Maybe they were talking about the newest movie that they're filming.
i keep giving people the sonya lately. wtf!??! for example, someone will ask me if i need help in a store and i say "i'm good, thanks!" accompanied by the sonya.
i keep giving people the sonya lately. wtf!??! for example, someone will ask me if i need help in a store and i say "i'm good, thanks!" accompanied by the sonya.
we are staying on "team green" for this baby. *sigh*
as he drove me home from the amneo, we were talking about it and i asked him if he had any expectations. i really want a boy, because timmy does, and i assume bert does... and it does round out our family. so in the car i was asking him if he would be disappointed if it was another girl.
and he kept saying he really has no expectations, he just wants another baby.
as soon as he got home from work he said he was wanting to call me all afternoon but waited to tell me in person - he really doesnt want to know. he told me i could find out, but i would have to keep it a total secret.
but to me, that would not be any fun...
so we decided not to find out at all. it will be cool to deliver and discover what it is at the moment :)
the only sucky thing is now we have to pick both boys and girls names..... ugh!