So I'm wondering if anyone remembers the freakout I had a couple of weeks ago about George missing his interview because I gave him bad directions.
The HR lady rescheduled him for last week, and after the morning introduction, the manager scheduled him for a follow-up interview.
He ended up getting the job!!!!
He goes in today for a drug test, an in-depth colorblindness test (it's for a printing company, so he has to be able to distinguish shades of colors), and something else.
If it goes well, he starts a week from Wed.
After 8 months of unemployment, this is like a dream for us. It's a great job with an awesome company, super family friendly. The guy that hired him used to work in the position that they hired George into, and thinks he has the potential to move up quickly in the company.
yay! congrats! that's great news. What is the job? and what a relief for you guys!
It's for a huge printing company (they print Newsweek, Time, and Playboy). He'll be working on a custom press, which prints custom inserts (basically the garbage you get in the mail that says "Congrats Alyssa, you've been selected to win $1000!")
It's an entry-level position, but it's a foot in the door of a REALLY good company, and there is potential for a great career for him.
The manager that hired him actually thought the story from what happened with his first interview was funny-apparently even life-long WI people hate driving through Waukesha.
do you mind telling me the printing company? Or pm-ing me? If it's the company I'm thinking of, you are right, it's a GREAT company. I visited their plant in Saratoga NY and knew a lot of people there when I was in NY. They all loved it.
I hope this thread doesn't move... Mostly from a selfish perspective, otherwise I wouldn't care. But I think most of the talk that goes on in the daily chat thread usually doesn't get to so personal that making it private it a necessity.
But either way, gm ladies.
I'm super naucious, which is the work thing to wake up to on Mondays, and will now have to suffer in silence irl or deal with 8 million people asking me if I've poas, lol.
Ditto. (GM!)
I hope you feel better, Leah, unless it's for a good reason.
So it's looking like Holly will be starting pre-K by the end of the month. She's excited, but I'm not sure *I'm* ready, as much sense as that makes. We toured the place today (tested their open door policy and they were great about it).
I'm taking Meghan out for pizza before swimming lessons
I somehow have to pick up Meghan from camp tomorrow at 12:30, get her changed there and get her over to swimming lessons by 1. I think we'll make it on time but I hate having to rush.
So it's looking like Holly will be starting pre-K by the end of the month. She's excited, but I'm not sure *I'm* ready, as much sense as that makes. We toured the place today (tested their open door policy and they were great about it).
THis makes my heart super happy! (not that you're feeling sad, but ykwim) - If it is any consolation, I was the same way about Hannah going to pre-k last year, and then that time became sacred to my sanity.
bert is going to every appt with me - without me asking! i think he only ever did that with timmy.
That's super exciting!
Do they perform an U/S at most visits there? Are you going to try and find out what you are having (sorry if you talked about it and I missed it-I'm out of the loop these days).
yeah - us most all visits - till the very end when i end up going in once every few weeks/once a week - then they mostly monitor contxnx.