I have a love/hate relationship with the 4 yo age so far...
When Hannah's in a good mood, it's AMAZING. She makes me laugh, she's so happy-go-lucky, she's a total ham, we just have a blast.
When she's in a bad mood, I want to crawl in a hole and hide.
She's turning into quite a control freak, and every little things seems to be an opportunity for her to try and see if she can take over. Some things I don't mind at all (picking breakfast, choosing from options at dinner, putting a bow that totally doesn't match her outfit in her hair) and other times (like a few days ago, refusing to even talk to her coach at soccer practice, much less go out on the field and play, because some kid 20 yards away was wearing a shirt she didn't like and that "totally freaks me out." - I shiz you not, that seriously happened) I want to scream. But we've been cracking down because she knows a majority of the time her will is stronger than mine... but I'm determined to fake it until I make it, lol.
It's probably a 75% good behavior to 25% stubborn drama, but that's a lot better than the 3s were. But now when she's drama, it's much more - uhm.... yeah, she really milks it.
So far, so good with 4 here. But Anna is SUCH an easy child that no stage has been that hard. I have been very forunate with her.
She is bossy as all hella with her sister, but I only step in when it gets really out of control or mean. And it works because Kate is starting to just stand up for herself, and I'll hear Anna say, "Oh, alright, Kate. Here you go." And she likes to boss us as much as possible when we are playing with her, but we think it is funny (and it is just pretend play-just so long as she knows other people get to have a turn as boss too). She tries to tell us what we are going to let her do or have, but we basically just tell her she is funny, and she laughs too. Unlike Kate, she won't push if we say she didn't eat enough dinner for a snack or that she can't have anymore juice today. So easy. I hope it stays that way.
Our biggest problems are pretty much her getting along with Kate. Or not listening to daddy. Anna knows I mean business, and she knows I mean whatever i threaten, so she listens to me for the most part. But Bill is a big softie and they know it. (Kate doesn't listen to me or anyone, however. It is a definitely personality thing with Anna. Kate knows I mean what I say too, but she still thinks that she *might* get me to change my mind, lmao. Anna is such a people pleaser. Works well for me as a mom, worries the hell out of me for her middle and high school socialization)
Honestly, I think she is a riot. Her expressions, her logic, the things she says, they all crack me up. And she can just be so sweet! (she can be an absolute terror to her sister though) And she is becoming so much more independent. She dresses herself now (albeit not always in a fabulous outfit, lol), she clears her dishes from the table, she will help you do anything you ask of her, she loves to talk about a million different preschool topics, it is just fun. I feel like the things I have been saying for the past 4 years are finally sinking in some and she isn't needing constant reminders about things.
Now watch her wake up tomorrow and be a totally different kid, causing all sorts of behavior problems!!
And rest assured, this only applies to ANNA. My dad used to say this about my brother and I, and it always irked me, but it applies to my girls too (though I won't tell them). He used to say my brother was like the Merry Go Round-it was fun, the ups and downs were slight, it was stable and you always knew was to expect. And he said I was like the biggest roller coaster; all over the place! The ups and downs were dramatic and big (though they could be spectacular), and you always felt a little thrown off balance by it. Anna is definitely my merry go round, and Kate is definitely the big roller coaster.
I don't know what the deal is but lately Gavin has been HORRIBLE. I think part of it is that he is not napping and is in that in between stage where he *is* tired but not at the right time to nap.
I don't know. He is a little wild man lately and he was never like that before. It is so difficult sometimes.
ditto on ALL accounts
cole has turned into such a little back talking monster
he's hit jack and eric at least twice a week since he turned 4 and has become CRAZY possessive of things he is playing with
but then he wants everything anyone else is playing with, as well
I have a love/hate relationship with the 4 yo age so far...
When Hannah's in a good mood, it's AMAZING. She makes me laugh, she's so happy-go-lucky, she's a total ham, we just have a blast.
When she's in a bad mood, I want to crawl in a hole and hide.
She's turning into quite a control freak, and every little things seems to be an opportunity for her to try and see if she can take over. Some things I don't mind at all (picking breakfast, choosing from options at dinner, putting a bow that totally doesn't match her outfit in her hair) and other times (like a few days ago, refusing to even talk to her coach at soccer practice, much less go out on the field and play, because some kid 20 yards away was wearing a shirt she didn't like and that "totally freaks me out." - I shiz you not, that seriously happened) I want to scream. But we've been cracking down because she knows a majority of the time her will is stronger than mine... but I'm determined to fake it until I make it, lol.
It's probably a 75% good behavior to 25% stubborn drama, but that's a lot better than the 3s were. But now when she's drama, it's much more - uhm.... yeah, she really milks it.
The red is how I feel too. When M2's being good, it is totally awesome. He'll do things without me asking. "mom I'm going to go clean me room, it's kind of messy." I could handle everyday if he was like this.
then the bad days are completely AWFUL!! Everything is the complete opposite of what I ask. He won't get dressed, won't brush his teeth, tells me I'm getting a timeout, the list goes on and on and on.....
Unlike your split. Right now the bad behavior is about 70% and the good about 30% I really wish it would be good 100% lol!
To all of you who say that so far 4 isn't bad, I'm so envious of you!!! I hope that we can get to that point here. Actually for about 2 1/2 days last week, M2 was a complete angel. He listened to everything, was super cooperative and wasn't whiney.
Then he turned back into his little monsterous self! lol!
I'm hoping this is just a phase and will end VERY quickly!
To everyone else that's in the same boat i'm in. I'm sorry that you're going through this, but glad to know I'm not alone!
Since I decided I was going to be more patient she has been better about doing what I ask. Things are definitely going smoother here and I hope it stays that way.
To all of you who say that so far 4 isn't bad, I'm so envious of you!!! I hope that we can get to that point here. Actually for about 2 1/2 days last week, M2 was a complete angel. He listened to everything, was super cooperative and wasn't whiney.
Then he turned back into his little monsterous self! lol!
I'm hoping this is just a phase and will end VERY quickly!
To everyone else that's in the same boat i'm in. I'm sorry that you're going through this, but glad to know I'm not alone!
Chrissie, Lauren is in a phase like M2. She is just completely frustrating most of the time lately. She rarely will do what I ask unless there is something in it for her like a trip out of the house or a piece of candy. I feel like I raise my voice all the time and I end up feeling like a terrible parent. I try so hard to start each morning with a new outlook and tell myself over and over again not to let her attitude affect me but by noon I am so frustrated. It doesn't help that she won't play on her own anymore. She has to be where ever I am at all times.
Since I decided I was going to be more patient she has been better about doing what I ask. Things are definitely going smoother here and I hope it stays that way.
Yay! I'm glad.
I can't wait until i can say the same about M2.
Yesterday was awful. But he went to my mom's friday night and saturday. Everytime he comes back from there he turns into a bigger monster. I know they let him stay up late and he still gets up early, so a lack of sleep plays a role in it I'm sure!