I called the AOG this morning bc i havent gotten a letter from them telling me to be in court on the 19th. Well, it's in my best interest to be there, so I will get to sit in family court from 830am until whenever the hell i go before the judge...last time i didnt get out of court until 445pm!
So anyway, the whole point is to get the custody agreement amended...Keely is being added custody of Damon has to be rearranged so that his father can't decide to come over and say "hey he's mine, give him back". Adding Keely to the custody agreement means 11 years retroactive child support for her.
Also supposed to find out at the hearing if he bothered yet to verify his income....I'm working towards an increase. He wrote in a blog last year that he had been living in a 1.2 million dollar house. Well, during that time he wasn't (and hasn't been) paying child support. I showed the blog to the judge (i printed it) and the judge said, well, what we'll do is, if he doesnt verify his actual income, then we will go off this blog and max the support payments out at $6000 a month...not that I'd ever see it, but hey, it'll be court ordered and maybe, just maybe, he'll end up in jail some day.
i haven't checked what the current back support he owes is, but in May it was $135,000. Add 3 more months, plus the retroactive for 11 years on Keely...and well, it's a big amount.
I did actually get a support check in May---the first in 6 years, but what a coincidence that it appeared in mailbox 3 days before i went to court
so anyway...that's the latest in that battle. I'll definately update on it next week after court. Part of me hopes he there so he has to face me, but part of me hopes he isnt there....#1 i dont want to look at him and #2 if he doesnt show up again, then that means a warrant could be issued.
It just seems likes its a never ending battle, it's gotten SO OLD, ya know. I just cant imagine going all these years with no regard for the kids.
anyway, hopefully something exciting will come out of court next week. i keep hoping against hope that i'll check the mail and there will be a check there...a girl can dream, hey?!?!